Friday 27th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

Paying a bribe for obtaining ones rights

Paying a bribe for obtaining ones rights
    In this ayat Soht refers to the acquirement as well as use of anything acquired unlawfully. The dictionary meaning of 'Soht' is 'to be finished' or 'to be lost'. The thing that becomes 'Soht' is that which is finished off or used up. The use of this word signifies that unlawfully acquired things do not have any 'barakat' and will not benefit the possessor in any way. It should be evident that this unlawful practice would include usurping ...

Concerning submissiveness [khushu]

Concerning submissiveness [khushu]
One of the things necessary for the salik in all his worships, especially in the salat, which is at the head of all worships and has a position of comprehensiveness [jami'iyat] , is submissiveness [khushu]. It is, in fact, a complete submission [khudu'] mixed with love or fear. It is the result of comprehending the Greatness, Power and Majesty of Beauty and Glory. The detail of this generality is that the hearts of the people of suluk are ...

The Universe’s Need for Allah’s vicegerent

The Universe’s Need for Allah’s vicegerent
Allah’s Attributes are not merely verbal; rather; they are objective and having external realization. The first Attributes which manifested themselves from the invisible God at His will are four according to a narration, and seven according to another which can somehow refer to the same name. The first Attributes are the Ever-living, the All-knowing, the All-Powerful, and the Speaker. Each of these Attributes has a domain and property for ...

relationship between possible existents (mumkin al-wujud) and the Necessary Being (wajib al-wujud),

relationship between possible existents (mumkin al-wujud) and the Necessary Being (wajib al-wujud),
  ...Thiqat al-'Islam wa 'Imad at-Muslimin Muhammad ibn Ya'qub (al-Kulayni): From a number of our companions, from Ahmad ibn Muhammad, from 'Ali ibn Hadid, from Mansur ibn Yunus, from al-Harith ibn al-Mughirah or his father, from Abu 'Abd Allah (A) (al-'Imam al-Sadiq). Al-Harith, or his father, says: "I asked him (A), 'What was (mentioned) in the testament of Luqman?' 'There were marvellous things in it', he said, 'and the most ...

The Twelve Imams

The Twelve Imams
The Twelve Imams The Narrations Concerning the Twelve Imams Having proved the issue of the Imamate and Caliphate of `Al¢(s), we now will discuss the Imamate of the other Imams. A summary of our discussion is as follows: There are numerous narrations recorded in the books of both Sh¢`ah and Sunni scholars which talk in general about the caliphate of “twelve caliphs and Imams” after the demise of the Prophet(s). These narrations are ...

Why Is Islam Popular?

Why Is Islam Popular?
Wilson: History indicates that Islam spread in its early times through Asia, Africa, and Europe very rapidly. Probably no other religion spread throughout the world as fast as Islam did. There must be some distinguishing features in Islam that caused its rapid growth and made it so phenomenal. I would like to know those factors which contributed to its rapid growth. Chirri: There are many factors which contributed, and are still contributing, ...

The Holy Qur'an has acknowledged intercession and tawassul between Allah and His people

The Holy Qur'an has acknowledged intercession and tawassul between Allah and His people
There is no doubt that the Holy Qur'an has acknowledged intercession and tawassul between Allah and His people, and not prohibited that nor prevented His messenger from it. Rather, the Qur'an has made it permissible and recommended it. The Qur'an has made the Prophet’s doings, sayings, and approving of others’ doings as example for us to follow in our lives, when saying: Certainly you have in the Messenger of Allah an excellent ...

To discontinue invocation is a sign of despair

To discontinue invocation is a sign of despair
Many scholars believe that to discontinue invocation is a sign of despair. The hopeless person believes that he will not reach his destination through dua. 'Qunut' means that one accuses Allah of not being merciful and for not accepting his repentance. He thinks that whatever difficulties he suffers, are the retribution of his sins. Thus Imam Sajjad (a.s.) says in the 39th Dua of Sahifa-e-Sajjadiyah, "I neither despair of Your Mercy nor am I in ...

The Disobedient Children After the Death of Their Parents

The Disobedient Children After the Death of Their Parents
Benevolence to Parents is Wajib The verses of the Quran as well as the traditions of the infallible Imams (a.s.) not only prohibit displeasing and angering the parents, but also stress that benevolence towards them is Wajib. A few examples of the Quranic Ayats are presented for the readers: 1) "And We have enjoined on man goodness to his parents."  (Surah Ankaboot 29:8) 2) "Be grateful to Me and both your parents..." (Surah Luqman ...

Determinism and Free Will

Determinism and Free Will
Sixth LectureDeterminism and Free Will One issue related to God’s justice is the topic of determinism and free will. The proponents of the philosophy of determinism contended that man is not free in his deeds, behavior and speech and that even the movement of his limbs and organs is performed as obligatorily as the movement of parts of a car. This raises the question: How is this opinion compatible with the issue of God’s justice? For ...

