Friday 27th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

What is the Constitution of Self-Judgment?

What is the Constitution of Self-Judgment?
Ethicists have referred to the constitution of self-judgment in such a detailed method that it might be difficult for some to implement. I, however, can brief the matter in two precise and simplified points: (1) First of all, to practice self-judgment properly, one must perform all the obligatory rites, such as the prayer, fasting, hajj, zakat, and the like. If such rites are performed properly, one must then thank God for so and hope for ...

To Persist in Lesser Sins is Equivalent to Committing a Greater Sin

To Persist in Lesser Sins is Equivalent to Committing a Greater Sin
1) All those sins are Greater which have been specifically termed as Greater in the Holy Qur'an and the traditions. The number of such sins exceeds forty and they all have been explained in the traditions of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). The explanation of these traditions will follow later.   2) All those sins are Greater about which the Qur'an and Hadith explicitly state that those who commit these sins will enter Hell. Or if it is not ...

The worshipper sinks in the ground

The worshipper sinks in the ground
  Shaykh Tusi has related from Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq (a.s.), "There was an old man of Bani Israel. He was praying when he saw that two children had caught a fowl and were pulling its feather. The fowl was shrieking in pain but he remained engrossed in prayers and did not help the poor bird by having it released from the clutches of the naughty children. So the Almighty ordered the earth to swallow this man and sucked him to the lowest ...

Astronomy and Meteorology

Astronomy and Meteorology
Predictions regarding future events; i.e. price fluctuations of grain, its shortage and abundance, the scarcity and intensity of rain and all other types of good and bad happenings; based on the knowledge of the effect of heavenly bodies on earth is known as meteorology. It is permitted if the one who is predicting only considers them a possibility but not a certainty because the final authority for all cause and effect lies with Allah. Thus ...

Faith in God: a Natural Instinct

Faith in God: a Natural Instinct
According to Islam, every child is born with the innate ability to know and believe in his Creator; this cognition has been placed by God into his nature (fitra). The Qur'ān describes the human soul in a very beautiful way. After swearing by the most majestic signs of God's creation, it says: "... and by the soul and He who perfected it! Then He inspired to it (the ability to understand) what is good for it and what is evil for it. ...

Muslims mark Eid Al-Ghadir

Muslims mark Eid Al-Ghadir
Millions of Muslims have celebrated the Eid al-Ghadir, marking the occasion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) appointing Imam Ali (PBUH) as his successor.Iranians joined Shia Muslims of other countries and celebrated the happy occasion with various ceremonies in different cities.In Tehran, the Milad Tower is brought to life to commemorate the occasion at Ghadir-e Khume, a place near Mecca, where by divine command Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) designated Imam ...

Types of Defense

Types of Defense
One of the points that now comes into question is the Islamic view of the essence and quiddity of jihad. On this point there is complete agreement amongst researchers; the essence of jihad is defense, meaning that not one of them even suspects jihad, or any kind of fighting, that is motivated by aggression, by lust for the wealth and riches and other resources of the other side, for an aggressor's harnessing of a people's economic or human ...

He Creates Without an Apparent Cause

He Creates Without an Apparent Cause
Even if the apparent causes, both material and non-material ones, are absent, Allah creates them by His unsurpassed power. There are numerous examples of such a phenomenon. The foremost example is that of the father of man, Hazrat Adam (a.s.) whom Allah created without the union of a male and a female. Adam (a.s.) came into existence from non-existence. Similarly Prophet Isa (a.s.) was born to the chaste maid, Janabe Maryam (a.s.) even though a ...

Dislike for Death and Weeping Over Demise of the Beloved

Dislike for Death and Weeping Over Demise of the Beloved
Whatever we have mentioned above makes clear that if the dislike for death and longing for living longer in this world is because of one's madness (excessive affection) or due to the thought that death becomes a barrier between his beloved things depriving him of worldly pleasures and luxuries, then it is unwise from the viewpoint of reason and an unpleasant attitude from religious viewpoint too. But if one dislikes death and desires its delay ...

The Contents of Nahj al Balaghah

The Contents of Nahj al Balaghah
Nahj al-balaghah comprises various issues that cover major problems of metaphysics, theology, fiqh, tafsir, hadith, prophetology, imamate, ethics,social philosophy, history, politics, administration, civics, science, rhetoric, poetry, literature, etc. Most of the discussions about various theological issues and philosophical notions in Islam have their origin in this very book. Similarly, all the controversies regarding socio-political problems ...

