Wednesday 3rd of July 2024
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Friends of Imam Ali's(Part 1)


Abu-Dharr al-Ghaffary

The tribe of Ghaffar was one of the Arab Pagan tribe. It lived near al-Madena al-Monawwara (Yathrib), where the Meccan trading caravans passed.

The members of the tribe of Ghaffar worshiped an idol named Munat. They thought that Munat decided r predestination and chance. So, they visited and sacrificed sheep for it.

One day, a poor young man belonged to the tribe of the Ghaffar went to Munat. He gave Munat some yogurt and began looking at it. But Munat was motionless and did not drink the yogurt. He waited.

A fox passed by Jundub but did not see him. The fox drank the yogurt and, in addition, it raised its leg and made water in the ear of Munat. Still Munat was motionless. The young man laughed. He sneered at Munat. Then he criticized himself because he worshipped a dumb rock, which did not understand anything.

While Jundub was coming back home, he remembered the words Qais bin Saydah. He said to them in Ukadh Market:

People, hear and understand!

He who lives will die!

And he who dies will perish.

Future things will happen.

Why do I see people go and do not come back?

Are they satisfied with the stay there?

Or have they left anything there, so they have slept?

Jundub looked at the blue, clear sky and at the wide desert. Then he remembered what the fox did to Munat. So, he believed that the world had a God greater than Munat, Hubal, al-Lat, and all idols.

Since then Jundub bin Junadah had deeply believed in the Creator of the sky and the earth.


The Sunrise

The people of the Book (Christians and Jews) gave good news to the appearance of a new Prophet whose time was about to happen.

The Arab tribes reported the news. Those who sneered at the idols longed for the seeing of the new Prophet.

One day, a man came from Macca and said to Jundub:

There's a man in Macca says that there is no god but claims that he is a prophet.

Jundub asked: Which tribe does he belong to?

The man answered: He belongs to the Quraish.

Jundub asked: Which tribe of the Quraish does he belong to?

The man answered: He belongs to bani Ha shim. What have the Quraish done?

They've accused him of lying. They say that he's a magician and an insane.

The man went away. But Jundub thought again and again.


Jundub thought to send his brother Anees to Mecca to get him some news about the new Prophet. Anees set off to Mecca.

Anees covered hundreds of miles.

Anees quickly came back to tell his brother:

I've seen a man.

The man orders people to do good and avoid doing evil He invites them to worship Allah.

I've seen a young man, his cousin Ali, praying beside him. And I've seen a woman, his wife Khadijah praying behind them.

Jundub asked: Then what have you seen?

Anees answered: This is what I've seen. But I didn't dare to approach him because I was afraid of the Quraishi leaders.


To Mecca

Jundub was dissatisfied with what he had heard. So he set out for Macca to know the Prophet.

When the Gheffarian young man arrived in Macca the sun was about to set. So, he went round the Kaaba. Then he sat in a corner of the Holy Then Shrine to take a rest and to think about a way to meet the Prophet (p.b.u.h).

It got dark. Kaaba became empty of people.

In the meantime, a young man came in to the yard of Holy Mosque. He began going round the Kaaba.

The young man saw a stranger. He came and asked him politely:

You're a stranger aren't you?

The Gheffarian answered: Yes.

The young man said: Let's go home.

Jundub was following the young man silently.

In the morning, Jundub thanked the young man for his good hospitality. He saw him off and set out to Zamzam well to see the Prophet (p.b.u.h).

The hours passed. Jundub waited till it got dark.


The Meeting


Again the young man came and went round the Kaaha.

He saw the foreign man at his place.

The young man said to Jundub: Isn't it time to know your house?

"No!" Jundub said.

The young man said to Jundub: Come with me to the house.

Jundub stood up and went with him to the house. He was silent, too. So, the young man said:

I can see you thinking-what's your need?

Jundub said carefully: I'll tell you i/you keep it a secret. I'll keep ft a secret if Allah had pleased.

Jundub' relieved when he heard Allah's Name. So, he said slowly:

I've heard about the appearance of a Prophet in Mecca. So, I want to see him.

The young man said with a smile:

Allah has guided you. I'll show you his house. Follow me in the distance. When I see a suspicious person, I'll stop as if I repaired my slippers. So, don't stop and go on your way.

The young man went on walking to our Master Muhammad's house. At the same time, Jundub was following him.



Jundub came into the Prophet's house and met our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h). He was before a man embodying all good manners.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) asked his guest: Where's the man from?

Jundub answered:  From the tribe of Ghaffar.

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) asked: What's your need? 

Jundub said: How shall I be a Moslem?

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said: Islam is to say that there's no god but Allah and I'm Allah's Apostle.

What else?

Avoid doing evil actions. Follow good manners. Stop worshiping the idols. Worship Allah only, don't waste your money, don't oppress people.

The young man believed in Allah and his Apostle very much. So, he said: I confess that there's no god but Allah and that you're Allah's Apostle. I am satisfied with Allah as my Lord and with You as my Prophet

At that moment, another personality was born. It was the personality of the great Companion Abu-Dharr al-Ghaffary whose full name was Jundub bin Junadah.

Abu-Dharr stood up and said with enthusiasm: By Allah, I'll spread Islam.

Before he left the house, Abu-Dharr had asked our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h): Who was the young man who showed me Your house.  

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) answered proudly: He was my cousin Ali.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) advise him: Abu-Dharr keep your Islam a secret and go back to your homeland.

Abu-Dharr realized that Allah's Apostle was worried about him because the Quraish would kill him: By Allah, I'll spread Islam among the Quraish may be.

