Saturday 28th of September 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

What is a Mosque/Masjid?

What is a Mosque/Masjid?

A mosque is a place of worship for Muslims.. Masjid is the Arabic term for a mosque. This term is used widely throughout the Islamic world, and the word masjid is widely preferred by many Muslims. The word masjid is from the Arabic root sajad which means to prostrate (Islamic prayers require prostration.)

Senior Shiite cleric warns Manama regime against targeting Sheikh Qassim

Senior Shiite cleric warns Manama regime against targeting Sheikh Qassim
Grand Ayatollah Sheikh Basheer Hussain Najafi, who is a Marja’ (source of emulation), condemned the Manama regime for targeting Sheikh Qassim, whose trial session is planned to be held later this week. Sheikh Basheer Najafi urged the Al Khalifa regime to reverse its “provoking decisions” about Sheikh Qassim because the cleric’s presence in Bahrain contributes to security in the Persian Gulf region. “The Bahraini ...

Muslims impact the homeless in Detroit, Michigan

Muslims impact the homeless in Detroit, Michigan
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - DETROIT — "This is godsend," said Francois, a homeless Detroit native who was waiting in line for a warm plate of food on a Sunday afternoon. "Without these people coming out here, we would probably starve. I really appreciate what these guys are doing for us."For several months, Francois and dozens of other homeless people being sheltered at the Neighborhood Service Organization (NSO) at 3430 Third Street have ...

Message Of Hejab

Message Of Hejab
  In the depth of your thoughts, wishes and tastes, and even your decisions, These chains, which have pierced from your skin into your flesh, Have gone deep into your brain and soul and bruised your Self, Behold! Hearken to their sound! In the continuous whispers from morn till dark, around the house, (busy) with cooking pots, sweeping the floor, Amidst the factory wheels turning by your laborious hands, In the fields developed by your hands ...

Temporary Marriage

Temporary Marriage
The Twenty-Second Spurious Argument:TEMPORARY MARRIAGESome people spuriously criticize the Shias for permitting temporary marriage while they think that it is a ruling that has been repealed.THE ANSWERThe Holy Qur'an has permitted temporary marriage. Allah says,... then as to such wives as you enjoy thereby, give them their dowries as approportionate. (4:24)No Qur'anic verse has repealed this form of marriage. Apart from this, it has not been ...

Athens only EU capital without Mosque: First mosque to be built after 180 years

Athens only EU capital without Mosque: First mosque to be built after 180 years
The first official mosque is to be erected in the Greek capital, Athens, ending an almost two-century ban on building a Muslim worship place by the government.This month, the government passed a bill to accelerate 10-year-old plans to build a mosque in the Athens neighborhood of Votanikos.No new mosque has been built in Athens since the Ottoman Empire’s rule ended over Greece in 1829.Islam was the official religion of the old Ottoman ...

The Hajj-e-Tamattu

The Hajj-e-Tamattu
The Hajj-e-tamattu Consists of Thirteen Practices01. Ihraam02. Wukuuf-e-Arafaat or staying in Arafaat.03. Wukuuf-e-Mash'ar (or Muzdalifa) or staying in Mash'ar (or Muzdalifa). 04. Ramy Jamrah Al-AqabahStoning of Jamrah Al-Aqabah in Mina.05. QurbaniThe slaughter of the sacrifice in Mina.06. Taqseer or HalaqThe shaving or trimming of the head’s hair in Mina.07. Tawaaf of Hajj/Tawaaf Al-Zeyaarah08. Salaat Al-TawaafTawaaf prayer of two ...

Health benefits of movement, washing and drinking water

Health benefits of movement, washing and drinking water
One of the forms of behavior noted in the Qur'an is concealed in a revelation vouchsafed to the Prophet Ayyub (A.S):Remember our servant Ayyub when he called on his Lord: "Satan has afflicted me with exhaustion and suffering." "Stamp your foot! Here is a cool bath and water to drink." (Qur'an, 38:41-42)One of the pieces of advice given to the Prophet Ayyub (A.S) by Allah in the face of the exhaustion and suffering inflicted by Satan is "stamping ...

Divine Virtues in the Family and Society

Divine Virtues in the Family and Society
But the raiment of the righteousness - That is the best. [Holy Quran: A'raf 7:26] True Concept of Piety The literal infinitive and root of the abstract Arabic noun TAQWA, which has the most beautiful and original meaning, is "WQY". WAQAYA means self-control, being fearful and protecting one's self from all divinely prohibited actions. Actually the word WAQAYA means the spirit, power and ability attained by the practice of giving up sinning, by ...

My Parents Let Me Choose, and I Chose Islam

My Parents Let Me Choose, and I Chose Islam
  My name is Leilah Ahmad. My parents have two kids; my brother and I. My mom is Australian, and my father is a Pakistani. So it's a bit of a mix there. I wasn't growing up in a religious background. My parents let me choose. So in a sense I had the chance to understand Islam truly for myself. I didn't have anyone push me to anything. So, when I realized that my father was going somewhere every Friday, I asked my mom "Where's my dad going?" ...

