Friday 27th of September 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Hospitality Towards Guests

Hospitality Towards Guests
Our great Prophet [s] teaches us to be generous and how to entertain guests. He wants a Muslim to show gratitude... The Messenger of Allah [s] further guides us by saying: "Whoever believes in Allah and the Last Day should be hospitable with his or her guests." Our great Prophet [s] teaches us to be generous and how to entertain guests. He wants a Muslim to show gratitude and be kind and happy when receiving guests. One should respect and ...

Importance of Pursuit of Knowledge in Islam

Importance of Pursuit of Knowledge in Islam
Seeking true knowledge with a divine aim, for the pleasure of God and serving His creatures, leads one to Paradise in the company of Prophets and Awliya. But seeking knowledge for personal, mundane, or worldly motives leads a person to ignorance, sins against the creatures of God, and ultimately, Hell. The Reality of Knowledge Prophet Muhammad (s) said: “Knowledge is not (acquired) through extensive learning. Rather, it is the ...

The System of Plant Symbiosis

The System of Plant Symbiosis
The system of combining or in other words; pollination and reproduction in the vegetable and plant kingdoms is carried out in such a way that any onlooker would get thoroughly astonished. It is impossible here to explain all the aspects of this important matter, since it would take up too much time. In a few sentences, a brief look at this wonderful scientific fact accompanied by its especial conditions and surprising laws as well as its ...


6- EQUALITY OF BEAUTY   Attention to the harmony in the beauty of the face and figure between the two spouses is also necessary. If one of the two is beautiful, handsome and proportionately figured and the other one is ugly and badly featured and figured, there is a probability of displeasure and difficulty for both. Spiritual difficulty and a sense of sexual deprivation, frustration, deviation, immodesty,and depression for the beautiful one ...

Rejecting Analogy and Discretion

Rejecting Analogy and Discretion
The Twentieth Spurious Argument:REJECTING ANALOGY AND DISCRETIONSome people erroneously criticize the Shias in that they reject analogy and discretion, and the expediencies transmitted in jurisprudence upon which the Companions and their successors depended. They also criticize the Shia of accusing those who adopt these methods as using analogy just as did Iblis (the Devil) who said to Allah, "I am better than he (Adam), Thou hast created me of ...

Right to Acquire Knowledge: Nahj al-Balaghah's Approach

Right to Acquire Knowledge: Nahj al-Balaghah's Approach
Knowledge of the creation in general, and of this world in particular, is emphasized by Imam 'Ali ('a) in the Nahj al-Balaghah as a prerequisite for making use of freedom in the right direction and for the purpose willed by God. Knowledge, if used properly, helps man in winning God's favour and bartering his deeds with Divine Will, as the Qur'an declares:And among men is he who sells his self for seeking the pleasures of Allah. . .. (al-Baqarah: ...

Free Zakzaky protest in Abuja marking 3 years of Zaria massacre

 Free Zakzaky protest in Abuja marking 3 years of Zaria massacre
Free Zakzaky Protest in Abuja marking exactly three years since the 12th Dec 2015 Zaria ...


Preface In the name of Allah, the Beneficent, the Merciful THE PROBLEM OF FAMILY RELATIONS  The problem of family relations in our times is not so simple that it may be resolved by arranging opinion polls of young boys and girls, or by holding seminars. It is neither confined to any one country, nor has any country so far claimed to have solved it successfully.  Will Durant, the well-known philosopher and author of "History of ...

Divine Will and Human Will-2

Divine Will and Human Will-2
The Generative Will of Action: This is Allah’s (awj) will in establishing the objective destiny and portion; that is, it pertains to the systems governing the cosmos, how things come about and operate, and their certain and definite ends This is manifested in the creation of creatures in different shapes, different ways, and in different times.   In the world of being, the Divine generative will governs the entire corpus of existents, ...

ISIS plans recruitment center in Hong Kong

ISIS plans recruitment center in Hong Kong
The last time I checked, the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS), or Islamic State, as it prefers to be known, is made up of a bunch of psychopaths who regularly taunt, torture and execute their prisoners with disturbing zeal. Now, if reports are accurate, it’s clear that they’re also certifiably insane. Hong Kong isn’t the United States, France or the United Kingdom, each with hundreds of citizens now in league ...

The Genocide Initiative - When Islam and Christianity come together against radicalism

The Genocide Initiative - When Islam and Christianity come together against radicalism
By Catherine Shakdom Terror has a face and it moves under the ominous black flag of ISIS. Under each of its denomination, whatever the language and whichever the angle, terror today, has found a powerful vessel in the ideology carried by Wahhabism - the fountainhead of radicalism and religious extremism.An evil onto the world, ISIS miasms have darkened the skies of Arabia, threatening to engulf regions and continents in their deadly and godless ...