In the morning, Abu-Dharr set off for Ka'aba, Allah's Holy House. The idols were motionless at their places. Abu-Dharr was finding his way while the Quraishi tyrants were thinking about the new religion.

At those moments, a bold yell sounded: Quraish, I confess that there's no god but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah's Apostle.

The idols and the hearts of the polytheists shook.

One of the Quraish said loudly: Who's abusing our gods?

They rushed towards Abu-Dharr hitting him a lot. So, he was unconscious. Blood flowed out of his body.

Al-Abbas, our Master Muhammad's cousin, came in between and saved him and said: Woe unto you! Do you want to kill a man belongs to the tribe of Ghaffar? Don't you know that your trading caravans pass by his tribe?

Ahu-Dharr recovered and went to Zamzam Well. He drank water and washed the blood out of his body.

Again Abu-Dharr wanted to face the Quraish with his belief. He headed for the Kaaba. He said loudly: I confess that there's no god but Allah; there's no partner with him. And I confess that Muhammad is Allah s Apostle.

The Quraish attacked him as the wolves did. They hit him a lot. He fell over the ground unconsciously. Al-Abbas save him too.


The Return

Abu-Dharr. went to our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h). The Prophet (p.b.u.h) painfully looked at him. So, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) kindly said to him: Go back to your people and invite them to Islam.

Abu-Dharr said: I'll go back to my people and I won't forget what the Quraish have done to me!

Abu-Dharr came back to his tribe and began inviting them to the light of Islam. So, his brother Anees, his mother, and a half of his tribe believed in Islam.

The second half of his tribe said: We won't believe in Islam till the Prophet comes.


The Immigration

Days, months, and years passed. Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) emigrated from Mecca to Madina. The news reached Abu-Dharr. So, he and his tribe went outside the town to receive the Prophet (p.b.u.h) on the road.

In the distance, our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) appeared on the back of his she-camel al-Qaswaa. So, Abu-Dharr hurried and took the reins of the she-camel and gave good news: Allah's Apostle, my brother, my mother, and a lot of my tribe have believed in Islam.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) became happy when he saw crowds of people. One of them said: Allah's Apostle, Abu-Dharr has taught us what you've taught him. So, we've believed in Islam and we've confessed that you're Allah 'Apostle.

The second half of the tribe of Ghaffar believed in Islam, too. Another tribe near the tribe of Ghaffar named Aslam came, believed in Islam, and confessed: We confess that there's no god but Allah and that Muhammad is Allah 'Apostle.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said: May Allah forgive Ghaffar; may Allah save Islam.

Allah's Apostle went on his travel to Madina (Yathrib). Abu-Dharr came back to his tribe, some of them asked him: Has Allah's Apostle told you anything?

Yes, he has ordered me do seven things.

He has ordered me to love the poor and to approach them. He has ordered me to look at those who are lower than me not to those who are higher than me.

He has ordered me to maintain close relations with my He relatives even if I turn the back on them.

He has ordered me not to ask anyone anything.

He has ordered me to say truth even if it is bitter.

He has ordered me not to fear any one in Allah's way.

And He has ordered me to say a lot: *There's neither might nor power but with Allah* Because there the treasure under the Throne.

Abu-Dharr went on guiding and teaching his tribe. He was a model Moslem believer.


Recommend me!

One day, Abu-Dharr came into the mosque. He found our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) alone. He sat beside him. Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said: Abu-Dhari the Mosque has greetings. There two Rikaas (bowing).

Abu-Dharr stood up and said two Rikaas. Then he came back and sat beside the Prophet and said:

Allah's Apostle, which act is the best? To believe in Allah, the Almighty and to strive in His way.

Which believer is the most perfect? The most polite one.

Allah's Apostle, which believer is safest?

He, of whose tongue and hand Moslems are safe.

Allah's Apostle, which immigration is the best?

To immigrate from sins.

Allah's Apostle, which alms is the best?

The alms of the poor

Allah's Apostle, which verse is the best?

The verse of al-Kursey

Allah's Apostle, how many are the Prophets?

One hundred and twenty-four thousand Prophets. Abu-Dharr; four Prophets are Assyrian. They're: Adam, Sheeth, Idress- the first to write with pen- and Noah. And four Prophets are Arab. They're . Hud, Salih, Shuaib, and your Prophet.

Allah's Apostle, how many Books has Allah, the Almighty?

One hundred and four Books. Fifty Scriptures were sent down to Sheet. Thirty Scripture were sent down to Idress. Ten Sculptures were sent down to Ibraheem. Ten Sculptures were sent down to Musa before the Torah. The Torah, the Bible, the Zaboor, the Furqaan (Koran) were sent down, too.

Allah's Apostle, what were the Sculptures of Ibraheem (a.s)?

They're all proverbs: *Authorized, hit, Conceited King, I've not sent you to put together the things of the world. I've sent you to meet the request of the oppressed. I don't refuse it even lift is unbelievers request"

Allah's Apostle, what about Musa's Sculptures?

They're all lessons.

*1 wonder at the person who believes in death then he disbelieves.

I wonder at the person who believes in fire then he laughs.

I wonder at the person who believes in predestination then he becomes tired.

I wonder at the person who sees the world and its changes then he trusts it

And I wonder at the person who believes in the Day of Resurrection then he doesn't act."

Abu-Dharr wept humbly and said: Allah's Apostle, recommend me!

I recommend you to fear Allah, for it is the head of all religion.

Allah's Apostle, increase me!

Read the Holy Koran. It is light for you in the earth and remembrance for you in the sky.

Allah's Apostle, increase me!

