Saturday 28th of September 2024
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The Ahlul Sunnah Fatwa declaring that you cannot send your children to a Wahabi Madrassa

The Ahlul Sunnah Fatwa declaring that you cannot send your children to a Wahabi Madrassa

Ellahi then quotes further Fatwas in Al Barelviyaath, on page 198

To get kids to learn from a Wahabi teacher is a sin and anyone who does so is an enemy"

"al Barelviyaath" by Ehsan Ellahi page 198

On the same page he quotes that it is a sin to give Zakat to a Wahabi".

"al Barelviyaath" by Ehsan Ellahi page 198

Quoting the text "Al Wahabeen Haraam" Ellahi copies the following Fatwa:

It is haraam to read the works of Wahabis especially Ibn Taymeeya and Ibn Kaleem these two are the most impure and misguided of the Wahabis"

"al Barelviyaath" by Ehsan Ellahi page 200


source : www.rafed.net
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