UN Urges Bahrain to Release 3 Female Government Critics

UN Urges Bahrain to Release 3 Female Government Critics
A group of United Nations independent human rights experts has urged the government of Bahrain to drop charges against three women human rights activists exercising their rights to free expression and free association. "Deprivation of liberty on the sole ground of having exercised the right to free expression may be considered arbitrary," the experts warned. Ms. Maryam Al-Khawaja, the co-director of the Gulf Centre for Human Rights, was ...

A Glance at Leaders’ Views on Miserliness

A Glance at Leaders’ Views on Miserliness
A Glance at Leaders’ Views on Miserliness Islam has stressed all aspects of human society. It recommends sacrifices and abundant giving so as to strengthen the ties of love and mercy between the rich and poor. Islam also greatly resents miserliness and immorality. Islam deepens the roots of love in the Islamic society by implementing human feelings and the sense of cooperation between Muslims. It prohibits the rich Muslims from being ...

Detained Bahraini Opposition Figures Call on Saudi Authorities to Release Sheikh Al-Nimr

Detained Bahraini Opposition Figures Call on Saudi Authorities to Release Sheikh Al-Nimr
Detained Bahraini opposition figures called on Wednesday (December 9, 2015) for the release of Sheikh Nimr Al-Nimr who was sentenced to death by a Saudi court because of his opposition to the Saudi regime. Detained Secretary-General of the Freedoms and Democracy Movement (Haq) Hassan Mushaima', Al-Wefaq Secretary-General Sheikh Ali Salman, Sheikh Mohammad Habib Al-Miqdad, Sheikh Abduljalil Al-Miqdad, Sheikh Abdulhadi Al-Mokhawdar, Abdulhadi ...

The Role of Religion in Fighting Oppression and the Oppressors

The Role of Religion in Fighting Oppression and the Oppressors
The Role of Religion in Fighting Oppression and the Oppressors The Holy Qur`an announced the inevitable severe punishment of oppressors when Allah the Almighty said: “And (as for) these towns, We destroyed them when they acted unjustly and We have appointed a time for their destruct ion.” (18:59). The leaders of religion have all believed in the continuity of human society, therefore they made the establishment of justice their main goal in ...

The Neoplatonist Roots of Sufi Philosophy

The Neoplatonist Roots of Sufi Philosophy
Neoplatonism strongly influenced the development of Sufism. Neoplatonism, as developed by Plotinus conceives God to be the source and goal of everything. Islam qua institution is closed to all critical and philosophical thought, but Sufism enjoys a more liberal and critical approach. It is probable that the translations of Plotinus have provided the necessary philosophical ground for Sufism. An examination of both Sufism and Neoplatonism reveals ...

Man's Situation in the Intermediate Realm

Man's Situation in the Intermediate Realm
The present existence of an intermediate realm and of separate destinations there for the virtuous and the wicked is a well-founded religious belief. There can be no doubt that after death the spirits of men the only element within them that is truly essential are transferred to the vast expanse of the non-material world. Just as the spirit appears in man's body and material form after it has been fashioned to completion, the spirit retains its ...

Health and Wellness in Islam

Health and Wellness in Islam
Being active and to exercise is not only acceptable in Islam but also recommended. Part of the instructions given by the Prophet and the Imams (A.S) about upbringing of children is the issue of physical exercise. Swimming, for example, has been greatly encouraged in our religious literature.It is a way of life which encompasses all aspects of human life: spiritual as well as physical, personal as well as communal, physical health as well as ...

A Pious couple: put piety into effect

A Pious couple: put piety into effect
In the day of the doom , Man is judged by their actions rather than their declarations . there is no doubt in the importance and vitality of traits such as piety in the life of all believers but what that is of greatest importance is that of putting them into practice. How to be a pious couple and what are the symbols of a pious couple is elaborated on by professor Hossein Ansaryan in “ the structure of Islamic family” .The following text is ...

France expresses concern over extension of jail term for Bahraini opposition leader 'Sheikh Ali Salman'

France expresses concern over extension of jail term for Bahraini opposition leader 'Sheikh Ali Salman'
 The French Ministry of Foreign affairs website published a statement expressing France’s concern over the nine-year sentence handed down to opposition leader Sheikh Ali Salman.“France notes with concern the nine-year prison sentence handed down by an appeals court to Sheikh Ali Salman, Secretary-General of Al-Wefaq. It followed his trial closely.We reaffirm our attachment to the freedom of opinion and expression, as well as to ...

US Seeks to Blame Possible Collapse of Nuclear Talks on Iran

US Seeks to Blame Possible Collapse of Nuclear Talks on Iran
A top Iranian cleric warned on Friday that Washington has sought to blame Tehran for any possible failure of the diplomatic negotiations for clinching a final agreement over Iran's nuclear energy program. Addressing a large congregation of worshippers here in Tehran on Friday, Ayatollah Ahmad Khatami said the recent news about a shift in the positions of Americans during the Vienna nuclear talks backs up the notion that the US is not ...