Love the poor and sit with them.


On the Way to Tabook

Many years passed.

The Moslems became one nation. They had a government. They gained a victory over the atheists and the Jewish enemies. The Arab tribes entered Allah's religion in groups.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was Allah's Apostle for all men. So, he wanted Islam to cross the Arab Peninsula to spread all over the world.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) announced Jihad and ordered the Moslems to get ready for Tabook, in the northern part of the Arab Peninsula.

The Moslems were surprised to hear about the Prophet's announcement and his challenge to the greatest power in the world at that time.

The hypocrites Said:

Hercules will defeat them with his enormous armies.

The hypocrites were always holding meeting in the house of the Jewish Suailim. They· were always discouraging the Moslems from going to Tabook.

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) wanted to leave Madina. He knew that the hypocrites and the ill-hearted would stay there. So, he decided to appoint his cousin Ali bin Abu Talib (a.s), the hero of Islam, successor over Madina to foil the hypocrites' plots.

The hypocrites were displeased with Ali. So, they spread among people:

The Prophet has appointed Ali successor because he disgusts him.

To show the truth to people, Ali took his followed the Prophet. He found him at an area called al-Juruf outside Madrna .He told him about the hypocrites' word:

Allah's Apostle, the hypocrites claim that you've appointed me successor because you disgust me.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) smiled and said:

The hypocrites have told you lies. I've appointed you successor to protect Madina from their cunning plots. Ali, don't you accept to be my brother as Haroon was Musa's brother, but there will be no prophet after me.

Ali answered:

Yes, I accept, Allah's Apostle.

Ali was pleased with the Prophet's words. So he came back to Madina.


Be Abu-Dharr!

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) went on leading the Moslem Army across the desert. Some Moslems with weak belief I stayed behind and came back to Madena.

So, some of them said to our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h):

A person has stayed behind.

But Allah's Apostle was always saying:

Leave him. If he does good, Allah will bring him to you.

At the midway, A Muslim said:

Allah's Apostle, Abu-Dharr has stayed behind.

So, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said: Leave him. If he does good, Allah will guide him to you.

The Moslem Army went on covering the desert.

Abu-Dharr was riding a weak camel. The camel was unable to walk. So, Abu-Dharr was gradually staying behind the Moslem Army. The camel kneeled. It was unable to walk even a step.

Abu-Dharr sat sadly. He was thinking about a way to follow the Prophet (p.b.u.h). Then he asked himself some questions:

Shall I go to Madena or shall I go on walking?

But Abu-Dharr was not thinking about coming back to Madina. He was a good believer. He loved our Master Muhammad (P.b.u.h). So, he decided to follow the traces of the Moslem Army on foot.

Abu-Dharr began covering the hot desert. He used up his food and water. Still he went on walking. His firm belief in Allah and his love for the Prophet. (p.b.u.h) Were pushing him to do that.

He was thirsty. He saw water in a pit in a rock. He tasted it. He found it fresh. So, he wanted to drink some water. But he prevented himself from drinking. He said: I won t drink till my lover Allah's Apostle drinks.

He filled his water-skin with water and went on covering the desert on foot.

Abu-Dharr was walking day and night to reach the Moslem Army.

The Moslem Army camped at strategic areas to rest at night. Then it would go on advancing towards Tabook.

When the sun rose on the following day, some Moslems saw a man coming in the distance. So, they wondered and said to the Prophet (p.b.u.h).

Allah's Apostle that man is walking alone.

So, our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said: Be Abu-Dharr!

The Moslems were looking carefully. When he came nearer to them, they shouted:

By Allah, he's Abu-Dharr.

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) saw the marks of tiredness and of thirst on his face. So, he said:

Save him with water because he's thirsty

But Abu-Dharr headed for the Prophet (p.b.u.h) holding the water-skin to water the Allah's Apostle.

So, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) asked him:

Abu-Dharr why are you thirsty while you have water?

So, Abu-Dharr said:

Allah's Apostle, I saw rainwater in a pit in a rock. I tasted It was cool, fresh water But I said I would not drink till Allah's Apostle drank.

So, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said kindly:

Abu-Dharr may Allah have mercy upon you!

You'll live alone, die alone and enter the Paradise alone. Some Iraqis will be happy on account of you- they'll wash your body shroud it pray on it and bury it. 


The Prophet's Traditions

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) died. The Moslems were sad. But Abu-Dharr was sadder than them. He was loyal to Allah's Apostle. So, he memorized his traditions and made them a lamp to lighten his way.

Abu-Dharr deeply believed in Caliphate as he believed in Prophesy. He regarded it as a Divine right. Allah, the Glorified, chose the most worthy ones of his righteous slaves. In the meantime, he heard the Prophet (p.b.u.h)

Saying to Ali:

Ali don't you accept to be my brother as Haroon was Musa's brother; but there will be no prophet after me.

At Ghadeer Khum, Abu-Dharr heard the Prophet (p.b.u.h) saying to all Moslems:

He, whose leader is I So Ali is his leader Allah, supports him who supports Ali....

And he heard the Prophet (p.b.u.h) saying:

Ali is with justice, and justice is with Ali.

We regret that some Moslems have forgotten such traditions when the Prophet (p.b.u.h) died. While his cousin and Regent Ali bin Abu-Talib (a.s) was busy with that disaster, the Moslems held a meeting and elected Abu-Bakr.

Many Companions opposed that. Salman al-Farsy, about whom the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said: Salman is one of us Ahlul-Bait, was one of them.

