Friday 27th of September 2024
Family and Its System in Islam
ارسال پرسش جدید

Majority of Pakistanis Eating ‘Haram’ Meat: Officials Claim

Majority of Pakistanis Eating ‘Haram’ Meat: Officials Claim
- About 90 percent people in Pakistan are unknowingly eating ‘Haram’ meat while believing it to be ‘Halal’, officials ...

Why Backbiting is considered a great sin?

Why Backbiting is considered a great sin?
Incentives of Backbiting (1) Enmity and envy are the strongest incentives of backbiting. (2) Joking is another incentive of backbiting, because it is regarded as fresh subject for arising joking and laughter at others. (3) Boasting is also an incentive of backbiting, because the boastful, in most cases, tries to refer to the others' defects to prove that he disdains and does not enjoy such defects. (4) It frequently happens that an ...


ENVY An Enigmatic and Corrupt Desire! The Envious Burn in the Fire of Failure and Deprivation Religion Verses Envy An Enigmatic and Corrupt Desire! Man lives in constant movement between waves of problems and miseries in this unstable life. He struggles to reduce the strain of hardships on his soul and body, so he may harvest the roses of hope, and manifest them in his life one by one. As long as man’s relationship with life is not ...

Prophet Jesus and three loaves of bread

Prophet Jesus and three loaves of bread
A man accompanied Prophet Jesus (A.S) the son of Mary (Maryam) and said that he would go with him. They continued along until they came to a river. They sat and started to eat. They had three loaves of bread. They ate two of them and one remained.Prophet Jesus (A.S) went to the river, drank some water and returned. Prophet Jesus (A.S) did not find the third loaf, so he asked the man who had taken that loaf. The man said that he did not know.They ...

Duties of the Head of the Household in leading the family

Duties of the Head of the Household in leading the family
Responsibilities of the Head of the Household   O ye who believe! Save yourselves and your families from a Fire whose fuel is Men and Stones, over which are (appointed) angels stern (and) severe, who flinch not (from executing) the Commands they receive from God, but do (precisely) what they are commanded. [Holy Quran: Tahrim 66: 6]   Protect Yourself and Your Family From the Fire of Hell A verse in chapter Tahrim places an extremely ...

Truth as it is' published in Bulgarian

Truth as it is' published in Bulgarian
the book "truth as it is" was published in Bulgarian, in Sofia by Ahlul Bayt World Assembly with cooperation of the Islamic Republic of Iran's cultural attaché. The book was written in Arabic by "Ayatollah Jafar al-Hadi", a member of the Ahlul Bayt World Assembly's Book Council and has explained the principles of Shia Islam very concisely and eloquently. The book has tried to introduce and describe Ahlul Bayt (A) and their lifestyle "as ...

Ethics and Politics Relationship

Ethics and Politics Relationship
By: Sayyid Hasan Islami Politics has two faces—a smiling face that gives glad tidings of prosperity, power and authority, and a furious one that calls to mind power struggle, power worship, and injustice. It is owing to this that politics is likened to Janus,[329] the first mythological king of Latium.[330] The gods had bestowed the king with such powers of clairvoyance that he would see the past and the future in unison. It is for this ...

Pak Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif rejected Shia police officer’s deployment in Punjab

Pak Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif rejected Shia police officer’s deployment in Punjab
Chief Minister of Sindh is reported to consult his law minister Rana Sanaullah for placement of any officer in Punjab. When Rana Sanaullah was consulted with regard to Intisar Hussain Jafri, he opposed a Shia police officer’s deployment in Punjab and said that Shia officer would carry out indiscriminate operations, in the ongoing war on terror due to which ‘our friends will suffer’.Due to the above mentioned reason, Shahbaz ...

Hundreds of Bahrainis protests against illegal detention of Sheikh Ali Salman

Hundreds of Bahrainis protests against illegal detention of Sheikh Ali Salman
- Hundreds of Bahrainis hold protests throughout Manama, venting rage at a Supreme Court of Appeal ruling that has more than doubled the jail sentence against the country’s top opposition leader.The protesters on Tuesday defied a curfew in the village of Saar west of the capital, chanting angry slogans and setting the British flag on fire.Protesters also took to the streets in the Bilad al-Qadeem area of Manama, calling for the immediate ...

Zaria Massacre: Army deliberately targets reproductive organs of IMN's women; They shouted 'there will never be Shia in Nigeria'

Zaria Massacre: Army deliberately targets reproductive organs of IMN's women; They shouted 'there will never be Shia in Nigeria'
- I went to Zaria to be interviewed by a Journalist from a major daily Nigerian Newspaper about the Zaria massacre. Before I arrived the Journalist was taken to the Ahmadu Bello University Teaching Hospital, Zaria, where some injured victims of the brutal Zaria massacre by the Nigerian Army are recuperating.What shocked the Journalist was when he met some sisters of the Islamic Movement of Nigeria (IMN) who were shot by the Nigerian Army in ...

