Friday 20th of September 2024
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Islam's Options for Health of Youths

Islam's Options for Health of Youths
The period of one's youth is the most valuable years of human life. Youths are the huge assets of every country and the country's growth depends on its young generation. Circulation of the huge wheels of industries, extraction of natural reserves from the depth of mines, development, defense of borders and preservation of the country's independence and security as well as various scientific and art inventions are carried out by the capable hands of youths.
But the youths have certain needs and problems the proper recognition of which plays a very effective role in the growth of youths. Islam considers the period of youth as a very sensitive and crucial era which determines the building of one's personality. Imam Ali (AS) the first Infallible Successor to Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) says: Take advantage of your youth before you become old and of your health before you fall sick. It means that the youth should turn to an aware guide and distance themselves from errors. Islam considers the holy Qur'an, Hadith of the holy Prophet and his household as the best guides for human beings. In ayah 54 of Surah Roum, God says:
"It is Allah who created you from [a state of] weakness, then He gave you power after weakness. Then, after power, He ordained weakness and old age."
Youths have pure nature and they accept and fulfill purities. Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) says: I advise you to be good with youths since they have kind and virtuous heart. Thus, one of the important proposals of Islam to youths is acquisition of knowledge. The very first ayah revealed to Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) commanded him to read: In Surah Alaq, ayahs 1 to 5 God says:
"Read in the Name of your Lord who created;"
"created man from a clinging mass."
"Read, and your Lord is the most generous,"
"who taught by the pen,"
"taught man what he did not know."
Thus, in view of the commandment of God, the Prophet and the Infallible Imams (AS) have attached a special significance to knowledge. The main period for acquiring knowledge are the teen years, when the mind is fresh. The other option of Islam for health and progress of youths is emphasis on working. Youths should work and develop their talents. The holy Qur'an stresses proper use of talents and specialties. In part of Surah Muzzammel, ayah 20, God has valued working for earning sustenance and says:
"While others will travel in the land seeking Allah's grace, and yet others will fight in the way of Allah."
Imam Ali (AS) advises the youths to work and says: do not forget your health, youth, freshness and your needlessness and take advantage of them in this world and use them for the interest of your hereafter.
Youths can double or multiply their efforts in any field to achieve welfare in this world and tranquility of the hereafter. Imam Mohammad Baqer (AS) the 5th Infallible Successor of Prophet Mohammad (SAWA) says: O my Lord, grant me such welfare in life which enables me for your obedience and servitude. Certainly working for earning sustenance should be legal.
Among the other options of Islam for improving the personal and social situation and health of youths is distance from lust and carnal desires. One of the most important instincts of human is his lust which reaches its peak in youth and it is the biggest obstacle in the growth of youths. Islam has proposed marriage for distance of youths from lust and carnal desires. Marriage is the most desirable habit through which God completes the faith of a person, since it is part of human nature. The holy Qur'an recommends marriage. As God says in Surah Nour, ayah 32:
"Marry off those who are single among you and the upright among your male slaves and your female slaves. If they are poor, Allah will enrich them out of His grace, and Allah is all-bounteous, all-knowing."
God has explicitly guaranteed the financial issue of families and youths should not refrain from marriage for poverty. Imam Jafar Sadeq (AS) says: sustenance comes with spouse and child. It is evident that youths are in need of intellectual and psychological tranquility for their progress and growth and this tranquility can be provided in the light of marriage. Moreover, marriage is the first phase for developing human and social personality and it is followed by benefits like strengthening of faith, enjoyment of youth freshness, being immune from corruption and psychological problems.
The Leader of the Islamic Revolution, Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, with inspiration from Islamic teachings says three things are essential for youths, knowledge acquisition, self purification and sport. This means that human rescues from the turbulent sea waves and reach the shores of prosperity.
In continuation of his guidelines to youths, the Leader underlines communication with God, deepening insight and religious beliefs, good behavior, respect and obedience of parents, scientific attempt, as well as strengthening spirituality and says: the period youth which is one of the golden periods of human life, in addition to shaping the proper human identity is a reserve for life and a lasting supply for the era after death and the real life.
Thus youths can by using options such as acquisition of knowledge, work, efforts, sport, self purification and marriage remain immune from the social harms of the present era and go through prosperity and salvation.

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