Abadah bin al-Saamit, Abu al-Haitham alTaihan, Huthaifa, Ammar bin Yasir were of them, too. Fatima al-Zahraa, the Mistress of all women of the world, was dissatisfied with that. She was angry.

After only few months, Imam Ali (a.s) was forced to appoint Abu-Bakr caliph to keep the interest of Islam. So, Abu-Dharr, the Companion, appointed him too.

Abu-Dharr was always thinking about the interest of Islam and of Moslems. So, he went to the fields of Jihad to defend the Moslem government.

In the meantime, the Romans were launching military attacks against the borders of the Moslem State. So, Abu-Dharr went with many Companions to the war fronts to strive for Allah.

The first Caliph was Abu-Bakr. Then Caliph Umar bin a1-Khattab succeeded him. Abu-Dharr was in Sham (Syria).

 He and his Moslem brothers were striving there.

Umar bin al-Khattab died. The Caliph Uthman succeeded him.

But the third Caliph did not follow the Prophet's and Companions' manners. He brought his relatives and appointed them in the offices of the government. He began filling their pockets with the Moslems' money. He brought Marwan bin al-Hakam, whom our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) dismissed, and made him the real ruler for the state.

People complained of Uthman's policy. A delegation from Cufa went to the Caliph. They told him that their ruler was always drinking alcohol and that he was always going to mosque drunk and vomiting in prayer niche.

But the Caliph did not do any thing. Rather, Marwan I abused the delegation and dismissed them. Some of the Prophet's Companions were with them.

One day Abu-Dharr advised Uthman:

Follow your friends' way. So, no one will speak against you. Your policy must be like Abu-Bakr's and Uthman's policy.

But Uthman scolded Abu-Dharr and said in the presence of the attendees:

Advise me! What shall I do for this lying Shaik? Shall I hit, imprison, kill, or banish him from the land of Islam.

Abu-Dharr and the Moslems felt pain. So, they remembered our Master Muhammad's tradition:

There's no one under the sky or in the earth more truthful than Abu-Dharr.

But the Caliph accused Abu-Dharr of lying and said:

The lying Shaik!

Abu-Dharr sadly went out the Caliph's meeting. He remembered what had happened to him for over twenty years. He remembered the day when Allah's Apostle entered the mosque and found him sleeping. So, he woke him and said:

Never sleep in the mosque again.

Then he said to him: What will you do if they send you out of the mosque one day?

Abu-Dharr said: I'll go to Sham, the land of Jihad.

So, the Prophet (p.b.u.h) said: If they dismiss you from it?

Abu-Dharr said: I'll come back to mosque.

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said: If they send you out of it?

Abu-Dharr said: I'll take my sword and hit them with it.

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said: Shall I direct you to a better thing?

Yes, Allah's Apostle. 

The prophet (p.b.u.h) said: Listen and obey.


To Sham (Syria)

The third Caliph decided to banish Abu-Dharr to Sham. Abu-Dharr arrived in Sham. Maawyyah ordered his soldiers to banish him to an area in the southern part of Lebanon, now called Jabal Amil.

Abu-Dharr began teaching people the Prophet's traditions and his behavior. He condemned the rulers' corruption, their oppression towards people, their luxury.

He was always reading Allah's Words: "And (as for) those who hoard gold and silver and do not spend it in Allah's way announce to them a painful punishment*

Maawyyah wanted to tempt Abu-Dharr with money to make him keep silent So, he ordered his soldiers to bring him to Damascus. In the meantime, he sent him a lot of gifts. But the great Companions gave them to the poor. Then he was always passing by Maawyyah's palace and saying:

Allah, curse those who enjoy good, but don't apply it. Allah curses those who prevent people from committing abominable actions, but they commit them.

So, Maawyyah ordered his guards to arrest Abu-Dharr. The guards brought him chained before Maawyyah.

Maawyyah said to him with spite:

Allah's enemy and enemy of Allah's Apostle, every day you pass by our palace and shout Ill ask Amirul-Momineen Uthman for permission to kill you.

Then Maawyyah turned to his guards and said:

Take him to prison.


To Madina

Maawyyah send the Caliph a letter. In the letter, he told him about Abu-Dharr's action and about the gathering of people around him.

The Caliph ordered Maawyyah to send back Abu-Dharr to Madena and to mistreat him.

The Moslems heard the news. So, they crowded to see off the Companion of Allah's Apostle.

Abu-Dharr rode his she-camel. Some rude persons were leading the she-camel. They were not respecting his old age and weakness. So, they made him tired during his travel.

Abu-Dharr arrived in Madena in a bad condition. He went to the Caliph. He was about to fall over the ground because of the intense weakness and tiredness.

Abu-Dharr said: Woe unto you! Haven't you seen Allah's Apostle, Abu-Bakr;. and Umar? Are your actions like theirs? You attack me violently as tyrants do!

Uthman intensely said: Get out of our homeland.

So, Abu-Dharr sadly said: Where?

The Caliph said: Wherever you want?

Abu-Dharr said: Shall I go to Sham, the land of Jihad?

Uthman cried: No! I won t return you to Sham!

Abu-Dharr said: Shall I go to Iraq?


Shall I go to Egypt?


Abu-Dharr said sadly:

So, where shall I go?

To the desert!

Shall I go to Najid Desert?

No! To the far-east to al-Rabathah!

Abu-Dharr shouted: Allah is great! Allah's Apostle was truthful when he told me about that!

Uthman asked: What did he say to you?

The old Companion answered: He told me that I would be prevented from staying in Madina and Macca and that I would die in al-Rabathah and that some Iraqis, on their way to al-Hejaz would bury me.