Seeking Knowledge

Seeking Knowledge
Seeking Knowledge One of most valuable man's characteristics being one's power and aptitude to acquire cognition and knowledge... cognition of oneself, of the world in which one lives, and of secrets and mysteries concealed in the existence... etc. Man can acquire all this cognition through reasoning, detection and witnesses, gaining perfection of existence for oneself within the range of this cognition. In the Islamic Law this perfection has ...

Merits of Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari, Ammar Bin Yasir, Abdullah Bin Masood, Owais Qarni and Salman Farsi

Merits of Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari, Ammar Bin Yasir, Abdullah Bin Masood, Owais Qarni and Salman Farsi
From his book "Misbah-uz-Zulam", Roots of the Karbala’ Tragedy The tradition of Mishkat1 from Abdullah Ibn Umar says that the Holy Prophet (S) has described Abu Dharr (r.a.) to be a very truthful person. The second tradition is related from Abu Dharr himself. The Holy Prophet (S) said: “Abu Dharr is a very truthful and loyal person and is having similarity to Prophet Isa (a.s.).” He is the same companion of the Messenger of Allah (S) whom ...

Al-Hussein (a.s.) in the eyes of non-Muslims

Al-Hussein (a.s.) in the eyes of non-Muslims
Probably, the utmost form of self-sacrifice for the sake of Allah is in the case of Imam Al-Hussein (a.s.). The event of Karbala itself marks a landmark in Islam, as it shaped the history of the Islamic nation. Imam Al-Hussein (a.s.), the grandchild of the Prophet (p.), the Messenger of Allah, and His best and most devout worshipper; the son of Imam Ali (a.s.), the most pious judge and bravest warrior; the son of Lady Fatima (a.s.), the ...

Afghans protest atrocities committed against Rohingya Muslims

Afghans protest atrocities committed against Rohingya Muslims
People have taken to the streets in the Afghan capital city of Kabul to protest atrocities committed against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar. On Friday, Afghan activists launched a rally in Kabul to express their anger at the flagrant discrimination against the Muslim community in Myanmar, lashing out at the West for turning a blind eye to the plight of the Rohingya minority. “Persecution against Burmese Muslims has reached its peak. Yet ...

Imam Khamenei: Seminary school should retain its revolutionary nature

Imam Khamenei: Seminary school should retain its revolutionary nature
Leader of the Islamic Revolution has told a group of Qom Seminary School representatives in Parliament some special circles has been ‘de-revolutionizing’ Seminary School. Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei received on Tuesday a group of members of Association of Qom Seminary School (Hawzeh) Scholars Representatives in Parliament where he highlighted and hailed the role the Seminary School had played during and after the Revolution of ...

Easy Ways to Stay and Get Healthy!!!

Easy Ways to Stay and Get Healthy!!!
It is narrated that one of the great commanders dispatched an expert physician to Medina to treat the patients for free. The physician stayed in Medina for a while, but either no one or only a very few people came for a visit. He was really surprised and complained to the Prophet. The Prophet (P.B.U.H&H.P) told him that this is the way in this town since I have asked the people to eat only when they are hungry, and to stop eating before they ...

The Last Day of the Holy Month of Ramadhan

The Last Day of the Holy Month of Ramadhan
At the end of the last day of the Holy Month of Ramadhan, the day of presentation of deeds, it is up to us to seek refuge with the impeccable ones M'asumin [A.S] i.e. the Holy Prophet [PBUH] and his Holy Progeny Ahl-ul-Bayt [A.S], and the one, to whom that particular day belongs - resort (tawassul)towards the threshold of their generosity, through our best conduct in accordance with all the codes and etiquette; should keep our self-engaged in ...

The Islamic Community (1)

The Islamic Community (1)
1. The Brotherhood of Islam   A Muslim is related to different people in different ways: first, he is very closely related to his family members; second, he is related to his relatives; and finally, he is related to other Muslims in the bond of religious brotherhood known as the Muslim Ummah. The first two circles of relationship are based on family ties. You and your brother or you and your cousin are from a common fore-father. But the ...

What is Revelation?

 What is Revelation?
What is certain is that there have been relations between prophets and the Creator of the universe, that they have received the facts from the original source of creation, and that these relations have had to do with their purified selves and, fortified spirits.It is obvious that if these relations with the divine source were taken away from the prophets, they would have no such supreme position. All the honour and value of the prophets lie in ...

Training of the Soul

Training of the Soul
It has been narrated from b. 'Abbas that the Messenger of Allah (S) said, “That which is sent forth will be seen and that which is left behind will have the least benefit, and woe upon those people who have left things behind (which will be of no use to them in the next life) - that which they left behind was either an entitlement which they prevented others (from using) or was something worthless which they had collected (to make use of) ...