Saturday 28th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

Misconception of the Similitude of God to His Creation

Misconception of the Similitude of God to His Creation
The first to come across in researching the hadith narrated by Imam al-Rida (A.S.) in the subject of tawhid is this one: "Anyone who makes a similitude of God with His creation is a mushrik (polytheist), and anyone who attributes to Him what He has prohibited is kafir (disbeliever)" which is, as reported about the Prophet (S.A.W.), a clear answer to those who claim that "God created Adam in His Own Image." In another text, the Imam (A.S.) ...

The Sahifah of Imam Reza(A.S.) PART I

The Sahifah of Imam Reza(A.S.) PART I
Among the works of Imam al-Reza, peace be on him, is this excellent dissertation called Sahïfat al-Reza; a group of narrators has called it Musnad al-Ima`m al-Reza, and this name is closer to the composition of the dissertation, for it contains the traditions which Ima`m al-Reza` has narrated on the authority of his grandfather, may Allah bless him and his family, and on the authority of his pure fathers, peace be on them. A group of ...

Polygamy in Islam Conditions and Advantages

Polygamy in Islam Conditions and Advantages
Polygamy or plurality of wives is one of the controversial questions connected with the family system of Islam. In this connection a few points are worth consideration in an effort to show how much the West was and still is completely misguided and misguiding in its conception of this issue(a) Natural and social prerequists of PolygamyIt is evident that the question of polygamy arises when:- The number of women eligible for marriage is more than ...

Belief in the Unseen

Belief in the Unseen
Murtadha MutahhariThose who believe in the unseen and perform the prayer, and expend of that we have provided them ... (2:3)It is customary for us to call an individual believer a mumin by which is meant that he is a devout person who has faith in that he performs all the obligatory acts of devotion as well as recommended acts. In the same way, another person is said to be without faith. There is no harm in using those words like this but the ...

Fundamentals of Faith

Fundamentals of Faith
Raghib Isfahani in his book Mufradatul Qur'an has given the meaning of Imam as leader, that is the one who should be followed and obeyed. That one may be a book or a man, whether it or he is right or wrong. Now that we have understood the meaning of the word Imam we venture to answer the above quoted question. It will be better to quote the verses of the Holy Qur'an as well as the traditions of the Holy Prophet and leave the matter to the ...

The Ahlul Sunnah Fatwa declaring that you cannot send your children to a Wahabi Madrassa

The Ahlul Sunnah Fatwa declaring that you cannot send your children to a Wahabi Madrassa
Ellahi then quotes further Fatwas in Al Barelviyaath, on page 198 To get kids to learn from a Wahabi teacher is a sin and anyone who does so is an enemy" "al Barelviyaath" by Ehsan Ellahi page 198 On the same page he quotes that it is a sin to give Zakat to a Wahabi". "al Barelviyaath" by Ehsan Ellahi page 198 Quoting the text "Al Wahabeen Haraam" Ellahi copies the following Fatwa: It is haraam to read the works of Wahabis especially Ibn ...

True recognition of the Imam (pbuh)

True recognition of the Imam (pbuh)
As the first step, we should strive to have a true recognition (Ma'rifat) of the Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH) with all his exclusive rights. This is one of the most important conditions for those expecting him, and is their prime duty. True recognition of the Imam (PBUH) is not just to know his name and his lineage.At the most primary level, recognition means acknowledgement of his rights and authorities, while at an advanced level it is acknowledgement ...

Allah’s Knowledge

Allah’s Knowledge
At the end of this discussion of fate and destiny it will not be out of place to take up the criticism made in this connection by the predestinarians and to analyze what they sa  They have adduced many and varied arguments to prove their theory. The Muslim predestinarians mainly rely on the Qur’anic verses regarding fate which we have already quoted. Sometimes they cite the sayings of the Holy Prophet or the Imams in this connection.  We ...

Tawheed and Shirk in Acts of Allah

 Tawheed and Shirk in Acts of Allah
  Tawheed with regards to the attributes of Allah means the realisation that the positive attributes of Allah and His Essence have only one and the same sense, and not any multiple and diverse sense. Divine attributes like Divine Eternity, Divine Knowledge and Divine Power, are the same as his Essence without any duality between His Essence and His attributes. This concept must be clearly distinguished from the fact that Allah, the Almighty ...

Death-The Moment of Truth

Death-The Moment of Truth
  This sacred tradition indicates that at the time of confronting death some of his stations and conditions become revealed to man. This matter is in conformity with a kind of metaphysical proof and in agreement with the experience of mystics as well as with traditions and other reports. As long as man is preoccupied with the cultivation of this mundane realm and the face of his heart is turned towards this habitat and the intoxicant of carnal ...