The Philosophy of Marriages of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)

The Philosophy of Marriages of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.)
IntroductionIn the early part of eighteenth century, the Christian writers started with new tactics of attacking Islam. They aimed, through publications full of lies and slanders, at diverting attention from the noble framework of Islam and degrading the exalted person of The Holy Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him and his progeny). The basis of that adverse propaganda were the books written by Christian writers of the fifteenth century. A ...

The Concept of Seven Heavens

The Concept of Seven Heavens
What is the purpose of the Qur'an in pointing towards 'seven heavens'? Answer: Islamic scholars and commentators have narrated some clarifications regarding 'seven heavens' (towards which indication are made in the Holy Qur'an also). 1. Here, seven is meant to be multiplication (to be more). It means that He has created many heavens, i.e. He has created a number of times. And mostly it so happens that in Arabic, Persian, Urdu or other ...

Opinions Concerning God's Justice

Opinions Concerning God's Justice
Opinions Concerning God's Justice The problem of justice as one of God's attributes has had its own distinct history. Various schools of thought in Islam have held different views on the subject interpreting it in accordance with their own distinctive principles. Some Sunnis who follow the views of the theologian Abu'l-Hasan Ash'ari do not believe in God's justice as a matter of faith and they deny that justice is accomplished by the divine ...

The Fast of 'Ashura

The Fast of 'Ashura
Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi Vol VIII No. 3 & 4 Some traditions are found in Sunni books to the effect that the Prophet (s.a.w.) on migrating to Medina found the Jews fasting on the 10th of Muharram. He asked them why, and was told: "It is an auspicious day; it is the day when God delivered the children of Israel from their enemy (i.e. Pharaoh); and, therefore, Moses fasted on that day." The Prophet (s.a.w.) said, "I am worthier of Moses than you ...

Piety And Imamate

Piety And Imamate
One of the other instances in which the word Taqwa  has been used is when we obey Allah and obey the apostle and those in authority from among us, for there is a perpetual life in obedience and perpetual   punishment in disobedience. Beyond doubt, if God has punished a nation with thunderbolt, heavenly and earthly afflictions, and if they have been afflicted with famine, it has been due to disobedience of divine calls and ...

Sadaqah on his behalf

Sadaqah on his behalf
As we have already mentioned, all the goods that are the basis of the above transactions constitute a trust. Whenever the owner demands the property, it has to be restored immediately. However, if a period has been agreed upon, the owner cannot demand his property before the end of the stipulated period. For example, the landlord cannot expel his tenant before the expiry of the agreement of tenancy. Similarly the pledged article cannot be taken ...


  In Islamic states the other communities viz: Jews, Christians and Magians, had all the civic rights provided they lived amicably with the Muslims and remained faithful to the state and did not cooperate or collaborate with the enemies of Islam. If these conditions were fulfilled, the state would be responsible for their safety and they will be free to follow the tenets of their own Faith. However, they were not allowed to drink intoxicants, ...

The Benefits of Sileh Rahmi in the Hereafter

The Benefits of Sileh Rahmi in the Hereafter
  The practice of Sileh Rahmi (kindness to kith and kin) accrues worldly advantages, spiritual benefits and bounties of the Hereafter.   Imam Ja'far as-Sadiq says:"Sileh Rahmi perfects the morals and encourages charity. When one performs Sileh Rahmi he has to be benevolent towards his relatives. The continuous practice of Sileh Rahmi brings refinement in his morals. In the same way repeated acts of kindness inculcate a benign and ...

Can you please introduce some methods in which we can improve and optimize our memory according to the traditions (Ahadith)?

Can you please introduce some methods in which we can improve and optimize our memory according to the traditions (Ahadith)?
Can you please introduce some methods in which we can improve and optimize our memory according to the traditions (Ahadith)?Concise answerWe can classify those effective methods of enhancing and optimizing memory and comprehension into some divisions which are as follows:A) Spiritual methods:1. Remembering Allah (by worshiping Him and doing the canonical duties especially praying on time)2. Reciting those duas which are effective for enhancing ...

Opinions Concerning God's Justice

Opinions Concerning God's Justice
The problem of justice as one of God's attributes has had its own distinct history. Various schools of thought in Islam have held different views on the subject, interpreting it in accordance with their own distinctive principles.  Some Sunnis who follow the views of the theologian Abu'l-Hasan Ash'ari do not believe in God's justice as a matter of faith, and they deny that justice is accomplished by the divine acts.  In their view, however, ...