Saturday 28th of September 2024
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Why Do We Fear Death?

The fear of death, for most of the people, is not a matter which requires any evidence because it is totally obvious and we also see that a lot of people manifest extra-ordinary sensitivity with respect to the term 'death' and its reality. Thus the actual matter is self-evident. That which requires proof and an answer is the reason for this fear and alarm as to why we fear death? Reasons for the Fear of Death
Why Do We Fear Death?

The fear of death, for most of the people, is not a matter which requires any evidence because it is totally obvious and we also see that a lot of people manifest extra-ordinary sensitivity with respect to the term 'death' and its reality. Thus the actual matter is self-evident. That which requires proof and an answer is the reason for this fear and alarm as to why we fear death?

Reasons for the Fear of Death
In answer to this question, it is possible to mention some reasons, which have also appeared in our traditions, and which are as follows:
1. Not having a correct insight
A lot of people considered death to be an eternal destruction of themselves. the love for permanence and eternity is one of the natural instincts of people and each one in his own way, tries to protect himself from calamities and diseases and ensure his own permanence, and death, in his view, is greater and more pain-inflicting than any disease or calamity, because it is the start of his everlasting extinction.
Nevertheless, if the alarm and fear of death is as a result of non-recognition of the reality of death, then for the removal of this fear, it is vital that its reality, which is found in the Islamic insight, be understood and with regard to it, a strong conviction be developed. If a person bases his views regarding death on correct foundations, many of his fears regarding death will cease to exist.

2. A new and an unfamiliar path
In a tradition from Imam Ali ibn Muhammad (A.S), it is narrated that he (A.S) approached one of his companions who was sick and in a state of crying and grieving and complaining due to fear of death. The Imam (A.S) then addressed him saying: O servant of Allah h, you fear death because you do not comprehend it. Then the Imam (A.S) presented an example and said: if you had become dirty, and due to the excess of dirt and dirtiness you were in suffering and inconvenience, and you knew that the cure for all this lay in your taking a shower, would you wish to go to a bath and clean yourself or would you wish to remain in the same state of dirtiness and as a result continue to undergo the suffering. The sick man said, Yes, I would wish to take the shower. Then the Imam (A.S) replied: death (for you) is the very same shower... [Ma'anil Akhbar, Pg. 290]
The point to be considered in the above tradition is that, the sick person was one of the companions of the Imam (A.S) and was aware of the Islamic insight regarding death, but in spite of this, was intensely fearful of death And so, the Imam (A.S) by presenting an example explained to him the states and circumstances after death and thus calmed him.

3. Lack of preparation
Some of the people have comprehended the reality of death and are also aware of the Islamic insight regarding death On the other hand, they have also obtained some information regarding the stations and the journey after death, however, in spite of all this, and they still fear death. because they have not made available for themselves, while, on the contrary they have been paying more-than-necessary importance to their present lives; like a person who knows that he would have to spend the rest of his life in another country, but has not collected any money for his journey Instead, all that he has gathered is in the form of house, shop, land or other things. It was because of this that Imam Husain (A.S) said:
You have ruined and destroyed your hereafter and instead have made habitable the present life so you do not like the transfer from a habituated and comfortable place to a ruined and destroyed one [Ma'anil Akhbar, Pg. 289]
Nevertheless, death or transfer into another world is a universal law, acceptance of which or fear of which shall create no change in the law itself, and finally sooner or later, everyone shall taste the nectar or the poison of death That, which is more important than death, is the preparation for it, and Insha’Allah, Allah (S.W.T) shall bestow such a success upon us.

source : sibtayn
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