Friday 27th of September 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Dangerous situation in Bahrain; When Bahrain Says You’re Not Bahraini Anymore

Dangerous situation in Bahrain; When Bahrain Says You’re Not Bahraini Anymore
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - I was asleep when I found out,” recalls former Bahraini citizen Taimoor Karimi. “My kids came in and woke me up. All they could say was, ‘Dad, we’ve got bad news. You’re on the list.’” His nationality had just been revoked. Karimi is one of 159 people made stateless by the Bahraini government since 2012. On three separate occasions, with no prior warning, the state has published ...

Acceptability of the new appointed places for pilgrims in ‘Arafãt and Mina

Acceptability of the new appointed places for pilgrims in ‘Arafãt and Mina
(Shia International News Association) - The Grand Ayatollah Sistani answered some questions regarding Hajj. According to Shafaqna the questions and answers are as follows:   Question: The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia assigns the places for pilgrims in ‘Arafãt and Mina. We do not know whether or not those appointed places are within the boundaries required by the shari‘a? Are we obliged to inquire and ask about the ...

Ayat. Noori Hamedani: If all Muslims stand united, Zionism to be perished from Earth

Ayat. Noori Hamedani: If all Muslims stand united, Zionism to be perished from Earth
The senior scholar added, "Iran used to be under control of foreign powers and it had no independence over its affairs, but the 1979 Islamic Revolution restored Iranians' pride and national ...

The Original Sin of Adam and Eve

The Original Sin of Adam and Eve
The Original Sin of Adam and Eve   Question: Did Adam commit a sin? What about the question of the infallibility of the Divinely sent prophets?     Brief Answer   In order to arrive at the answer, a few preliminary points must be considered. It must first be pointed out that the Divine prophets and their deputies enjoy lofty spiritual and existential stations in the order of existence. They are the hidden rays of Divine ...

Anger Management Techniques

Anger Management Techniques
To solve the problem of anger we first need to recognize the anger within our mind, acknowledge how it harms both us and others and appreciate the benefits of being patient in the face of difficulties. We then need to apply practical methods in our daily life to reduce our anger and finally to prevent it from arising at all.What is anger? Anger is a deluded mind that focuses on an animate or inanimate object, feels it to be unattractive, ...

Who is Husasin' volunteers assist elderly in Zanzibar, Tanzania

Who is Husasin' volunteers assist elderly in Zanzibar, Tanzania

The elderly are the foundation of any community and for this reason the 'Who is Husasin' volunteers of Zanzibar (an island in Tanzania in East Africa) went to visit an old people home located in Sebleni, Ammani Zanzibar. Accompanying them were bags of gifts that were donated consisting of some daily use items such as packet of soap, a bottle of perfume, a hand towel and clothes for both males and females.

Enmity Toward the Ahl-al-Bayt (A.S.)

Enmity Toward the Ahl-al-Bayt (A.S.)
The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.): There will be twelve Imams after me, nine of them are the grandsons of Imam Husayn (A.S.) and the ninth is the Qa'im. So blessed are those who would love them and woe to those who would be hostile to them. The Messenger of Allah (S.A.W.): If a person worships Allah for a thousand years between "Safa" and "Marva" (Two holy places in Makkah adjoined to Masjid al-Haram) and continues his worship for many more ...

Front Line Defenders hold sit-in outside European Parliament calling for release of Al-Khawaja

Front Line Defenders hold sit-in outside European Parliament calling for release of Al-Khawaja

Nigeria Igbo mandate Congress Call President Buhari Must Apologise for Zaria Massacres; Seeks Release of Sheikh Zakzaky

Nigeria Igbo mandate Congress Call President Buhari Must Apologise for Zaria Massacres; Seeks Release of Sheikh Zakzaky
Igbo Mandare Congress, IMC wishes to officially condole with families of massacred members of Islamic Movement of Nigeria, IMN, over the massacre of Zaria where estimated one thousand persons Shiite Muslims met untimely death. Igbo Mandate Congress, IMC had previously condemned the massacre especially when it was suspected that the death loll was ninety. Reports have shown that estimated one thousand persons were victims of the massacre, ...

Man and Marriage

Man and Marriage
Coupling, copulation and reproduction in the world of inanimate objects, plants and animals are based on the rules of Creation and the correct order of the instincts. This vital issue and magnificent, natural program, however, must be carried out and be based on divine regulations; those heavenly rules pointed in the Glorious Quran and in celestial maxims of the Prophets and Imams[1]. The basic ingredients of this fact (marriage) have been ...