Types of Interpretation

Types of Interpretation
All praise is for Allah Who sent down the Qur'an to His servant so that he may be a warner to the worlds; and blessings be on him whom He sent as a witness, and a bearer of good news and a warner, and as one inviting to Allah by His permission, and as a light-giving torch; and on his progeny from whom Allah kept away the uncleanliness and whom He purified a thorough purifying. * * * In this article we shall describe the method adopted in this ...

Haste in Repaying Debt is Mustahab

Haste in Repaying Debt is Mustahab
It has been made amply clear that not repaying debt, or returning the rights is haraam and a Greater sin. Depending upon the demand of the creditor and the ability of the debtor it becomes obligatory to repay the debt as soon as possible. Too much divine reward is promised for this. Allamah Noori has quoted in his book Daarus Salaam an incident from the book Nurul Uyoon. He writes that Sayed Hashmi, the pious and prominent scholar said that ...

More Discussion on the Philosophy behind Disasters and Evils

More Discussion on the Philosophy behind Disasters and Evils
Fifth LectureMore Discussion on the Philosophy behind Disasters and Evils Since the issue of disasters and evils is a problem for most students of theology and monotheism, we shall devote more space here to this topic. Hardships and Life’s Ups and Downs Enliven Us It might seem difficult for some to comprehend, but gifts and blessings lose their value if they continue for a long time and do not change. It is a proven fact that if a smooth ...

What the youth need part 3

What the youth need part 3
  Question 38 I frankly say that we, the young men of nowadays, see, hear, and understand the sexual matters that our fathers might have understood when they became thirty years old, and simply somehow. In this age, everything excites. The means of 66 practicing sex, in most countries, are available even to children. What is the view of Islam concerning satisfying this pressing lust that our fathers do not understand? The answer: We ...

The Harmful effects of Pork on the Health of a person

The Harmful effects of Pork on the Health of a person
Question: What is the harm in eating pork, that Islam has prohibited it, whereas Christians consume it with delight? Answer: The present age has realized that pork has many unimaginable dangerous effects. One who eats pork is affected in a dangerous way. It is also bad from the ethical point of view, which comes into existence with the hormones, and also many more health matters. Here we will point to one harm, a disease called Trichinosis; ...

Surely they used to hasten, one with another, in deeds of goodness

Surely they used to hasten, one with another, in deeds of goodness
  It is Haraam to abort an unborn child. Like in the case of a murder, diyah (prescribed fine) has to be paid here too. There is no difference between a foetus and a full-grown man. Even if the killers are its own parents. If a woman takes medicine that causes abortion, she would be liable for the punishment of a murderer. The penalty (diyah) for killing a 'protected soul' (Nafse Mohtaram) is one thousand misqal of gold. If the killers are ...

hypocrites are in the lowest stage of the fire

hypocrites are in the lowest stage of the fire
Thus the punishment of the hypocrites shall be more severe than that of the infidels. Hypocrisy is actually the worst kind of disbelief. In order to gain worldly benefits the hypocrite veils his disbelief by the screen of religiousness. He seems to be religious by his words and actions. Whereae his heart is not religious. For example he recites the two confessions (Kalema Shahadatain). He verbally claims to believe in Quran and Qiyamat. But his ...

Receive His blessings

Receive His blessings
The first and foremost condition for one's strife with his own self, and hence his movement(mobility) towards God essentially(chiefly)  means introspection and self-reflection. Some of the moral philosophers have given it the fifth position in priorities, which is also correct. Here introspection is used in the sense of devoting some time, however insignificant it is, contemplating about our duties towards our Master and Creator, Who has ...

Isn\'t Allah the Best of Judges?

Isn\'t Allah the Best of Judges?
 Indeed, We have created the human being pon the best of forms. Then we reduced him to the lowest of the low, except those who believe and do good, for they shall have an unending reward. So who henceforth will give the lie to you about the judgment? Is not Allah the Best of Judges? [Sūrah al-Tīn: 4-8] These verses bring together various aspects of Allah’s wisdom: His wisdom in creating us, His wisdom in guiding us, and His wisdom in ...


CHAPTER TWOTHE MISSION OF THE PROPHETS12- THE PHILOSOPHY OF THE PROPHETHOODWE BELIEVE that God has sent a long line of prophets and apostles for the guidance of mankind towards salvation and perfection. If not so; the creation would fail to serve the creator's purpose, and man would be drowned in the whirlpool of aberrations.(WE SENT THE APOSTLES) Who gave glad "tidings as well as warning; so that mankind, after the coming of the apostles, may ...