Friday 27th of September 2024
Kalam and Beliefs
ارسال پرسش جدید

The Exegesis of the Holy Qur'an

The Exegesis of the Holy Qur'an
Among the sciences which Ima`m Abu` Ja'far (al-Baqir), peace be on him, presented during his lectures was the exegesis of the Holy Koran. Indeed he devoted a time of his times to it. He discussed all of its affairs. The scholars of exegesis, though they had different opinions and trends, studied under him. Thus, he was the most brilliant explainer in Islam. Among his studies on the Koran are the following:   The Virtue of Reciting the Holy ...

Scholastic Theology (Kalam)

Scholastic Theology (Kalam)
The science of scholastic, or speculative, theology (kalaam) is an Islamic science. It is concerned with discussing Islamic beliefs, or what should be upheld of such beliefs from an Islamic perspective. Thus, kalaam seeks to explain the matters relating to these beliefs, advancing the evidence in support thereof and defending the same.Muslim scholars divide the body of Islamic teachings into three categories: 1. Beliefs: This category deals with ...

Doctrine of bada'

Doctrine of bada'
The meaning of bada' for a man is this: the appearance (bada' literally means' appearance') of an idea about some action which the man did not have previously, in such a way that it changes his intention do to that action. That is to say that something happens which alters his understanding and knowledge about that action, so hat he conceives the intention for leaving the work after he had previously intended to do it. This is due to man's ...

Miraclous Birth and the Date

Miraclous Birth and the Date
It is not bad to give a summary about the event of Mahdi’s birth. The birth of Mahdi the son of Imam Hasan Askari is recorded by historians as being a simple event.However the birth is surrounded by some strange signs. The writer is not willing to see or accept the strange signs because he says that no such events were recorded. Which records he uses for his research, we do not know. An event of birth is not to be elaborated - generally ...

Man's Faith and Conviction

Man's Faith and Conviction
Human beliefs, like man's knowledge, science and technology, advance with the centuries. Religion predates history, and has always engaged mankind's particular affection and attention. Language, writing, and means of livelihood have all progressed in parallel with man's mental and spiritual growth. They wax and wane, as is the human condition. Religions multiplied; deities proliferated. Some were represented as imaginary beings, some as animals, ...

In disparagement of those who shrink from fighting

In disparagement of those who shrink from fighting
In disparagement of those who shrink from fightingI am faced with men who do not obey when I order and do not respond when I call them. May you have no father! (Woe to you) What are you waiting for to rise for the cause of Allah? Does not faith join you together, or sense of shame rouse you? I stand among you shouting and I am calling you for help, but you do not listen to my word, and do not obey my orders, till circumstances show out their bad ...

The advancement of Islam and its penetration

The advancement of Islam and its penetration
The advancement of Islam and its penetration into different peoples took place gradually. In the terminology of the Holy Qur'an those persons who preceded all others in embracing and propagating Islam are called as-Sabiqun (the preceding ones) and in the early days of Islam this precedence was in itself a criterion of virtue and superiority and even amongst these persons one who preceded another one enjoyed a more honourable position. Hence we ...

Leadership of the Muslims after Prophet Muhammad

Leadership of the Muslims after Prophet Muhammad
In every aspect of life, a form of leadership exists, whether it is in the workforce, education, government, family or religious institutes. The Quran emphasizes the role and significance of leadership in Islam and God states, “And remember the day on which we will call together all human beings with their leaders [imams].” (17:71) Throughout his mission of propagation of the message of Islam, Prophet Muhammad had on several occasions named ...

God's "Hand" is His Might

God's "Hand" is His Might
There are other verses the superficial meaning of which gives the impression that God has limbs just as humans do which He uses to achieve His purpose, such as His statement addressing Iblis when the latter refused to prostrate to Adam as commanded by God: "What prohibited you from prostrating to what I have created in My own hands?" and also like the verse saying, "When a leg will be uncovered and they are invited to prostrate..."The Imam ...

The Lord of the Universe has Fixed Some Causes for Death

The Lord of the Universe has Fixed Some Causes for Death
It is agreed that it is only God who takes away life at the time of death. But you should also remember that God has made this world a world of causes. He has created causes for death also like falling from roof, becoming ill or being murdered etc. Surely all these events become causes of death but the same is not absolutely essential because it can be also be seen that some people were seriously ill but they did not die of that illness. Of ...

The Origin of Shi'ism

The Origin of Shi'ism
3.The Origin of Shi'ism    The Origin of Shi'ism is not separated from the origin of Islam since the Prophet himself sowed its seed by Proclaiming the wisaya (succussorship) and khilafat (caliphate of Ali bin Abi Talib in the first open call to Islam the he made in Mecca.     Islam began when the Prophet Muhmmad (peace be upon him and Progeny) became forty years old. Initially, the mission was kept a secret. Then three years after the ...