Analysis: Tel Aviv-Riyadh Railway: Goals, Obstacles

Analysis: Tel Aviv-Riyadh Railway: Goals, Obstacles
Over the past years, the Israelis have worked hard to establish contacts with Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and Bahrain. Their efforts mainly revolved around the transition from the unofficial, behind-the-scene links to open diplomatic relations. (AhlulBayt News Agency) - Over the past years, the Israelis have worked hard to establish contacts with Arab states such as Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, and ...

What is the Constitution of Self-Judgment?

What is the Constitution of Self-Judgment?
Ethicists have referred to the constitution of self-judgment in such a detailed method that it might be difficult for some to implement. I, however, can brief the matter in two precise and simplified points: (1) First of all, to practice self-judgment properly, one must perform all the obligatory rites, such as the prayer, fasting, hajj, zakat, and the like. If such rites are performed properly, one must then thank God for so and hope for ...

Renowned professor of Al-Azhar banned from teaching due to Iran trip

Renowned professor of Al-Azhar banned from teaching due to Iran trip
Ahlul Bayt News Agency - Shaykh Dr. Ahmad Mahmoud Karimah, the director of the Department of Contemporary Islamic Jurisprudence at Egypt’s famous al-Azhar University, has stated that after his visit to Iran last August, he was repeatedly questioned.Dr. Karimah emphasized that he only went to Iran in his capacity as a professor to teach comparative jurisprudence in relation to the five Islamic schools of thought for personal purposes and ...

Ethiopia Lady Converts to Shia Islam at Imam Reza Holy Shrine

Ethiopia Lady Converts to Shia Islam at Imam Reza Holy Shrine
Coincident with the auspicious birth anniversary of Imam Muhammad Baqer (A.S.), an African lady from Ethiopia converted to Islam in the Razavi Holy Shrine.Almaz Mardas, the 20-year old girl from Ethiopia, who is residing in Lebanon for six years, converted to Islam in her first attendance in the Razavi Holy Shrine and chose the Shi’ite Islam.The Muslim convert recounted her motivation from embracing Islam as presence of the rational ...

Foreign Policy of an Islamic State

Foreign Policy of an Islamic State
This article was presented as a paper under the title “Rawabit‑e bayna al‑milal wa siyasat‑e khariji‑e hukumat‑e Islami” (The Foreign Relations Policy of an Islamic State) at the Third Conference on Islamic Thought, held at Tehran, Jamadi al‑'awwal 7‑9, 1405 (January 29‑31,1985). The author is a member of the Guardianship Council (Shura‑ye Nigahban) of the Islamic Consultative Assembly (Majlis‑a Shura‑ye Islami) of the ...

Trust in God

Trust in God
Trust in God is an admission of our shortcomings and a reliance on Him for success. It is a duty of the faithful to trust in Allah and to believe that their success depends on His Will. Allah the Most High said: "Allah, there is no god but He; and upon Allah, then, let the believers rely." He also said: "And whoever trusts in Allah, He is sufficient for him." He also said: "Those only are believers whose hearts become full of fear when Allah ...

Bahrain cracks down on Formula One protesters

Bahrain cracks down on Formula One protesters
Protest rallies took place in the Bilad al-Qadeem suburb of the capital, Manama, the western Nuwaidrat Village, as well as on the Sitra Island, likewise situated in the country’s west, on Thursday, according to the Sitra Media network. Security forces were deployed to all protest sites and attacked the demonstrators to break up the rallies, according to the network, which reports on political and human rights activism in Bahrain and the ...

How can supernatural acts be explained and proven?

How can supernatural acts be explained and proven?
How can supernatural acts be explained and proven?Concise answer "Miracles" in Islamic theological terms are acts that surpass normal limits that challenge others to do the same and are in accordance with the claims of the person performing them. What is meant by surpassing normal limits is that it seems contrary to the laws of nature. Of course, when it is said that miracles surpass normal limits, not having a cause or negating the law of ...

Bin Laden's son urges attacks on US, Israel, France, Uk

Bin Laden's son urges attacks on US, Israel, France, Uk
Al-Qaida on Friday released an audio message that it claims was recorded by Hamza bin Laden, one of Osama bin Laden's many sons. In the message, believed to be the first time al-Qaida has presented Hamza bin Laden as an official member of the militant group, Hamza Bin Laden urges attacks on the US and its allies, namely Israel, France, and the United Kingdom. The audio message, released and an al-Qaida website and shared by supporters on ...