Saturday 23rd of November 2024
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Clocks and Clock Towers of the Holy Shrine of Imam Raza A.S

The Western Ivan (balcony) of the Inqilab Courtyard is famous as Ivan-i Sa'at (the Clock Tower) and is adjoined to the Bast Shaykh Toosi. The clock atop was installed during the reign of Muzaffaruddin Shah Qajar in 1900 A.D. In the past times, when the holy city of Mashhad was a small city, the tolling of the mentioned clocks were heard by everybody. and were also known as public clocks in the holy city of Mashhad.It is mentioned that the holy shrine possessed clocks even during the Safavid period.At present there are two clocks in the Central Museum of the holy shrine,which dates back to the Safavid period. In 1966 A.D., however, the old mechanism of the clock atop the Western Ivan was replaced by a new electronic one. The old clock is now placed on the clock tower situated between the Azadi and Imam Khomeini (R.A.) Courtyards.
A Large Stone Sun-Dial
After the construction of the Islamic Republic Courtyard (Sahn Jumhuri Islami) a large stone sun-dial was installed in its center to indicate the noon prayer time.

source : http://www.imamreza.net
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