Friday 27th of September 2024
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Our Belief in the Imams

Our Belief in the Imams

Adopted from the book : "The Faith of Shi'a Islam" by : Allamah Muhammad Ridha al-Muzaffar"

We do not exaggerate about the Imams as some sects have done;

A monstrous word it is, issuing from mouths. (18:5)

but we believe that they are human beings like ourselves, i.e that if they do good they are rewarded and if they commit sin they are punished. Indeed, they are honoured servants and Allah has given them great dignity and authority, for they have the highest perfections, namely knowledge, goodness, bravery, generosity, chastity and every virtue and worthy quality. Nobody can equal them as far as morality is concerned. Thus, they deserve to be Imams; guides and authorities after the Prophet in those matters in which people require help: religious commandments (ahkam), judgement (hukum), legislation (tashri'), and the commentary (tafsir) and interpretation (ta'wil) of the Qur'an.

Imam Ja'far Sadiq said:

Whatsoever is reported about us, if it is possible for one of mankind and you do no understand or comprehend it, do not deny it, but you can attribute it to us. However, if it is possible for anyone of mankind, then deny it, and do not attribute it to us.

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