Friday 27th of September 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Security in Life

Security in Life
Whatever good, (O man!) happens to thee, is from God; But whatever evil happens to thee, is from thy (own) soul. [Holy Quran: Nisaa 4:79] The Good and the Bad Man is a creature consisting of the intellect, the heart, the soul and the body. Good and bad aspects exist for each part of man's being; all the good ones originate in God and all the bad ones originate in man himself. Nothing but benefits, goodness, mercy and blessings come from the ...

Rights activists rally outside Saudi embassy in Washington, call to stop bombing Yemen

Rights activists rally outside Saudi embassy in Washington, call to stop bombing Yemen
A group of civil rights activists held a protest rally outside the Saudi Arabian embassy in Washington, D.C., to condemn the sale of US arms to the Saudi regime and the unrelenting bombardment of the Yemeni people.Civil and human rights activists, a number of American veterans, Yemeni nationals and members of the peace group Codepink attended the rally on Tuesday to protest against US arms trade with Saudi Arabia, which has been killing Yemeni ...

Conference on “Extremism and Takfiri Movements in Today’s World” underway in Qom, Iran

Conference on “Extremism and Takfiri Movements in Today’s World” underway in Qom, Iran
The second congress on “Extremism and Takfiri Movements in Today’s World” will focus on the responsibilities of the Muslim scholars regarding the problem of extremism. Many Muslim scholars and intellectuals from Iran and various Muslim countries, along with the ambassadors of different Muslim countries, will participate in this congress, which will be held under the supervision of Grand Ayatollah Naser Makarem-Shirazi in the ...

Effects of Music on the Nervous System

Effects of Music on the Nervous System
The biologists and the life scientists have defined two types of nerves. They are the principal nerves and the arterial nerves. The principal nerves stretch from the neck to all vital organs. The arterial nerves spread from the main nerves to all parts of the body.The secondary nerves are connected to outward parts of the body and convey the messages to the brain. When the veins enlarge, the blood pressures decreases. Due to the shriveling of ...

May Champions for Justice: The Bahrain 13

May Champions for Justice: The Bahrain 13
    The Bahrain 13 are a group of opposition leaders, rights activists, bloggers and Shi’a clerics arrested in connection with their role in the February 2011 protests. Ahlul Bayt News Agency - The Bahrain 13 are a group of opposition leaders, rights activists, bloggers and Shi’a clerics arrested in connection with their role in the February 2011 protests.They played an influential part in the protests including ...

Muslim Woman is the most Living Manifestation of Islamic Self

Muslim Woman is the most Living Manifestation of Islamic Self
As already mentioned, the second method adopted by the West for Effacement of the Islamic Self has been the obliteration of the manifestation (of this Self). In their view whatever is a manifestation, sign, expression or product of this "Self' must be obliterated. So the Algerian language must be changed from Arabic to French, the Indian language from Urdu to Hindi [4] and local dialects to English. The Turkish script must be replaced by Latin, ...

Expansion of Islamic unity, major mission of Shia Sunni promoters

Expansion of Islamic unity, major mission of Shia Sunni promoters
Hujjat-ul-Islam Ali Nazari Monfared, top Shia cleric, in an interview with Iran’s RASA News Agency, hailed the arrival of Islamic Unity Week, saying that the unifying religion of Islam is owed to Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) who joined all Muslims round the flag of monotheism brought by Islam.   He stressed the role of religious promoters in unifying Muslims demanding clerics to move in line with benefits of Islam.   The cleric ...

Hamas Lebanon envoy: Arab vs. non-Arab conflicts set up by Imperialism to destroy Islam

Hamas Lebanon envoy: Arab vs. non-Arab conflicts set up by Imperialism to destroy Islam
 A Senior Hamas official has sit in an interview to Leader’s official website where he has talked about a host of issues including the future of the Third Intifada and Hamas relations with Syria after the terrorism and war hit the country.In an interview with Khamenei.ir, Mr. Hamdan sheds light on Hamas-Syria relations as well as Iran’s ties with Hamas, how the arming of the West Bank has progressed, how Palestinians view Iran ...

Hijab: A Personal Choice?

Hijab: A Personal Choice?
Hijab’ literally means a veil or cover. Islam requires men and women to observe Hijab in their own ways. The question arises to whether Hijab is just a personal deed or does its observance or violation affect the society. In other words, can we really say that Hijab is one’s personal choice in a society that Islam wants to create? Personal deeds are those that mainly affect the individual; failing to observe these actions will deter one’s ...