Al-Rabathah is an area at the eastern part of al-Madina al-Monawwara.

Abu-Dharr disliked al-Rabathah because he worshiped the idols there during the pre-Islamic period.

Abu-Dharr liked Madena because the Prophet's Holy Shrine and Mosque were there. He liked Macca because Allah's Holy House was there. He liked Sham because it was the land of Jihad.

Abu-Dharr disliked al-Rabathah because it would remind him of worshiping the idols. But the Caliph banished him to that area. In the meantime, the Caliph ordered Marwan to take him and prevent the Moslems from seeing him off.

The Moslems were afraid of the Caliph's power. So, only a few Companions saw him off. They were Ali bin Abu-Talib (a.s), his brother Aqeel, al-Hasan, al-Husain (the Prophet's grandsons), and the great Companion Ammar bin Yasir.

Imam Ali (a.s) advanced to see him off. So, he said:

Abu-Dharr, you ye become angry for Allah. The people are worried about their religion, and you're worried about your religion. So, leave what they're worried about in their hands, and escape from them with what you're worried about. They're in need of what you've prevented them from. And you're in no need of what they've prevented you from. Tomorrow you'll know who will be the winner. Abu-Dharr, nothing amuses you but truth, and nothing annoys you but untruth.

Aqeel advanced and said:

You know we like you, and you like us. So, fear Allah because the fear of Allah is salvation. And be patient because patience is generosity.

The Prophet's grandson, al-Hasan bin Ali, advanced and said:

Uncle, be patient till you meet your Prophet (p.b.u.h). He'll be pleased with you.

Al-Husain advanced and said:

Uncle, ask Allah to grant you patience and victory.

While Ammar bin Yasir was in tears, he advanced and said:

May not Allah amuse those who annoy you. And he may not make safe those who have dismayed you. By Allah! If you want their world, they'll make you safe. And if you re pleased with their actions, they'll love you.

Abu-Dharr wept and said:

People of the House of Mercy may Allah have mercy upon you all. When I see you, I remember Allah's Apostle. 

Abu-Dharr, his wife, and his daughter went to al-Rabathah Desert. He was recalling our Master Muhammad's words:

Abu-Dharb may Allah have mercy upon you. You'll live a lone, die alone, raised from the dead alone, and enter the Paradise alone.




Ammar bin Yasir

The people in Macca lived in ignorance and darkness. The strong persecuted the weak and deprived them of their rights. No one supported the weak.

The Quraishi leaders were traders. Each year, they had two trade journeys.

In summer, their caravans went to Sham. In winter they went to Yemen.

The people in Macca were two classes: one class was rich, the other was poor. The rich persecuted the poor. Some poor were slaves. They had nothing even their freedom.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) lived in that time. He went to Haraa Mount. There he thought of his people. He felt pain for them because they worshipped idols.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) became forty years old.

One day, Jibreel came down from the sky. He told Muhammad (p.b.u.b) about Islam.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) came down the mountain. He was carrying the Mission of Islam. I le intended to spread it among people to live peacefully.

The poor and the persecuted listened to the Mission of Islam. They believed in it. So, their hearts were filled with love for Islam. 

The traders and the rich of Quraish heard about Islam. Thus, they were had a spite against our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h). In the meantime, they plotted against Islam and the Moslems.

Ahu-Jahal was the most spiteful polytheist. He mistreated our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) very much.


 Al-Arqam' House

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) met the believers secretly in Al-Arqam's House. He wanted to keep his religion a secret SO that Ahu-Jahal, Abu-Sufyan and other polytheists would not hurt the Moslems.

One day Ammar bin Yasir came and saw a man standing at the door. The man's name was Suhaib. Ammar said to him:

Suhaib, what are you doing here?

Suhaib answered: I've come to hear Muhammad's words. And what are you doing?

I've come to hear his words, too.

Then Ammar and Suhaib came into AI-Arqam's House.They humbly began listening to Allah's Words and to the Verses of the Holy Koran. Ammar's heart was full of belief as streams were full of rain water.

When Ammar and Suhaih wanted to leave Al-Ar am's House, our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said to them: Stay here till evening.

Allah's Apostle (p..u.h) was afraid that Quraish would hurt them. Ammar waited till it got dark. Then he left Al-Arqam's House and hurried towards his house. His mother and father were waiting for him with anxiety.

When Ammar entered, the little house was full of happiness. He began telling his parents about Islam, Allah's religion.


Yasir's Family

Ammar belonged to Yaman's tribes, but how did he come to Macca?

Yasir, Ammar's father, and his two brothers al-Harith and Malik looked for their missing brother everywhere. But they did not find him. Therefore, they decided to go to Macca to look for him. They did not find him there, too.

Al-Harith and Malik wanted to come back to Yaman, but Yasir decided to stay in Macca to live near Allah's Holy House.

Yasir joined the tribe of bani Makhzoom. Then he H became one of its members. He married a female-slave. Her name was Summayya.

Days passed. Summayya gave birth to a baby. His father named him Ammar.



Ammar was born four years before the Year of the Elephant. Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was born in that year.

When Ammar became a young man, he made friendship with our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h). Then he becam his Companion.

Ammar loved our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) because of his good behaviour.

Ammar was twenty-nine years old. Meanwhile our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was twenty-five years old.

One day, while Ammar was walking with our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) between al-Safa Mount and al-Marwa Mount, Halah, Khadijah bin Khwailid's sister, came.

Hala took Ammar a side and said to him: Ask Muhammad to marry my sister Khadijah.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) accepted her. Then the blessed marriage happened.

When Allah had appointed our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) Prophet, Ammnar, his father Yasir, and his mother Summayya believed in him.