Praising Ourselves Unknowingly

Praising Ourselves Unknowingly
  A discerning person realises that our qualities are not our own and that we are not capable of acquiring such qualities without Divine assistance. Yet at times we mistakenly introduce our qualifications as, "my knowledge, my strength, my intention, my wealth etc. Rather one should say, my knowledge, which is bestowed upon me by Allah, my strength which is imparted to me by Allah, my intention that is assisted by Allah, my wealth which ...

A third set depends on the sleight of hand like juggling

 A third set depends on the sleight of hand like juggling
  The late Sayyad writes in Wasila an Najaat that magic means the writing and reciting of some special spells and charms and the burning of particular objects so that its smoke can be used for some extraordinary effects. Making a picture and blowing, or tying up knots, or buying special objects in particular places so that the person for whom the magic is intended may be affected physically or mentally. That is if he is reported ...

Preventing others from evil is most important

Preventing others from evil is most important
Is it allowed to help a sinful person, by way of giving loan or solving his difficulties to one who does not pray or is an alcoholic? Sometimes it is very difficult to decide as to what is the proper course of action in such circumstances, because we are commanded to maintain a distance from sinners. Thus Ali (a.s.) says:  "The Messenger of Allah has ordered us to be unfriendly with the sinful people." (Wasaelush Shia) Hazrat Imam Sadiq ...

Sorcery is punishable by death

Sorcery is punishable by death
What is sorcery? The late Sayyad writes in Wasila an Najaat that magic means the writing and reciting of some special spells and charms and the burning of particular objects so that its smoke can be used for some extraordinary effects. Making a picture and blowing, or tying up knots, or buying special objects in particular places so that the person for whom the magic is intended may be affected physically or mentally. That is if he is reported ...

Weighing And Cheating

Weighing And Cheating
The twenty-fourth Greater Sin is short weighing or cheating in business. This is recorded in the Holy Quran and the tradition of Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) as related by Amash and the tradition of Imam Reza (a.s.) as reported by Fazl Ibne Shazaan. Imam (a.s.) says: "Decreasing (fraudulently) in measure and weight." (is also a Greater Sin). It is haraam for a seller to give less than the specified quantity or for the debtor to repay less than ...

Divine Justice

Divine Justice
Divine Justice By Sayyid Mujtaba Musawi Lari Translated from the Persian By Dr. Hamid Algar Opinions Concerning God's JusticeAn Analysis of Misfortune and HardshipHardship, a Cause of AwakeningSome Aspects of InequalityNotes  Opinions Concerning God's Justice   The problem of justice as one of God's attributes has had its own distinct history. Various schools of thought in Islam have held different views on the subject, ...

What are Self-judgement and Self-control mean?

What are Self-judgement and Self-control mean?
Self-judgment is to call oneself to account every day regarding the good deeds and wrongdoings. If the scale of acts of obedience overweighs that of acts of disobedience, we must thank God, lest we must discipline ourselves.Self-control stands for protecting oneself against breach of the obligatory religious rites and the commitment of the forbidden.It is necessary for the rational to train himself on self-judgment and self-control, since all ...

Aaq-e-Waledain is absolutely Haraam

Aaq-e-Waledain is absolutely Haraam
Allama Majlisi (r.a.) writes in his commentary on Al Kafi: Aaq-e-Waledain means that the son or the daughter cause disrespect to parents by speech or actions. Or they do not obey them in matters which are within reason and matters which are not in any way against religion. Aaq-e-Waledain is absolutely Haraam. The books of traditions of both the Shias as well as the Sunnis validate this fact. To look at the parents with anger is Aaq: To cause ...

Western Point of View towards Imam Hussein and His Battle

Western Point of View towards Imam Hussein and His Battle
The Sunni Point of View towards Imam Hussein and Mourning for Him All Sunni scholars have reproached what Yazid did, and they give the right to Imam Hussein. They have no problem with mourning for Imam Hussein. What differentiates them from Shiites in this matter, is the different ways they have for mourning for Imam Hussein. The difference is that, Shiites hold this ceremony very seriously, but Sunnis have a more casual attitude towards ...

Total abstinence from lying

Total abstinence from lying
Hazrat Imam Zainul Abedin (a.s.) says,  "Avoid falsehood, whether it is small or big, in solemnity or jest."  (Al Kafi) Hazrat Amirul Momineen (a.s.) said,  "No man can taste faith, till the time he completely forgoes lying, in solemnity and in jest."  (Al Kafi) It is also related from Amirul Momineen (a.s.) that he said: "There is no merit in falsehood, whether in seriousness or in jest. Do not even promise your child something if you do ...