Sunday 26th of January 2025
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Meeting of Ibn Ziyad (God curse him)

Meeting of Ibn Ziyad (God curse him)

Book:  A review on the story of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) martyrdom

Writer:  Ayatullah Professor Hussein Ansarian


Sheik Mofid,[1] Syed Ibn Tavoos[2] and Allame Majlesy[3] have narrated about this meeting thus:

Ibn Ziyad celebrated a celebration after the arrival of Ahle Bait (God bless them) in the Daro Alemareh of Kufa because of their victory. He allowed people to enter in this celebration freely and commanded to bring the cut off head of Imam Hussein (God bless him). They brought the head and put front of him and ordered to enter women and children of Ahle Bait (God bless them) in that celebration.

Sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) entered while she was put on her oldest dress and she disguised herself among the other women, she sat in a place and bondwomen surrounded her. Ibn Ziyad said “who is that disguised woman who has sat in a corner and other women are along with her?” No one answered him; he repeated his question for three times. One of the bondwoman said on the third time “She is Zaynab (God bless her), the daughter of Fatimah (God bless her), daughter of Ali (God bless him).

 The Shameless Ibn Ziyad said “Praise be to Allah who disgraced you, and revealed your sayings as false.” Sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) answered “depraved people scandalized and sinner lies and we aren’t among them. Ibn Ziyad said “How did you find the way Allah treated your brother and your family?” Sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) answered “I saw nothing but beauty. Be worried about the winner at that day (either it will be you or them). O son of Marjanah! May your mother be mournful for you.”

These few statements made Ibn Ziyad so angry that he decided to kill sainthood Zainab (God bless her). Omar-Ibn-Harys Makhzumy said “O Ibn Ziyad! She is a mournful woman and don’t reprimand a woman because of her speech.”[4] Then Ibn Ziyad looked at the Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) cut off head while he had a smile on his lip and began to poke its teeth and lips with a stick.

Zayd-Ibn-Argham who was one of the companions of Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) protested “Take away your stick! By God, I saw the Apostle of God often kiss these lips.” He stood up and wanted to leave the meeting while he was crying that Ibn Ziyad said “Had it not been that you are an old and senile man, I would have cut off your head.” Zayd-Ibn-Argham said “O Ibn Ziyad! I saw the Apostle of God seating Hassan (God bless him) on his left leg and Hussein (God bless him) on his right, and say, “O God, I commend them and the most righteous of the people of faith to your trust.” How have you dealt with the trust of the Prophet, O Ibn Ziyad?[5]

Then Ibn Ziyad turned to Imam Sajjad (God bless him) and asked “who is this young man?” they answered “Ali-ibn-Hussein (God bless him). Ibn Ziyad retortedWas not Ali Ibn Al‑Husain slain by Allah?”  Ali-ibn-Hussein (God bless him) answered “Allah takes away the souls at death;” Ibn Ziyad said “how have you the boldness and audacity to answering me.” He ordered to bring him out and cut off his head. When sainthood Zaynab (God bless her) heard this statement, she said “O Ibn Ziyad! The blood which you have poured from us are enough for you, there is no one left for us.” Then she embraced Imam Sajjad (God bless him) and said “by God! I will not leave him! If you want to kill him, Then kill me with him if you so wish.” Ibn Ziyad said “that’s wonderful kindness!” then he retracted.[6]

[1] Alershad, Volume N.2, Page N.117

[2] Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.189

[3]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.58-179, Chapter 39

[4]Maghtalo Alhussein (God bless him), Abu Mokhnaf, Page N.166-167; Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.115; Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.200-202; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.947-949


[5]Elamo-al-Vara, Altabarsy, Volume N.1, Page N.471;  Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.114-115; Ansabo Alashraf, Alblazary, Volume N.3, Page N.412-413; Tarikh-e-Altabary, Volume N.4, Page N.349;  Alkaamel fe Altarikh, Ibn Alacer, Volume N.4, Page N.81

[6]Alershaad, Almofid, Volume N.2, Page N.116-117; Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.202; Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.949-995; Tarikh-e-Altabary, Volume N.4, Page N.350   

source : Book: A review on the story of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) martyrdom Writer: Ayatullah Professor Hussein Ansarian
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