The Revenge

Abu-Jahal heard that Ammar became a Moslem. So, he got crazy.

Abu-Jahal led a group of polytheists and went to Yasir's house. Torches were in their hands. They burnt the house and took Yasir, Ammar, and Summayya to a desert outside Macca.

They chained and began torturing them. First, they whipped them till blood flowed out. Then they brought torches and began burning their bodies. But that small family went on their firm belief.

Ahu-Jahal brought rocks and put them on their chests. They were breathing hard. Still they were believers.

It was noon. The heat was intense, Abu-Jahal and the po]ytheists came hack to Macca. They left Yasir's family in the intense heat of the sun.

In the meantime, our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) passed by the family. When he saw them he wept and said:

Yasir's family, be patient! Your reward will be Paradise!

Suinmayya said with belief: I confess that you're Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h). And your promise is true.

The criminals came back. Ahu-Jahal was in advance. There was a long spear in his hand. He began torturing them savagely.

Ammar, Yasir and Summayya were unconscious. So, the criminals showered them with water. When they got well again, Ahu-Jahal shouted at Summayya stormily: Praise our gods, dispraise Muhammad!

Summayya spat in his face and said: How had you and your gods are!

Abu-Jahal boiled with anger. Thus, he raised his spear high and hit Summayya on the belly. Then he began stabbing her body with his spear till she died.

For this reason, Summayya became the first martyr in the history of Islam.

Then Ahu-Jahal began kicking Yasir on the belly savagely till he died.

Ammar saw what had happened to his parents. So, he wept. Then Abu-Jahal shouted angrily: If you don't praise our gods; I'll kill you!

Ammar did not endure that cruel torture. So, reluctantly said: Hubal (an idol) is great!

Ammar praised their idols to save himself from torture so, they unchained and left him.


The Belief in the Heart

Ammar went weeping to our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h). He did not weep for his parents or for himself or for the torture he had suffered from - he wept because he praised the polytheists' idols.

Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) consoled Ammar on his parents' martyrdom. Ammar went on weeping. Then he said: Allah's Apostle, the polytheists did not release me till they forced me to praise their gods!

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said kindly: Ammar, what about your heart?

Amrnar answered: Allah's Apostle, my heart's certain of faith.

The Prophet (p.b.u.h) said: Don't worry! Allah sent down a Verse concerning you: *Not, he who is compelled while his heart is at rest because of faith *


The Immigration

The condition of the Moslems in Macca became critical. So, our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) ordered his Companions to immigrate to Yathrib.

Ammar was one of those who migrated for Allah.

When our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) immigrated too, happiness covered al-Madena al-Monawwara. And the immigrants lived peacefully with their brothers in Yathrib.

First, Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) thought of building a mosque so that the Moslems would worship Allah alone. In the meantime it would be a symbol for the Moslems' strength and a castle for the Moslem nation.

With enthusiasm, the Moslems began building the Prophet's Mosque.

Some Moslems were carrying dust. Some were making bricks, and some were carrying the dried bricks to make the walls.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) was working with his Companions. Ammar, though covered with dust, was working actively.

Each Moslem was carrying a brick. But Ammar was carrying two bricks. For this Muhammad (p.b.u.h) said to him: They (the Moslems) will get a reward; you'll get two rewards.

To encourage his Moslem brothers, Ammar repeated the following enthusiastic words: Those who build the mosque do not equal those who avoid dust.

Some Companions were avoiding dust. They became displeased with Ammar's words. Uthman came to Amrnar and with threat said:

I'll hit you on the nose with this stick!

Ainmar looked at Uthman but he did not say any word.

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) heard about Uthman's threat He felt pain. Then he came to Ammar and said: You're my dear!

Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) rubbed the dust from Ammar's face. Thus the great Companion's heart was filled with love for the Holy Prophet.


Jihad (Holy War)

Days and months passed. Allah, the Glorified, wanted to punish those who persecuted the Moslems in Macca and robbed them of their money.

The Battle of Badr took place. Ammar was one of the fighters who went to hinder the Quraishi caravan coming from Sham. The Moslems heard that the polytheists had formed an army. Abu-Jahal headed the army. He was heading for al-Madena al-Monawwara.

The Prophet asked the advice of his Companions. Finally, he took a decision to face the polytheists. Our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) sent Ammar bin Yasir and Abdullah bin Masoud to get him information about the polytheists' Army.

Ammar was brave. So, he approached the polytheists' caravans and went round their camp to collect information.

Ammar and his friend came back to our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h). Ammar said: The army is afraid. The horse wants to neigh. But its owner hits it on the face. And it's raining heavily. Therefore, they can t move easily Generally speaking; the polytheists are in low spirits.

In the morning, when the polytheists woke, they found strange footprints. Munbih bin al-Hajjaj had a good knowledge of footprints. So, he said: By al-Lat and al-Izza, these are Ammar's and Abdullah's footprints.


The Battle of Badr

In the morning, Ramadan 17th, 2 A.H., the great Battle of Badr, the first baffle in the history of Islam, took place. At that baffle, Allah granted the believers a victory over the polytheists.

Ammar was fighting with enthusiasm. When the polytheists escaped, Ammar saw Abu-Jahal. So, he remembered those days when Abu-Jahal hurt the Moslems and tortured his parents. Now the swords of the persecuted got revenge on the unjust. Ammar looked at the sky and thanked Allah, for his victory.


