Friday 27th of September 2024
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Intrigue of Takfir

Intrigue of Takfir


Molabakhsh Mobaraki (director of Darul Uloom seminary, Ahoran Chanf)



Intrigue of Takfir (excommunication) is one of the painful ordeals of the world.

It is over many years that some people kill the Muslim in the name of Islam and engender fear and horror of Islam in the heart of non-Muslims. The phenomenon of Takfir should be studied in some stages:

1- Takfir since establishment of Tasbit

2- Current Takfiri movements

3- The criterion for Islam and Kufr ( disbelief) in the Quran

4- Causes of Kufr in the Quran

5- Prohibition on takfir (excommunication) of the the believers of Mohammed`s Kiblah in Islamic scholars view

At the end, sama e mouta (ability of dead people to hear and understand) is addressed, too.

Key words: intrigue of Takfir, Islam and Kufr, Islamic Scholars, sama e mouta


source : www.makhateraltakfir.com
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