Sunday 29th of September 2024
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Ashura Mourning Procession in Toronto, Canada

In Toronto, Canada on the day of Ashura the 10th Moharram 1434 Hundreds of Shia Muslim participated in the Procession in a unexpected chilled and windy weather.
Ashura Mourning Procession in Toronto, Canada
In Toronto, Canada on the day of Ashura the 10th Moharram 1434 Hundreds of Shia Muslim participated in the Procession in a unexpected chilled and windy weather.

(Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - In Toronto, Canada on the day of Ashura the 10th Moharram 1434 Hundreds of Shia Muslim participated in the Procession in a unexpected chilled and windy weather. Procession starts sharp at 10:30 in the morning from the Millikan park and end at noon prayer at Hussainiya, before procession the Ashura supplication and mourning were performed in the park.At Millikan Park,Ashura supplication started at 0900 (lead by Dr.Aamir)Elegy reciter by Mohtaram Syed ZulfiqarEnglish speech given by Molana Aqeel karimUrdu Speech given by Molana Rizwan RizviEnding speech by Molana Raiees jarchaviSupplication recited by Molana S.Farhat Hussain Mosav

source : abna24
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