How can we become a person expecting al-Qa'im (PBUH) ?

How can we become a person expecting al-Qa'im (PBUH) ?
By the presented discussions in the previous part, it is now clear that of the major reasons for the occultation have been insincerity in our claims and our refusal to submit to the sayings of Ahl al-Bait (PBUT). Allah, the most merciful, has assigned for us a leader who is ready to relieve us, but we have turned away from his commands and the commands of his ancestors.This has caused the wrath of Allah in the form of occultation. Our only ...

Sunnah, from Shi'i and Sunni Viewpoints

Sunnah, from Shi'i and Sunni Viewpoints
The original article in Persian appeared under the title "Sunnat dar nigah-e Ahl-e Tashayyu` wa Tasannun" in the quarterly journal `Ulum-a Hadith (year 1, no. 1, Fall 1375 H. Sh./1996, pp. 9-16) published by the Institute of Hadith Sciences (Danishkadeh 'Ulum-a Hadith), Qum. All Praise belongs to God, Who made the creation and provided it (with all that it needed), Who inspired (the souls) and gave them the faculty of speech, Who originated ...

Fearlessness of Allah's Plan

Fearlessness of Allah's Plan
Allah possesses two kinds of qualities, the Jamali (good) and Jalali (severe). Example of Jamali qualities are His being Rahman (Beneficent), Raheem (Merciful), Kareem (Generous), Haleem (Magnanimous), Shakoor (Thankful), Ghafoor (one who forgives). The Jalali qualities are His being Jabbar (Mighty), Qahhar (One who punishes), Muntaqim (One who retributes), Muzallil (One who degrades), Mutakabbir (Proud) and Shadeedul Iqab (Severe in ...

Sin and Its Effects

Sin and Its Effects
      Imam Amir ul Mu\\\'mineen ‘Ali (‘a) said: "If one of you desires to know his standing with Allah he may evaluate his situation in relation to his sins against Allah, such is his worthiness to Allah, the Blessed and Exalted."   Text :   The Holy Prophet (S) said: "Do not look at the minuteness of the sin, but see Whom you have sinned against." Bihar-ul-Anwar, vol. 77, p. 79 & Mustadrak Al-Wasa\\\'il, ...

Loss in both the worlds

Loss in both the worlds
In Surah Hajj it is stated:   And among men is he who serves Allah (standing) on the verge, so that if good befalls him, he is satisfied therewith, but if a trial afflicts him, he turns back headlong; (towards doubt and infidelity), he loses this world as well as the hereafter; that is a manifest loss.[211]   There are some Muslims, who do not have sincere faith and firm belief in Allah, the Prophet and the Day of Judgment. They are in a ...

The Effects of Sins

The Effects of Sins
By: Shaykh Nasir Makarim Shirazi[Imam Muhammad b. ‘Ali] al-Baqir (as) has said: “There is no servant who sees his Muslim brother in need, however does not help him or tries to alleviate his difficulties, except that he will face a tribulation in that his energies will be expended in an area in which there is no reward for the next life and no reward for the transient world.There is not a single servant (of Allah) who is miserly in ...

A Philosophical Discussion on Immateriality of the Soul

A Philosophical Discussion on Immateriality of the Soul
Is the soul immaterial? The word “soul” in this discussion means that thing which every man refers to when he says “I”. Its “immateriality” refers to the fact that it is not a material thing, it is neither divisible nor governed by time or space.No doubt, I conceive in myself a concept which I refer to as “I”; and it is equally certain that every man has similar conception about himself. It is a conception which we are never ...

Qazaf and the Responsibility of Other Muslims

Qazaf and the Responsibility of Other Muslims
  According to the philosophy of Islam, if a Muslim hears of another Muslim being accused of adultery or sodomy he should not pay heed to it. It is Haraam for him to believe it. It is also Haraam to repeat this slander to others. Till four just witnesses testify before the qazi and the qazi issues his decree, it is Haraam to associate any one with these sins. Even if one has witnessed the crime with his own eyes or believes the accuser, one ...

Courtesy to God: Exemplary Methods of the Arch-Prophets

Courtesy to God: Exemplary Methods of the Arch-Prophets
Abstract This article examines the method of the five Arch-Prophets (Ulul Azm), namely Prophet Noah, Prophet Abraham, Prophet Moses, Prophet Jesus, and Prophet Muhammad, communicating with God through remembrance (dhikr), supplication (dua), and prayer (salat). Through defining the term ‘model’ and offering a glimpse into the character traits of these exemplary personalities, the author seeks to analyse the form of address of each of these ...