Friday 27th of September 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Duties of a True Muslim

Duties of a True Muslim
Verily, the Almighty Allah has sent a Book for your guidance. It is a Book which clearly defines, describes and distinguishes between right and wrong, vice and virtue, and truth and falsehood. You should adopt the path of truth and virtue so that you may be guided, and should shun vice and wickedness so that you may achieve salvation.Find out your social, moral and religious obligations and perform your duties sincerely; sincere performance of ...

Bulgarian Muslims raise funds to rebuild old Church in Kozlets

Bulgarian Muslims raise funds to rebuild old Church in Kozlets
Muslim community in a small village in Bulgaria has raised funds and contributed their labor to restore a century-old Eastern Church. The Muslims managed to put together £800 for the restoration, to save the Church of the Archangel Michael for the village's Christian community who make up about one tenth of the 600 residents. Kozlets is located in the southern Bulgarian province of Haskovo, near the borders of Greece and Turkey. The ...

Motherhood, the Perfection of Feminine Virtues

Motherhood, the Perfection of Feminine Virtues
Motherhood, the Perfection of Feminine VirtuesIn the Name of God, the All-Merciful, the All-Compassionate. Salaam and heartiest congratulations to you all on the eve of the blessed birth anniversary of the Noblest ever lady the world has seen. As you know, the 20th of Jamadi al-Akher is that auspicious day when the Almighty's Last and Greatest Messenger to mankind, Prophet Mohammad (SAWA), was blessed with the Immaculate Daughter, Fatema Zahra ...

Ayatollah Saidi: Every moment of the stance of Imam Hussein (a.s) is a lesson

Ayatollah Saidi: Every moment of the stance of Imam Hussein (a.s) is a lesson
The Friday prayer leader of Qom city while talking about the stance of Imam Hussein (a.s) stated that while taking lessons from every moment of the incident of Karbala we should educate people about the objectives of the stance of Karbala.   (Ahlul Bayt News Agency) - The Friday prayer leader of Qom city, Ayatollah Syed Muhammad Saidi, while talking in Qom, stated that Iranian forces are engaged in the services of Islamic revolution and ...

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi: Takfiris atrocities impede Islam’s rapid growth

Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi: Takfiris atrocities impede Islam’s rapid growth
Ayatollah Makarem said: “Islam would have been promoted rapidly throughout the world, had Takfiri terrorists not damaged its face.”Grand Ayatollah Nasser Makarem Shirazi, a Shia source of emulation, addressed a group of seminary clerics in Qom, Iran on Monday, February 20.  During the meeting, the senior Shia scholar said, “Islam is a religion that values cultural promotions; this fact contradicts what our enemies claim ...

Top Turkish Scholar: May Allah Eradicate the 'House of Saud'

Top Turkish Scholar: May Allah Eradicate the 'House of Saud'
Speaking to thousands of people who gathered for Friday Prayer in Halkali Zeynebiye Mosque, the senior Turkish Shia leader, Selahattin Ozgunduz reviewed some important issues. Shia Muslim has never been bigoted and they don’t attack the ones who are prayingSometimes some intellectuals say: “In Iraq Sunni people destroy Shia mosques with suicide bombings and Shias do the same for Sunni mosques.” This is an imprudent remark. It ...

Free Zakzaky' rally continued in Kano, Nigeria

Free Zakzaky' rally continued in Kano, Nigeria
The unequivocal demands of participants in the rally were the release of the leader of the Islamic movement in Nigeria, His Eminence Shaikh Ibraheem Zakzaky (H). Participants also demand the release of all members of the movement WE DEMAND THE IMMEDIATE RELEASE OF OUR LEADER…..The unequivocal demands of participants in the rally on 1st January 2016 organized by members of the Islamic movement in Nigeria after the Friday prayers at Fagge ...

Children and Play

Children and Play
Children and Play     Most parents view playing as a waste of time. They would like a child to grow out of the love for playing and get into more serious things like studies, research, or even household chores. It seems more like a childish behavior that must be tolerated, and the sooner it is over the better. However they forget that play is an important part of growing up, and is vital for the physical and emotional development of the ...

Rwandan Pastor, Congregation Revert to Islam

Rwandan Pastor, Congregation Revert to Islam
n one of the largest reversion cases of Christians to Islam, a Rwandan pastor and his entire 480-member congregation have reverted to Islam, as the world fastest growing religion expands its presence in the African continent. According to several media reports, Salim Mikdad, a former pastor, reverted to Islam after being convinced into it by Muslim scholars. Later on, he managed to convince his entire 480-member congregation to take a similar ...

Cause and Effect of Creation

Cause and Effect of Creation
The Philosophical argument on the entity of God is that all things in this world are created for some cause and reason. Cause and effect are prerequisite or very important for the creation for example the son and daughter would not have been born without the father.  Now here the father will be called illat (cause) and son will be called Mahlool (effect). Our cause is our father and we are the effect of the cause, our father. In this way, our ...