Home, A School

Home, A School
3. Home, A SchoolThe home is a school where one learns to curb the negative human instincts. The person can nurture the sapling of nobility in this institution. A wife, who has a disrespectful and rude husband, should bear with him with patience so that gradually, being patient becomes a habit with her. If she can cultivate this trait of patience within herself, it is better than this entire world as well as the Hereafter. Those men who have ...

Bahrain jails eight people for funding Hezbollah-linked group

Bahrain jails eight people for funding Hezbollah-linked group
A Bahraini court sentenced eight individuals to 15-year jail terms for establishing a group it has identified as the “Bahraini Hezbollah.” The court on Thursday sentenced the eight unidentified people to 15 years in prison each for forming the group in 2014. The court also handed three-year jail terms to two others for their alleged participation in a demonstration organized by the group. Reports also pointed to a raft of ...

When Are We Allowed to Talk behind the Back of Others?

When Are We Allowed to Talk behind the Back of Others?
Talking behind the back of others is not a sin if it is:1. With the aim of justice,2. With the aim of prohibition of evil,3. With the aim of asking questions,4. About pseudo-scientists,5. About persistent sinners.All the people may commit sins every once in a while, as no one is innocent. People should not embarrass each other by talking about their mistakes and vices.For example, it is not a sin to talk behind the back of a person who refuses ...

Piety and Its Praiseworthy Degrees

Piety and Its Praiseworthy Degrees
The enlightened ones and those who according to the Quran show insight and have made spiritual journeys mention three degrees of piety. I - Outstanding Piety II - Especial Piety III - Ordinary Piety In a very notable tradition Imam Sadiq (Pbuh) explained these three degrees in the following manner: I - Outstanding Piety The first degree of piety is being completely absorbed by Allah and consists of the individual abstaining from ...

Purity of men and women

Purity of men and women
Now that we have introduced the necessity of religion and piety, it should be noted that one of the most important conditions for marriage is that the couple should be well-matched. What is meant by being well-matched is that the couple who wish to get married must have some outward and inward similarities. The most important similarity is in their piety. That is according to the holy divine culture, they must both be religious. As the Holy ...

Rights of Neighbors in Islam

Rights of Neighbors in Islam
Sayyid Sa’eed Akhtar Rizvi And be good to the neighbour who is your relative and to the neighbour who is not a relative . . . (Qur'an, 4:36) Islam has great respect for the mutual rights and duties of neighbours. The Holy Prophet said: Jibra'1 always used to advise me to be generous with neighbours, till I thought that Allah was going to include the neighbours among the heirs of a Muslim. The rights of neighbourhood are not meant for Muslim ...

Self-admiration and lust: Factors that weaken the intellect

Self-admiration and lust: Factors that weaken the intellect
By His Eminence, the late Religious Authority, Sayyed Muhammad Hussein Fadlullah (ra)Translated by: Manal Samhat It is narrated that Imam Ali (a.s.) said: “The intellect and lust are opposite to each other; knowledge supports the intellect while the lust is supported by the passions and inordinate desires. Self is a battlefield where a war is waged between the intellect and lust; whoever becomes victorious in this fight takes control ...

The Parents' House

The Parents' House
The Parents' House Muslim society, before the attack of materialism, used to marry off its sons and daughters, and both parties - the parents and the children - were satisfied and content with the parents house as an abode for the newly-weds, without distinguishing between whether the house belonged to the parents of the bride or of the groom. The couple would live in one of the rooms of the house and everyone would contribute to the income, ...

Let's Free Ali Mohammed Al-Nimr

Let's Free Ali Mohammed Al-Nimr
FreeAliMohammedAlNimr “If you neither believe in religion nor fear the hereafter, then at least be free from Tyranny and Arrogance” - Imam Husayn ibn Ali ibn Abu TalibSaudi Arabia has one of the worst human rights records in the world, for the past decades and in complete violation of international law, the country has routinely imprisoned and executed dozens if not hundreds of its citizens, arguing national security and ...

Is Modern Science Compatible With Islam?

Is Modern Science Compatible With Islam?
Whether Islam and modern science are compatible or not is not a straightforward question. There is no doubt that Islamic principles encourage knowledge and its pursuit. What could however be of doubt is this equivalence that we sometimes assume between knowledge attained through modern science, and knowledge that is praised in Islam. Can we consider experimental scientific research an act of worship to Allah (God Almighty)? Are there rules ...