Saturday 28th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

How would it be possible to explain unity of being in simple words?

How would it be possible to explain unity of being in simple words?
Wahdatul Wujûd means to believe that all the entities (things present around us) are an indication of Allah's presence and to believe that everything besides Allah is subjective or just shadows and epiphany of the Truth. Conclusively there is no multiplicity in God, the Real Wujûd as the one and unique reality from which all other reality derives. This theory does not imply polytheism. That is to say, according to this theory never is a human ...

The possibility of canceling the signs of the reappearance

The possibility of canceling the signs of the reappearance
The foretold future events before the reappearance of Imam al-Mahdi (PBUH) were the information that Allah willed their occurrence and were in effect at the time that the Imams (PBUT) spoke about them.In other words, with their vision of the knowledge of what will happen in future, the Imams (PBUT) foretold some of the signs that Allah had willed and intended at that time. However, Allah has not promised the occurrence of the planned signs,and ...

The Difference between Tafakkur and Tadhakkur

The Difference between Tafakkur and Tadhakkur
Let it be known to you that tadhakkur (remembrance) is the result of tafakkur (contemplation). Hence the station of tafakkur has been considered to precede that of tadhakkur. Khwajah `Abd Allah al-'Ansari says: Tadhakkur stands above tafakkur, for verily tafakkur is the search (of the Beloved) and tadhakkur is the attainment (of the Beloved). As long as man is on the path of search, he is separate from the searched object. With ...

Prayers of the Parents Are Accepted Soon

Prayers of the Parents Are Accepted Soon
There was a young man from Madinah. His parents were very old. He never did any good towards them. He neglected them and did not expend any of his wealth for their well-being. After sometime he became a destitute and fell sick. Hiswretchedness and misery reached such excessive, that he became a pitiable character. The Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) said,  "Those who cause hurt to their parents should derive lessons from the life of this man. See how ...

Du`¡’ (supplication) in a Glance

Du`¡’ (supplication) in a Glance
  Du`¡’ is the expression of poorness to the One. Du`¡’ is the articulation of poverty to the Eternal Absolute. Du`¡’ is seeking assistance of the powerless from the All-Powerful. Du`¡’ is the demonstration of humility to the Omnipotent. Du`¡’ is loved by the Almighty, and is dear to the mystic and the miserable. Du`¡’ in the Holy Qur’¡n The Almighty, who is the Revealer of knowledge and wisdom, states in His ...

Barzakh: the period between death and the Day of Resurrection

Barzakh: the period between death and the Day of Resurrection
By:Sayyid Saeed Akhtar Rizvi   "Barzakh" literally means 'barrier'. In the Qur'an, it has been used for the period between death and the Day of Resurrection. "And behind them is the Barzakh (barrier) till the Day they will be Resurrected". (Qur'an, 23:100). Our 6th Imam (A) has said that "We will intercede on your behalf on the Day of Judgement; but by Allah, I am worried about you for the period when you would be in Barzakh".[12][13] Imam ...

A Brief Look at the Miracles of the Holy Qur’An

A Brief Look at the Miracles of the Holy Qur’An
Sixth LectureA Brief Look at the Miracles of the Holy Qur’An Why the Discontinuous letters? We know that at the start of most Surahs of the Holy Qur’¡n we will find discontinuous letters, such as Alif, L¡m, M¢m [ALM], ALMR, and Y¡s¢n [YS]. In accordance with some Islamic narrations, God has used these letters to show that one eternal miracle of creation, i.e., the Holy Qur’¡n, is simply composed of letters and it is constructed in ...

Who deprives an orphan of his rightful property

Who deprives an orphan of his rightful property
The eighth among the Greater Sins is to usurp the property of an orphan who has not attained maturity. This is categorized as a Greater sin by the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.), Imam Ali (a.s.), Imam Reza (a.s.), Imam Kazim (a.s.) and Imam Taqi (a.s.). It is a sin, the punishment of which is fixed by Allah to be the fire of Hell. The Quran says,  "(As for) those who swallow the property of the orphans unjustly, surely they only swallow fire into ...

Educating others about the religion

Educating others about the religion
As persons living in constant expectation, we should also teach what we know from Ahl al-Bait (PBUT) to other qualified individuals, narrate their traditions to people who are willing to hear us, and transfer what has been conveyed to us from their knowledge:Imam al-Ridha (PBUH) said, "May Allah bless he who revives our matter/kingdom." He was asked, "How is your matter revived?" The Imam (PBUH) replied, "To learn our knowledge and to teach them ...

Ali's silence

Ali's silence
  Ali's silence over the caliphate Ali's silence in the matter of the Caliphate was not due to the absence of friends and supporters but, out of respect for the wishes of the Holy Prophet; he did not press further his right to the Caliphate. On hearing the news of the Holy Prophet's death, Abu Sufian came to Medina and, accompanied by Abbas Bin Abdul Muttalib, called on Hazrat Ali. He expressed his views on the Caliphate of Hazrat Abubakr ...