Backbiting is prohibited in Islam

Backbiting is prohibited in Islam
Not only is backbiting is prohibited but to listen to gossips has also been condemned in Islam. It is necessary to avoid being in conformity with the backbiters or listening to them, for the listener of backbiting is regarded as partner in the sin. It can be achieved by denying backbiting verbally, changing the subject into another innocent one, leave the session of backbiting, or, in the least, deny backbiting in heart, so as to be saved from ...

HRW urges Pakistan to extend Afghan Refugee Status through 2017

HRW urges Pakistan to extend Afghan Refugee Status through 2017
Human Rights Watch (HRW) has called on Pakistan to respect the rights of Afghan refugees, demanding an extension to the displaced people’s legal residency status until at least the end of 2018. The New York-based rights organization said in a report released on Saturday that the uncertain residency status of Afghans living in Pakistan has led to police harassment, detention and extortion. The report was released a week after the ...

Bahraini neurosurgeon arrested on charge of taking part in Diraz protest

Bahraini neurosurgeon arrested on charge of taking part in Diraz protest
    (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Bahraini activists on social media outlets said that the security authorities arrested on Wednesday neurosurgeon Dr. Taha Al-Dirazi from the court after his 3-month jail term was upheld over the charge of taking part in Diraz protest. Activists stressed that Al-Dirazi was arrested after the sentence was issued and he was directly transferred to Jaw prison to serve his sentence.Al-Dirazi was referred ...

Pre-requisites for understanding the Qur’an

Pre-requisites for understanding the Qur’an
Pre-requisites for understanding the Qur’an   Question: What are the prerequisites for understanding the Qur`an?     Brief Answer   The Qur`an is the eternal miracle of the Prophet Muhammad (ص). It is a book that illuminates all things. Though it is composed of simple words and phrases, it is stated in a high literary style and conveys ideas that soar far beyond the comprehension of a normal human being. To perceive its ...

Canadian Montreal univ. to hosts 5th Anniv. of Bahrain uprising

Canadian Montreal univ. to hosts 5th Anniv. of Bahrain uprising
A number of Human Rights organizations announced that the Canadian University Of Montreal will host an art exhibition marking the fifth anniversary of the Bahraini uprising that erupted on February 14 to call for putting an end to the ruling Al Khalifa family's monopoly over power.The Justice Human Rights Organization (JHRO) and the Middle-East and North Africa Observatory for Strategic Studies of the University Of Montreal (MENA) in ...

Saudi Regime Continues its Human Rights Violations – Death Sentence for the other 'Nimr'

Saudi Regime Continues its Human Rights Violations – Death Sentence for the other 'Nimr'
Ahlul Bayt News Agency -ABNA- Ali ibn Muhammad al-Nimr', Born in 1994, has been sentenced to death by Saudi Arabia's Court of Appeal. Hailing from the majority Shiite district of 'al-awamiyah' - eastern province of Qatif - Ali al-Nimr was arrested 3 years ago under strict orders of Saudi security officials, in complete breach of the law since underage. It is important to note that the Saudi regime has systematically bypassed national and ...

Report: Grenades or Flowerpots? On Palestinian Who Plants Hope near Ramallah

Report: Grenades or Flowerpots? On Palestinian Who Plants Hope near Ramallah
- It’s springtime, this means that flowers are in bloom. Her wrinkled hands fill the canisters with soil as blossoms shyly pop their heads in brazen colors. The paradox is true to life, summarizing the Palestinian reality that says where there is death, there is also hope.Peaceful ResistanceIn a show of peaceful resistance, a Palestinian woman in the village of Bilin, near Ramallah, West Bank, has been planting flowers inside used tear-gas ...

Grand Ayatollah Makarem lauds good Quranic work in Iran

Grand Ayatollah Makarem lauds good Quranic work in Iran
Speaking in a meeting with activists in the field of Quran interpretation, the senior cleric said the great scope of Quranic activities in the country disproves the claims by the enemies of Ahl-ul-Bayt (AS) that Shia Muslims pay little attention to the Book of God.Referring to a sermon from Nahj-ol-Balagha that says "One who has the Quran has everything and one who does not have the Quran has nothing,” Ayatollah Makarem Shirazi said there ...

Reflection on Realities

Reflection on Realities
“O Ali! Allah has created me and you from His Light. He created Adam and put that light into Adam. This light reached Abdul-Muttalib and then it split; so I was in Abdullah and you were in Abu Taleb. Nubuwwah (Prophethood) does not befit anyone other than me, while Wilayah (vicegerency) does not befit anyone other than you. Whoever denies your vicegerency denies my prophethood, and whoever denies my prophethood Allah will throw him down on ...

Terrorism and Oppressions against Womenfolk On the Death of Kin and Kith

Terrorism and Oppressions against Womenfolk  On the Death of Kin and Kith
There is no scope (possibility, range) for terrorism in Islam. In the Koran on many occasions it has been rebated (deduced) that true religion can be represented through intelligence and adducing (citing) cogent (powerful) reasons or detailing out convincing reason. In fact, the Koran has directed mankind to listen to everybody, and accept only what is logically appealing, sound and good. But terrorism ushered (announced) in, was introduced by ...