Friday 27th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

Seeing Allah

Seeing Allah
The First Spurious Argument:Some people spuriously criticize the Shia for saying that it is impossible to see Allah whether in this world or in the Afterlife, and they quote some prophetic traditions saying that Allah can be seen in the Afterlife.THE ANSWERAllah says:Vision comprehends Him not, and He comprehends all vision; and He is the Knower of Subtleties, the Aware. (6:103)He, the Almighty, also says-addressing the Prophet Moses (a):You ...

The Origins of the Shi'ahs Part 01

The Origins of the Shi'ahs Part 01
Shi'ism is not a new religion. It begins with the beginning of Islam. The embodiment of the code of religion, that is, the seal of the Prophets (s.a.w.) planted the tree of Shi'ism together with Islam; with his own hands, he watered it and looked after it. The plant grew up to be a green tree which began blooming in the life-time of the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.). But it had not yet born fruit, when the light of prophethood was put out. We are not ...

What does ' Words ' Mean ?

What does ' Words ' Mean ?
Studying the verses of the Qur'an and noting the great and important deeds that Abraham (a.s.) fulfilled and, hence, being appointed to the position of Imamat by Allah, leads us to the conclusion that the term / kalimat / meaning ' words ', or the divine commandments by which Abraham (a.s.) was tried, were not those of the usual sort. it clearly indicates that the tests were not connected with matters of ordinary reasoning or faith. they can ...

Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) implies taking refuge with the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) 

Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) implies taking refuge with the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) 
There is no doubt that entering the Wilayat of the purified Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) implies taking refuge with the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.), to abstain from all unlawful acts and to remain aloof from their enemies. The word "Tahassum" denotes 'taking refuge in an established fort' and it also suggests that the refuge is not only physical in nature but of a moral form (in spirit) as well. It is therefore imperative to take refuge with these exalted ...

Favorable Judgment about God

Favorable Judgment about God
  Imam as-Sadiq (a) said: “The last servant who will be sent to Hell will turn his face towards Allah. The Lord then will order the angels to bring him back. ‘Why did you turn your face, servant?’ the Lord will ask. ‘Lord,’ the servant will say, ‘I had another idea about You.’ ‘What did you think of Me, servant?’ the Lord will ask. The servant will answer, ‘I thought You would forgive me and allow me to live in Your ...

memory is forget fulness without which man would not find solace in any affliction

memory is forget fulness without which man would not find solace in any affliction
Forgetfulness Even a greater boon than memory is forget fulness without which man would not find solace in any affliction, nor would he get clear of frustration, nor would he be rid of malice. (It is this forgetfulness which makes man free from the sting of his past afflictions and frustrations; he forgets malice and enters into companionship). He would fail to relish anything of the world’s goods because of persistent memories of affliction. ...

The Well-Known Hadith Qudsi Famous As SILSILAT AL-DHAHAB

The Well-Known Hadith Qudsi Famous As SILSILAT AL-DHAHAB
Ma'mun, the cruel and cunning Abbasid caliph in the year 201 A.H./ 817 A.D. forcefully exiled Emam Reza (A.S.) from Medina to Marw. (The city where Mamun's seat of caliphate was located).According to Ma'mun's commands the direction of Emam Reza (A.S.) caravan from Medina to Marw was predetermined. Holy Emam (A.S.) had to pass through some towns and villages. He arrived in Marw on the 10th of Shawwal in 201 A.H./ 1 May 817 A.D., via Basrah, ...

A Blessed Book

A Blessed Book
This is a blessed Book, We have sent it down confirming  that which has been before it Sura Al-A'nam (92) وَ هذا كِتابٌ أَنْزَلْناهُ مُبارَكٌ مُصَدِّقُ الَّذِي بَيْنَ يَدَيْهِ وَ لِتُنْذِرَ أُمَّ الْقُرى‏ وَ مَنْ حَوْلَها وَ الَّذِينَ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِالْآخِرَةِ يُؤْمِنُونَ بِهِ وَ هُمْ ...

The Sins of Muslims

The Sins of Muslims
  As for the sins of Muslims, this issue has the exact opposite form of first issue (the good deeds of non-Muslims) and is the completion of the previous discussion.  The issue is whether the sins committed by Muslims are similar to the sins of non-Muslims with regard to punishment or not. Broaching the previous issue was necessary from the aspect of its being a matter of intellectual belief; but broaching this issue is a practical ...

Unity of God

Unity of God
The Islamic creed is that THERE IS NO GOD SAVE ALLAH AND THAT MUHAMMAD IS HIS PROPHET. (LA ILAAHA ILLA-ALLAH MUHAMMADUR- RASOOLILLAH). Muslims believe that Allah is ONE. He was neither begotten nor does He beget. He has no Partner. He is the Beginning and He is the End. He is Omniscient and Omnipresent. The Quraan says that He is closer to man than his jugular vein yet He cannot be encompassed by human intellect. See the following verses of ...

