Saturday 28th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Last Successor of Prophet in Ghadir Sermon

The Last Successor of Prophet in Ghadir Sermon
The Holy Prophet (PBUH) of Islam, on his way back from his last pilgrimage to Mecca, received some commandments from God through Gabriel. Two of these commandments were: “O Prophet! Declare what you were commanded to”‌ and “Your Prophetic mission is not incomplete unless you declare the commandment of God”‌. There would have been no word of Mahdi had the Prophet not introduced him because the people ...

The Importance of Salat

The Importance of Salat
The Prophet of Islam (Peace be upon him and his family) has said: "The Salat is the most important act of worship in the religion. If Allah (SWT) accepts one's Salat, then all other acts of worship will be accepted, and if the Salat is not accepted, then all other acts of worship will not be accepted either." He (Peace be upon him and his family) has also said: "One who does not pay importance to the Salat and considers it as something ...

First alleged contradiction

First alleged contradiction
In his Firaq al-Shi''ah (The Shi''ah Groups), Abu Muhammad al-Hasan bin Musa al-Nubakhti, one of the foremost known Shi''i historians, believes that Shi''ism did not start until the demise of the Holy Rasul, Sallallahu alayhi wa Sallam:"The Messenger [sawa] died in the month of Rabi'' al-Awwal, in the year 10 of Hijra at age 63 and the duration of his prophethood was for 23 years, and his mother is Aaminah bint Wahab bin Abdi Manaaf bin Zuhra ...

Permanent Chastisement is Exclusively For unbelievers

Permanent Chastisement is Exclusively For unbelievers
One of the beliefs of the Shia Ithna Ashari school of thought is that eternal punishment is only for the Kuffar (Unbelievers). In other words, if a person dies in belief, he will not linger under punishment forever, even if he has killed a believer (or someone else whose killing has been prohibited according to the Divine command), or even though he has committed other greater sins. Hence the verse mentioned above has been explained in various ...

People whose supplications are not accepted

People whose supplications are not accepted
Hazrat Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says:  "Dua of four types of people is not answered:  1. A Person who sits idle at home and prays to Allah to provide him with sustenance is told, 'Have We not ordered you to make effort for obtaining your sustenance?' 2. The person who prays for some misfortune for his wife. He is told, 'Have We not given you the choice of giving her divorce if you do not want such a wife?' 3. One who had squandered ...

The Significance of Prayer

The Significance of Prayer
Know that freedom from other preoccupations for the sake of absorption in worship (`ibadah) is obtainable through possessing unoccupied time and an unoccupied heart. And this is one of the most important points regarding worship, without which the presence of heart cannot be realized, and a worship performed without an attentive heart is devoid of value. That which brings about attentiveness of the heart consists of two matters. The first of ...

Knowledge of Allah (S.W.T)

Knowledge of Allah (S.W.T)
It is mentioned in reliable traditions that Imam Jaafar as-Sadiq (A.S) said, Dawood (David) arrived for hajj, attended Arafat, saw the huge gathering of people there and went on top of a hill and engaged him in supplication in solitude. When he concluded the hajj rituals, Archangel Gabriel came to him and asked, “Why had you gone to the hill? Your Lord asks did you think that your voice would not reach Him due to the noise of the ...

Creation of UniverseQur'anic Concepts and Scientific Theories

Creation of UniverseQur'anic Concepts and Scientific Theories
IntroductionMaurice Bucaille in his scholarly work, The Bible,The Qur'an and Science has drawn our attention to some of the startling revelations in the Qur'an regarding astronomical aspects which could not be comprehended properly till the rise of modern science from the 17th century onward. As for instance the impact of the rotation and revolution of the earth and the inclination of its axis on the seasonal changes, changes in the duration of ...

The blessings of intellect and trustworthiness

The blessings of intellect and trustworthiness
Intellect or the faculty of reasoning is one of the greatest trusts that Allah has bestowed upon man and this trust demands that man continually honours it. We must not say or do anything that is against reason. If we allow our desire to conquer reason we would have committed a breach of trust with Allah (a.j.). As regards the safekeeping of trust with reference to the rules of Shariat, Imam Muhammad Baqir (a.s.) says: "Misappropriating the ...


The root of 'Maad' (Hereafter) is 'Aud' which means to return or to come back. As on the Day of Resurrection souls will be made to return to their bodies, it is called Maad. 'Maad' is one of the principles of the Holy religion of Islam and to have faith in it is absolutely essential or obligatory and it is that everyone will, after his death, become alive again and would be rewarded or punished according to ones belief and deeds. 'Maad' which ...

Demand for fulfillment of rights on the Day of Qiyamat

Demand for fulfillment of rights on the Day of Qiyamat
Non-fulfillment of another's right, without a valid excuse is the twenty-sixth greater sin. If a person who has some right upon someone and demands his right but the one on whom the obligation rests does not fulfill the right, even though he is capable of it, then this person has committed a greater sin. Non-fulfillment of rights as a greater sin is according to Nass (Holy Quran and hadith). The frequently quoted tradition of Amash from Imam ...