Shiah; Slaughering and Hunting

Shiah; Slaughering and Hunting
The basic principle in Shi'ah jurisprudence concerning animals whose blood spurts is that they become "najis" (impure) when they die, and that it is unlawful (haram) to eat their flesh.There is also a division of animals into two categories: those which are impure (najis) in essence and cannot become pure, such as the dog and the pig, and can therefore on no account be eaten; and those which become essentially impure if they die in any way other ...

Shiah and Amr Bi 'l-ma 'Ruf and Nahy 'ani 'l-munkar (The enjoining of good and the prevention of evil)

Shiah and Amr Bi 'l-ma 'Ruf and Nahy 'ani 'l-munkar (The enjoining of good and the prevention of evil)
This is one of the most important of the compulsory acts prescribed by religion and the basis of the Muslim's moral duties; moreover, it is the most effective means of demonstrating the truth and reality of Islam and is a successful weapon against infidelity and paganism. Any nation which ignores this holy war is doomed to ruin; indeed it will become the heaven of oppressors and cheats. It is for this reason that the Prophet (s.a.w.), who taught ...

HUNAYN IBN ISHAQ AL-‘IBADI: A Great Translator form Greek to Arabic

HUNAYN IBN ISHAQ AL-‘IBADI: A Great Translator form Greek to Arabic
Abu Zayd Hunayn Ibn Ishaq al-‘Ibadi, the celebrated physician, was the most eminent man of his time in the art of medicine. He possessed a perfect acquaintance with the language of the Yunanis (Greeks), and it was by him that the work of Euclid was translated into Arabic. Thabit Ibn Qurrah, (See no. 125) who came after him, cleared up the difficulties of this work and put it into better order This was also the case with the Almagest ...

This world is a place of test and trial for everyone

This world is a place of test and trial for everyone
If a person is involved in worldly problems he should turn towards two realities. Firstly, this world is a place of test and trial for everyone. There is no one who could escape its clutches. Secondly, one must look at the conditions of people who are worse off than us. In this way one can get peace and solace by comparing ones condition with that of others. Even in the greatest calamities, we should continue to rely upon the Mercy of Allah. ...

Blessings from Allah and while having these blessings

Blessings from Allah and while having these blessings
  Objects of Gambling and Laying of Bets There is a universal agreement among the Mujtahids that articles normally used in gambling should not be played with, even if one is not gambling. The tradition mentioned previously which states that one who touches chess is like one who smears his hand in pork; continues, "The prayers of chess-players are not valid till they wash their hands after the game. And to watch a game of chess is like ...

Become dry be repeating endless invocations

Become dry be repeating endless invocations
  The traditions regarding this subject are based on two important points. The first is concerned with 'Shia' and the second 'Mohibs' (Admirers) of the Holy Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). The position and status of those Shias who have achieved excellence in the field of knowledge and good deeds is definitely higher. Even so, such people did not consider themselves fit to be called the Shias of Ahlul Bayt (a.s.). Take the example of Muhammad bin Muslim ...

An Introduction to 'Ilm al-Kalam

An Introduction to 'Ilm al-Kalam
This long article is a part of Martyr Murtada Mutahhari's book Ashna'i ba 'ulum-e Islami (An Introduction to the Islamic Sciences). The book consists of seven parts: (1) logic (2) philosophy (3) al-kalam (Muslim scholastic philosophy) (4) 'irfan (Islamic mysticism) (5) usul-e fiqh (the principles of jurisprudence) (6) fiqh (Islamic jurisprudence) (7) hikmat-e 'amali' (practical philosophy or practical morality). All the seven parts together ...

The Primality of the Life Principle

The Primality of the Life Principle
Science says it is life that creates life. The life of animate beings is possible only by means of generation procreation and the reproduction of species. No single cell has yet been discovered that was born from lifeless matter. Even the lowest forms of living being such as fungi and parasites cannot come into existence and grow unless a cause that itself partakes of life is to be found in its environment. According to the testimony of science ...

No extravagance in charitable acts

No extravagance in charitable acts
The life of this world: Our passage from this world to the Hereafter is called “life”. The life in this world means the period , the length or portion of time between birth and death. Time is here never resting. There are many amusements in this world. Life of this world is a business bargain, an inevitable battle, a long series of tests, a part of Pilgrimage, an opportunity of service. Never-resting time : The life in this world ...

Feats and extraordinary deeds

Feats and extraordinary deeds
There are many fields of study dealing with various awe-striking feats and extraordinary deeds; and it is very difficult to classify them so as not to leave anything out. However, we give here a list of the more commonly used branches of this art. a) as-Simiya: It deals with the ways of combining the will-power with particular physical and material forces for manipulating the natural order and, thus, producing extraordinary effects. Under this ...