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Sickness, Death, and Burial of Mohammed

  • Publication date:   2010-06-24 17:06:49
  • Number of views:   725

During the last sickness of the prophet, while he was lying with his head in Aly's lap, and Abbâs was standing before him and brushing away the flies with his cloak, he opened his eyes and asked Abbàs to become his executor, pay his debts, and support his family. Abbâs said he was an old man with a large family, and could not do it. Mohammed then proffered the same to Aly, who was so much affected that he could not command utterance for some time, but as soon as he could speak, promised with the greatest devotion to perform the prophet's request. Mohammed, after being raised into a sitting posture, in which he was supported by Aly, ordered BiIàl to bring his helmet, called Zooljabeen; his coat of mail, Zatul-Fazool; his banner, Akâb; his sword, Zoolfakâr; his turbans, Sahâb and Tahmeeah; his two party-colored garments, his little staff, and his walking cane, Memshook. In relating the story Abbâs remarked that he had never before seen the party-colored scarf, which was so lustrous as nearly to blind the eyes. The prophet now addressed Aly, saying, Jibrâeel brought me this article and told me to put it into the rings of my mail, and bind it on me for a girdle. He then called for his two pairs of Arab shoes, one pair of which had been patched. Next he ordered the shirt he wore on the night of the Marâj, or ascent to heaven, and the shirt he wore at the battle of Ohod. He then called for his three caps, one of which he wore in journeying, another on festivals, and the third when sitting among his companions. He then told Bilal to bring his two mules, Shahbâ and Duldul; his two she-camels. Ghazbâ and Sahbâ; and his two horses, Jinâh and Khyrdam. Jinâh was kept at the door of the mesjid for the use of a messenger, and Khyrdam was mounted by the prophet at the battle Ohod, where Jibrâeel cried, Advance, Khyrdam. Last he called for his ass Yafoor'. Mohammed now directed Abbâs to take Aly's place and support his back. He then said, Rise, O Aly, and take these, my property, while I yet live, that no one may quarrel with you about them after I am gone.

"When I rose, said Aly, my feet were so cramped that it was with the utmost difficulty that I could move. Having taken the articles and animals to my house, I returned and stood before the prophet, who, on seeing me, took his ring from his right hand, pointing the way of truth, and put it on my hand, the house being full of the Benee Hâshim and other Musulmâns, and while from weakness his head nodded to the right and left, he cried aloud, O company of Musulmâns, Aly is my brother, my successor and khaleefah among my people and sect; he will pay my debts and cancel my engagements. O ye sons of Hâshim and Abdulmutalib, and ye other Musulmâns, Be not hostile to Aly, and do not oppose him, lest ye be led astray, and do not envy him, nor incline from him to another, lest ye become infidels. He then ordered Abbâs to give his place to Aly. Abbâs replied, Do you remove an old man to scat a child in his place ? The prophet repeated the order, and the third time Abbâs rose in anger, and Aly took his place. Mohammed finding his uncle angry, said to him, Do nothing to cause me to leave the world offended with you, and my wrath send you to hell. On hearing this, Abbàs went back to his place, and Mohammed directed Aly to lay him down.

The prophet then said to Bilâl, Bring my two sons, Hasan and Husayn. When they were presented he pressed them to his bosom, smelt and kissed those two flowers of the garden of prophecy. Aly, fearing they would trouble the prophet, was about to take them away, but he said, Let them be, that I may smell them, and they smell me, and we prepare to meet each other, for after I am gone great calamities will befall them, but may God curse those that cause them to fear and do them injustice. O Lord, I commit them to thee, and to the worthy of the faithful, namely, Aly-bin-Abutalib. The prophet then dismissed the people and they went away, but Abbas, and his son Fazl, and Aly-bin-Ahutâlib, and those belonging to the household of the prophet, remained. Abbâs then said to the prophet, If the khalâfat is established among us, the Benee Hashim, assure us of it, that we may rejoice; but if you foresee that they will treat us unjustly and deprive us of the khalâfat, commit us to your companions. Mohammed replied, After I am gone, they will weaken and overcome you: at which declaration all the family wept, and moreover despaired of the prophet's life.

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