Friday 27th of September 2024
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The Holy Prophet of Islam (S.A.W.)

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.A) was the son of Abdullah and Amina. His father, Abdullah, passed away a few days before his birth. He was born in the city of Mecca in Arabia. His forefathers were the chiefs of the tribe of Quraysh.
It was customary among the noble families of Quraysh that they entrusted their new-born to country-women so that they might be brought up in the open and healthy environments. According to this custom, therefore, the mother of the Holy Prophet gave him into the care of Halima Sa'dia, a lady belonging to the tribe of Banu Sa'd.
The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.A) spent the first five years of his life with Halima and then she returned him to his mother, Amina. His mother brought him up with great love and devotion. When he was about six years old, she took him to Madina for a few days. On her return journey, however, she breathed her last on the way. After this his grandfather Abd al-Muttalib took him into his care.
Abd al-Muttalib loved his orphaned grandchild very much and was very kind to him. However, he too, expired after two years.
Now the Holy Prophet began to live with his uncle Abu Talib. Fatima, daughter of Asad, who was the wife of Abu Talib loved Muhammad (S.A.W.A) as if he were her own son. Abu Talib, too, was very good to him. When he undertook a journey for the purpose of trade, he took his young nephew along with him.
As Muhammad (S.A.W.A) acquired, under the guidance of his uncle, fair knowledge and experience of business, and was well spoken of by persons who happened to come in touch with him, some traders engaged him as their representative to conduct important business affairs on their behalf. Muhammad (S.A.W.A) so successfully executed these trusts that people were perfectly satisfied with his honesty. The people, therefore, respected him very much and used to call him Sadiq (the truthful) and Amin (the trustworthy).
From his early childhood he never took part in idolatrous rituals and never told a lie. He had excellent habits and an unimpeachable character.
Honesty and truthfulness command respect and honor.

It had rained heavily and continuously for a long period, and the water poured down towards the Holy Ka'bah in Masjid-ul-Haram, the big mosque in Mecca, The Ka'bah was in the lower section of Mecca. It had become old and collapsed.
So the rebuilding was started. The work progressed well enough until al-Hajar-ul-Aswad, the Black Stone, was to be put back in its place.
Each quarter of the Ka'bah was being built by one leading family of Quraish - the big and prominent tribe of Mecca. Each family of Quraish felt the honor of placing the Black Stone belonging to it.
The disagreement became deeper, and led to a lot of argument, shouting and abuse. The members of each big family were thinking that a war was going to break out; none of them was willing to change his position. They regarded it as a great insult if they didn't have that special honor of putting the Black Stone back in its place.
One member stood up and said, "I have a suggestion, let us wait till tomorrow and see who enters the Masjid-ul-Haram first in the morning; then let him decide". All agreed, since that sounded like a good suggestion.
They anxiously waited next morning to see who the first to come and enter Ka'bah was. Suddenly they heard footsteps heading towards them. It was Muhammad (S.A.W.A), the son of Abdullah. Everyone, of course, knew, loved, admired and respected Muhammad (S.A.W.A). So with a loud voice, everyone said, "Here comes Al-Amin" and the voice echoed through the place over and over again.
He was surprised to hear of that title with which they called him. He was told about what the people of Quraish were fighting for. It was all silent for a while. Everyone thought his family was going to be favored. Their hearts were beating hard and they were getting anxious and impatient.
Muhammad (S.A.W.A) put his robe on the floor, took the sacred Black Stone and put it in the centre of the robe and said. "The chief of each family will take one corner of the robe and lift it together". With that, each understood a marvelous example of justice in sharing the honor. It showed how Muhammad's intelligence far exceeded those around him. It also showed his great capacity to solve difficult problems with such ease.
When the robe with the Black Stone was lifted to a reasonable height. Muhammad (S.A.W.A) took the Black Stone and put it in its proper place by his own hands. None felt insulted and each had his share of the privilege and honor.
This is how Muhammad (S.A.W.A) the Prophet of Islam succeeded in uniting the ever-fighting and ignorant Arabs with his honesty, justice and noble character.

The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.A) spent the major portion of his life in his native town, Mecca. He always treated the people kindly and affectionately and never harmed anyone.
When he was about forty years old, he proclaimed himself, under Allah's command, to be the Prophet and Messenger of Allah. He advised the people to refrain from idol-worship and other evil deeds, and to worship only Allah, the Creator and Lord of the heavens and the earth. He also warned them of the Day of Judgement, when every one will have to account for his good and bad deeds in this world, and will be recompensed for them.
In those days, Arab tribes quarrelled with one another over very ordinary matters and waged wars for long, long years. The Holy Prophet advised them to avoid disputes and feuds and to live like brothers.
The Holy Prophet of Islam also explained to the people that Almighty Allah does not give any importance to caste, color or wealth of human beings. On the other hand, He likes those who have sincere faith in Him and who possess knowledge and piety.
He also said that Allah grants a higher rank to those who endeavor to follow the right path and serve humanity to the best of their ability.
The religion revealed through the Holy Prophet is called 'ISLAM'. The word 'Islam' means submission to the Will of Allah. His first wife lady Khadija and his first successor, Imam Ali (A.S) were the first and foremost to believe in his Prophethood and to accept Islam,
The teachings of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.A) are the fountain-head for human welfare.

The behavior and personality of Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.A) are the best examples to follow in life. A companion of his, who spent full ten years with him, has said:
"Throughout my stay with him I never heard an indecent word from his lips and never found him rude to anyone. He spoke very politely. He was kind to everyone".
Although Muhammad (S.A.W.A) was the Prophet of Allah and had been appointed by Allah to guide the people, yet he was not ashamed of doing his work with his own hands. He assisted the members of his family in household work and performed the jobs of other deserving persons with great pleasure. He mended his clothes and shoes. He also took part in the construction of Masjid al-Nabi in Madina along with his companions.
His dress was always clean, though simple. He was very mindful of cleanliness. He washed his hands and mouth before and after taking his meals.
He was so kind and generous that he never refused a reasonable request of any person. He often distributed edibles among others and went without meals himself. He always helped the needy and the poor and went to the houses of the sick to enquire after their health. As and when he met anyone he said "Salamun-Alaikum". He always spoke with a smiling face.
The Holy Prophet was a model of all the virtues and qualities of a believer described in the Holy Qur'an. None can describe him better than Allah who has said, he possessed the noblest character.
The personality of our Prophet is an excellent model to follow.


source : www.alimamali.com
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