Ammar was with Truth

Ammar was sixty years old. However, he was eagerer than the young men to strive for Allah. Ammar deeply believed in Allah. He loved the Apostle of humanity, our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h). The Prophet (p.b.u.h) also loved his old friend, Ammar. He praised him on several occasions:Ammar's with truth, and truth is with Ammar Truth is always with him. Ammar is full of faith. Blessed is Ammar the unjust group will kill you. Your last food in this world will be a cup of yogurt.

Days, months, and years passed. Ammar was always our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h). He was always stiving for Allah against the enemies of Islam and of humanity.


The Prophet's Demise

In 11 A.H., our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) passed away. On that occasion, all Moslems became sad. Ammar wept over his old friend, Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h). He remembered the days of his youth in Macca and the days of Jihad.

Ammar (May Allah be pleased with him) stayed loyal, to his Islam. He was always striving for the religion and saying the word of truth. He was not afraid of anyone but Allah.

Ammar loved Ali bin Abu-Talib because he heard our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h) always saying: Ali, no one loves you but a believer, and no one hates you but a hypocrite. Ali, you are in the same position with respect to me as Aaron (Harun) was to Moses (Musa) expect there is no Prophet after me.

On the Farewell Pilgrimage, Ammar (May Allah be pleased with our Master Muhammad taking both arms of our master Ali and raising them high, he said: Whoever, I am the master of, this man, Ali is his master. Allah, befriend whoever befriends him, be hostile to whoever opposes him. Support whoever supports him and desert whoever deserts him.

For this reason, Ammar thought that Ali bin Abu-Talib could be the Caliph after our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h). Anyhow Abu-Bakr al-Sdeek became the Caliph after the Prophet. But some Companions opposed his Caliphate. Ammar opposed his Caliphate, too. And he stood by Ali bin Abu-Talib and Fatima al-Zahraa, our Master Muhammad's daughter.

After six months, Fatima al-Zahraa, the Mistress of the women of the world, died. However, Imam Ali was forced to acknowledge Abu-Bakr as a Caliph. Then Ammar (May Allah be pleased with him) obeyed the Imam and acknowledged Abu-Bakr, too.



Ammar devoted most of his time to the life of Jihad. He took part in the Moslem conquest baffles. He also fought bravely against the apostasy in Yaman.

When Umar bin al-Khattab became the Caliph after Abu-Bakr, he appointed Ammar ruler over Kufa.

There, Ammar treated the people according to Allah's law. And the people were pleased with his just, merciful, and humble treatment.


Al-Shura (Consultation)

In 23 A.H., Umar bin al-Khattab was subjected to an assassination.

Some Moslems came to Umar and asked him to appoint a Caliph after him.

The Caliph decided that the Caliphate had to be Shura (consultation). So, he elected six persons. They were: Ali bin Abu-Talib(a.s), Uthman bin Affan, Talha, Zubair, Abdrrahman bin Auf, and Saad bin Abi-Wakkas.

Umar ordered the persons to hold a meeting in one of their houses to appoint one of them caliph within three days.

Ammar (May Allah be pleased with him) hoped that hey would elect Ali because of his long Jihad, his blood relation to our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h), his knowledge, his outstanding merits, his in Islam.

One day passed. Then two days passed. But there was no result. There was serious competition between Ali bin Abu-Talib (a.s) and Uthman bin Affan for the Caliphate.

Some companions such as al-Mukdad, Ammar bin Yasir, al-Abbas, and others stood by the house.

They hoped that Ali would be elected. Banu Umayyah stood by the house, too. They hoped that Uthman would be elected.

To make Abdurrahamn bin Auf hear, Ammar loudly said: If you want to see the Moslems in agreement, then appoint Ali.

To support Ammar, al-Mukdad said: Ammar has told the truth. If you appoint Ali well hear and obey him.

Abdrrahman's ambition was to be a Caliph. So, he refused to appoint Ali because Ali won't hand him the Caliphate later on.

So, Abdurrahamn appointed Uthman to hand him the Caliphate after his death.

Thus Uthman became the third Caliph.

 Imam Ali went out after he had said to Abdurrahamn: This is not the first day when you support each other against us!

* But patience is good and Allah is he whose help is sought for against what you describe *

By Allah, you've appointed Uthman caliph to hand you the Caliphate.

Ammar was very unhappy for Ahlul-Bait because they were worthier of Caliphate than people and because Allah kept away uncleanness from them and purified them thoroughly.



Six years passed after Uthman's Caliphate.

Gradually, the Caliph deviated from Islam, from our Master Muhammad's, Abu-Bakr's, and Umars behaviour.

Uthman appointed his blood relatives rulers over the cities. They were bad, unjust persons.

For example, Uthman appointed al-Waleed bin Utbah  his, hail brother, ruler over Cufa. Al-Waleed drank alcohol and went drunk to mosque.

Uthman made Marwan bin al-Hakam the real ruler of the Moslem government. He appointed the rulers and dismissed them. He dismissed the great Companion Salman al-Farsy from Mada-inn and appointed one of his blood relatives over it 

Uthman also dismissed Saad bin Abi-Wakkas from Cufa and appointed al-Waleed bin Akabah over it.

Uthman spent the Moslems' money on his blood relatives from bani-Umayyah and left the poor to live in pain.


The Word of Truth

There were jewels in the Moslem Public Treasury. Uthman divided the jewels among his daughters and wives. The Moslems became angry. They began talking against Uthman's bad behaviour.

Uthman went on his corrupt policy. One day, he went up the pulpit and addressed the people:

We'll take whatever we need from the Public Treasury in spite of all people.

Imam Ali Bin Abu-Talib became sad when he heard Uthman's words. Ammar bin Yasir aged 90 stood up and said the word of truth:

By Allah, I'm the first man to prevent you from that.