Punishment of hell for the false witness

Punishment of hell for the false witness
Hazrat Imam Muhammad al-Baqir (a.s.) says,  "Whenever a person testifies falsely to usurp the property of a Muslim, Allah writes at that very moment a punishment of the blazing fire for this man."  (Al Kafi) Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) says,  "The false witness may not even have moved from his place but that the punishment of fire will have already become incumbent for him."  (Al Kafi) The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) says:  "False testimony ...

The Importance of Abstaining From the Prohibited

The Importance of Abstaining From the Prohibited
  "Even if you stand for prayers like a tent peg planted on the ground and keep fasting till you resemble a dried stick and stoop like a bow, Allah will not accept any of your deeds till you have the piety to guard against the evil deeds."  (Iddatud-Dai) Sin is a Barrier to the Acceptance of Invocation (Dua) Tenth Tradition Hazrat Musa (a.s.) passed by a person from his followers who was in prostration. After completing his chore Musa ...

Firm conviction and disobedience

Firm conviction and disobedience
Even though the belief in Allah and the fear of His retribution is present in man, he is still prone to sins. It is not that one who believes in Allah cannot sin. For example, who does not know that a dead body cannot cause any harm? Everyone firmly believes in it. Yet how many people can stay alone with a corpse at night? Here a firm belief is unable to rid the man of his fear of the dead. Even a firm belief cannot guarantee one's actions. It ...

Middle Resurrection - Al-Raj'ah or the return of selected dead persons to life

Middle Resurrection - Al-Raj'ah or the return of selected dead persons to life
"Or (bethink thee of) the like of him who, passing by a township which had fallen into utter ruin, exclaimed: How shall Allah give this township life after its death? And Allah made him die a hundred years, then brought him back to life. He said: How long hast thou tarried? (The man) said: I have tarried a day or part of a day. (He) said: Nay, but thou hast tarried for a hundred years.Just look at thy food and drink which have not rotted! Look ...

The techniques of controlling the angels

The techniques of controlling the angels
The thirty-first sin that is clearly stated to be a Greater Sin is sorcery. A tradition from the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has been recorded in Wasaelush Shia in which the Prophet (s.a.w.s.) has mentioned that Magic is a Greater Sin. The tradition of Abdul Azeem (r.a.) has also mentioned from Imam Jawad (a.s.) who has related through his fore-fathers from Imam Ja\'far as-Sadiq (a.s.) that he said to the effect, \"Sorcery is a Greater Sin because ...

Given that we insist that happiness is achieved only through Shi\'ism, isn\'t it unjust and unbecoming of divine justice to punish those who have no knowledge of any divine religions nor any understanding of Shi\'ism?

Given that we insist that happiness is achieved only through Shi\'ism, isn\'t it unjust and unbecoming of divine justice to punish those who have no knowledge of any divine religions nor any understanding of Shi\'ism?
In the present time there are people in the world who are not familiar with any divine religions. That is because they do not have the means to get acquainted with such religions let alone Shia doctrines. Now if we assume that happiness is attained through Shi\'sim or admit that Shia is a better way of attaining happiness, doesn\'t this notion conflict with divine justice?Concise answerSurely, Allah does not do injustice to anyone. As for those ...

Preparing for what is to come

Preparing for what is to come
The Holy Prophet said: “Verily, the month of Rajab is the Great Month of Allah. No other month can be as sacred and as virtuous as this month…Therefore, if one observes fasting on one day of this month, he will bindingly win the grand pleasure of Almighty Allah and will be taken away from the displeasure of Almighty Allah, and the gates of hellfire will be closed in his face.”Rajab and Sha’ban serve as spiritual ...

Opinions Concerning God's Justice

Opinions Concerning God's Justice
The problem of justice as one of God's attributes has had its own distinct history. Various schools of thought in Islam have held different views on the subject interpreting it in accordance with their own distinctive principles. Some Sunnis who follow the views of the theologian Abu'l-Hasan Ash'ari do not believe in God's justice as a matter of faith and they deny that justice is accomplished by the divine acts. In their view however God ...

The Completing of blessings

The Completing of blessings
In a tradition mentioned by at-Tabari, ath-Tha’labi, al-Wahidi, al-Qurtubi Abu as-Sa’ood, al-Fakhr ar-Razi, ibn Katheer ash-Shami, an-Nayshaboori, as-Sayooti and al-Aaloosi in their tafsirs; and in the books of al-Balathari, ibn Qutayba, ibn Zoulaq, ibn Asakir, ibnul Atheer, ibn Abul Hadeed, ibn Khillikan, ibn Hajar and ibn as-Sabbagh; in the books of Hadith by ash-Shafi’iy, Ahmad bin Hanbal, ibn Maja, at-Tarmithi, an-Nassa’iy, ...