From the Prophet’s sermons

From the Prophet’s sermons
In Mecca, the Prophet (a.s.) made speeches in which he invited the people of Quraysh to believe in and embrace Islam, and in Medina, too, he made speeches to declare the principles and values of Islam. Here, we mention some of those speeches that besides their religious values, they are excellent examples in the Arabic literature and eloquence. 1. His speech in Mecca When the Revelation came down to the Prophet (a.s.) ordering him to warn his ...


The scholars of Islam have differed on the type of purification of the feet [required] for the parts of the wudu. The jurists of the masses have stated (and amongst them are the four Imams), that it is obligatory to specifically wash [the feet]. Dawud b. `Ali and al-Nasir li'l-Haqq, who are amongst the Imams of the Zaydiyya, have stated it is obligatory to combine between the washing and the wiping, whereas some of them have said one can choose ...

What is the meaning of ownership and kingdom of Allah, the Lord of the Universe? Why is said that God is the king?

What is the meaning of ownership and kingdom of Allah, the Lord of the Universe? Why is said that God is the king?
Please explain God”s attribute of being the owner and master? Why is he described as "king"?Concise answerOne of the attributes of Allah is "Mālik" which literally means "being powerful" and "having something in one's exclusive possession". This word has sometimes been translated into "king" in other languages including Farsi and English. If this term "king" is applied or ascribed to Allah, it definitely has a broader meaning consistent ...

Allah is the Cause of Every Phenomenon

Allah is the Cause of Every Phenomenon
Allah is the origin of every life. He is the origin of the characteristics of life imparted to each and every creature. The characteristics of all creation are manifested by the Will of Allah. Therefore it is no wonder if the established quality of a particular thing may undergo a sudden change if Allah so wishes; as it happened in the case of fire lighted by Namrood, which became cool by the Will of Allah. The details of such phenomena shall be ...

Doctrine of the Attributes of Allah

Doctrine of the Attributes of Allah
We believe that Allah's primary, positive attributes (as-sifat athubutiyyah al-haqiqiyyah), which we call the attributes of Beauty and perfection (al-jamal wa al-Kamal), such as Omniscience ('ilm), Omnipotence (qudrah), Self sufficiency (ghina), Divine will (iradah), Everlasting Life (hayah), are identical with His being and are not in addition to Him, and that His attributes are not part from His Being. Thus His Omnipotence is dependent on His ...

Getting to Know Imam Mahdi

Getting to Know Imam Mahdi
  The first condition for the people who are waiting for Imam Mahdi is to get to know him. People do not wait for someone unless they know him and are aware of his good features. People wait for those whom they know well. Even if they know that someone is coming and they do not know him, they do not care and they do not wait for him. The same is true about those who are waiting for Imam Mahdi to come. Those who do not know him, like pagans and ...

The Affairs of the Orphans Should be Conducted With Care

The Affairs of the Orphans Should be Conducted With Care
  Injustice and oppression to the orphans brings severe punishment in this world as well as Hereafter. In the same way kind and gentle behaviour towards them earns countless rewards in this world, as well as the Hereafter. Especially blessed by Allah are those who protect the orphans and take the responsibility of being guardians to them. Numerous traditions have been recorded concerning this. A few of these are quoted below. Hazrat Imam ...

Mahram and Namahram Commandments

Mahram and Namahram Commandments
The God has said in other verse “they shouldn’t shows their adornment” [1] the women haven’t any rights to show their body beauties like stature prettiness, bosom, hair and their ornamentation to men. God says to men whether he is Muslim, Christian, Jewish, Zoroastrian, Communist, Secular or irreligious that the women are my creature and I’m their owner and also owner of their all affirms and I don’t let her show her original ...

Ritual Practices in Shi'ism

Ritual Practices in Shi'ism
The religious rites practiced by Twelve-Imam Shi'ites are essentially the same as those of the Sunnis with certain minor modifications of posture and phrasing which are little more than the differences that are to be found among the Sunni schools (madhhabs) themselves, except in the addition of two phrases in the call to prayer. For Shi ism, like Sunnism, the major rite consists of the daily prayers (sal?t in Arabic, namaz in Persian and Urdu) ...

Ethical Politics

Ethical Politics
Ethical Politics   In an article entitled, Politics and the Problem of Dirty Hands, Coady endeavors to prove the bitter reality that politics is incompatible with remaining innocent and pure, and anyone who enters the political arena should accept the veneer of infamy, meanness, defilement, and any kind of pollution. It is because political expediency and the human condition are such, and “If they mean dirty hands, then they are the mere ...