Germany: A Muslim teacher replaced her head-scarf

Germany: A Muslim teacher replaced her head-scarf
A Muslim teacher who replaced her head-scarf with a beret pulled down over her ears has been fired from school.The teacher, who tried to preserve her religious values and at the same time follow Germany’s social norms lost a lawsuit Friday against a German state which banned religious head-dress from public schools; IRNA reported.Presiding judge Heike Menche of a labour tribunal in the western city of Dusseldorf upheld a pre-dismissal ...

The Branches of Religion

The Branches of Religion
To be a sincere and good, practicing Muslim in the way of Islam and Allah, you should know Fooroo-e-deen. To consider yourself a lover and follower of Ahl-lul Bayt (a.s.), you should test yourself and practice these ten Practices’ of Faith. They are of the following:   Fooroo-e-deen 1. Salat: Prayer 2. Sawm: Fasting 3. Hajj: Pilgrimage 4. Zakat: A poor rate (Charity) 5. Khums: one-fifth tax 6. Jehad: Holy Sacrifice, defense 7. Amar bil ...

The Problem of Contradiction in Islamic Philosophy

The Problem of Contradiction in Islamic Philosophy
IntroductionHe makes the night enter into the day and makes the day to enter into the night and brings forth the living from the dead and brings forth the dead from the living. (The Holy Quran)Conflict, collision and struggle are some of the fixed characteristics of this world. This condition is clearly perceived through superficial observation and profoundly revealed through scientific and philosophical enquiry. We live in a world full of ...

Az-Ziyara Al-Jame’a Al-Kabeera: The Major Comprehensive Pilgrimage

Az-Ziyara Al-Jame’a Al-Kabeera: The Major Comprehensive Pilgrimage

The Event of Ghadir as Narrated by Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)

The Event of Ghadir as Narrated by Ahlul Bayt (A.S.)
Ghadir and the Guardianship of Hazrat Ali (a.s.) Abu Al-Abbas Abdullah Ibn Ja’far Hamyari, a great third century scholar, quotes Sindi Ibn Muhammad as saying, Safwan Jammal quotes Imam Sadiq (a.s.) as saying: When this verse was revealed about the guardianship of Ali (a.s.), Prophet of Allah (S) ordered that the ground under the trees over there be cleaned and his followers did so clearing it from the brushwood and preparing a sunshade for ...

The Concepts of Irfan, Sufism, Hikmat and Philosophy

The Concepts of Irfan, Sufism, Hikmat and Philosophy
In the cosmic realm, human beings are like balls released into space which have within them a hidden potential energy for flight into an infinitely sublime world. But the gravitational attraction of worldly pleasures draws them toward the depths of the material world, as a result of which they fall and become degenerate; and the selfish tendencies and Satanic temptations which have become embodied in materialistic civilizations and cultures ...

Asking one’s need from other than Allah

Asking one’s need from other than Allah
Asking one’s need from other than Allah   Question: Is it not polytheistic to ask for one’s needs from anyone other than Allah (awj) such as the Prophet (ص) or the infallible Imams (ع) since it is Allah (awj) who is the Fulfiller of Needs?     Brief Answer   If one reveres, refers or takes recourse to, or seeks one’s needs from these personages with the intention that are separate from Allah (awj) and independent of ...

Collapse of peace talks with Taliban leaves US reeling

Collapse of peace talks with Taliban leaves US reeling
The US special envoy for peace in Afghanistan is “disappointed” over the collapse of a peace talks even before they started between the Taliban and Afghan politicians in Qatar. AhlulBayt News Agency (ABNA): The US special envoy for peace in Afghanistan is “disappointed” over the collapse of a peace talks even before they started between the Taliban and Afghan politicians in Qatar. A delegation of 250 Afghan politicians and civil ...

Whose New Year Is It?

Whose New Year Is It?
Today is the 1st of January of the Gregorian calendar, a day celebrated as New Year in the West and in countries following the culture of their former colonial masters.Of course, January 1 is not the New Year of the Muslims. Neither has it any significance for any other religion anywhere in the world, such as Judaism, Zoroastrianism, Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism, Shamanism, Animism, and even Christianity.In other words, none of the religious texts ...

The Evidence of Experience

The Evidence of Experience
Were the phenomenon of the spirit, which is non-material in all its aspects, to be made the subject of experimentation, so that its autonomous existence became fully proven, despite its remoteness from sense perception, it would have a profound effect in causing men to believe more fully in the spirit. This would be the case particularly with those who are unable to understand subtle and complex questions and who are more inclined to accept ...

Hijab photo exhibition held in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan

Hijab photo exhibition held in Mazar-i-Sharif, Afghanistan
The city of Mazar-i-Sharif in north of Afghanistan hosted a one-day exhibition of photos featuring Hijab and Ifaf ...