The Caliph became annoyed and said: Bin Yasir, how dare you say these words before me!

Uthman ordered his guards to arrest Ammar. The guards respected neither Ammar's old age nor his friendship to Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h). They drew him into Uthman's room. They chained his hands and legs.

Then the Caliph came and began hitting Ammar on the belly till he became unconscious. Some Moslems came and carded him to Um-Salama's house, our Master Muhammad's wife. Ammar was still unconscious. So, he did not say noon, afternoon, and the evening prayers. When he became conscious, he said those prayers later on.

Ammar remembered the days of torture in Macca. He could endure as many times as what Uthman did because he was a young man. But today he was unable to endure Uthman's torture because he became an old man.

I Um-Salama felt pain when she saw Ammar in that bad condition. Yet, Ammar said:

This is not the first day when we suffer from torture for Allah.


Uthman banishes Abu-Dharr

Uthman banished Abu-Dharr to al-Rabatha Desert where no one inhabits because of its bad climate.

Besides Uthman prevented the Moslems from seeing off Abu-Dharr. Anyhow, some Companions of the Prophet went out to see off the great companion Abu-Dharr.

Ali Bin Abu-Talib, our Master Muhammad's grandsons, al-Hasan and al-Husain, and Ammar went out to see off Abu-Dharr.

Then Imam Ali (a.s) said:

May not Allah amuse those who annoy you. And He may not make safe those who have dismayed you.

By Allah, if you want their world, they'll make you safe. And if you are pleased with their actions, they'll love you.

 Abu-Dharr, his wife, and his daughter went to al-Rabatha Desert. He remembered the tradition of our Master

Muhammad (p.b.u.h): Abu-Dharr you'll live alone, and die alone!


The Revolution

The Moslems' anger increased because of Uthman's and his rulers' behaviour. The Prophet's Companions in Madena Wrote to people everywhere:

If you want Jihad, then come to it. Because your Caliph has corrupted Muhammad's religion.

For this reason, the delegates from Cufa, Egypt, Busra, and the like caine to Madena and went to the Caliph to ask him to change his bad policy. But he dismissed them. So, they went to Ali Bin Abu-Talib, our Master Muhammad's cousin and his successor.

Imam Ali (a.s) hoped that Uthman would come back to the laws of Islam. Thus he went to advise him:

Don't be a tool in Marwan's hand. Don't let him direct you to whatever he likes. Don't forget your position with respect to Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h).

Uthman agreed to announce his repentance before people. He went out and apologized to people for his bad behaviour. Besides he promised them to follow a new policy Allah and his Apostle accepted. But Marwan who was cunning, said to him:

Dont be weak before people. Threaten them!

Nayylah, Uthman's wife, knew that Marwan was a bad man and that he disliked Moslems. For this reason, she said to her husband: Listen to Ali because people love and obey him; don't listen to Mar wan because people hate him.

Uthman did not listen to those who advised him. So, people revolted and killed him in his palace.


Imam Ali (a.s)

The Moslem masses headed for Imam Ali's house. They asked him to be the Caliph. They The Imam refused that and said :

Look for another man.

But people realized that the Imam was the only man who deserved the Caliphate. Therefore, they insisted on their attitude. Finally, the Imam agreed to responsibility to shoulder this deprive the ambitious of it.



The Moslems revolted for justice. They were angry at persecution. Imam Ali (a.s) was the symbol of justice.

The Imam did not sadden the Moslems. On the first day, he dismissed all the bad rulers Uthman had appointed. Then he appointed good rulers.

The Imam dismissed Maawyyah from Sham but Maawyyah was always planning to control Sham first. Then he planned to control the Moslem lands in general. So, he rebelled and announced that he would get revenge on Uthman's killers. For this reason, the Baffle of Siffeen took place on the borders between Syria and Iraq.

Imam Ali's Army included many Companions of Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h). Ammar bin Yasir, Malik al-Ashter, Abdullah bin Abbas, and others were among them.

Maawyyah's Army included the enemies of Islam such as Marwan bin Al-Hakam, Amru bin al-Ass, bin AbiMaayad, and those who escaped from All's Justice to Maawyyah's world.


The Unjust Group will kill you

The Moslems in both armies were always repeating our Master Muhammad's tradition:

Ammar; the ugiust group will kill you.

Ammar was in Imam Ali's Army. He was over ninety years old. Nevertheless, he fought as bravely as the believing young man did.

He looked at the sky and said:

Allah, if I know that you are pleased with throwing myself into the Euphrates, I'll do!

Allah, I know that you are pleased to see me striving those corrupt people!

Ammar was with truth, and truth was always him.

So, he said:

By Allah, if they (Maawyyah's Army) defeat and chase us to. The Hajar date palms, I'll say that we're right and they're wrong.

When the baffle broke out, Ammar addressed the fighters:

Who wants Allah's satisfaction?

Some believers accepted his Words. So, Ammar led them towards the enemy. When the Companions saw him passing through the enemy army, they followed him.

Although Ammar was fasting, he was fighting with great enthusiasm.

In the middle of the baffle, Ammar saw Amru bin al-Ass and said to him:

Amru, Woe on you! You've sold your religion for Egypt!

Namely, Maawyyah promised to give Egypt to Arnru bin Au-Ass if the latter stood by him.

Amru bin al-Ass said with trick: No, I'm requesting Uthman's blood!

Ammar said:

I firmly believe that your action is not for Allah. Then Ammar advised him: If you won't be killed today you'll die tomorrow. And actions are according to intentions. So, correct your intentions because Allah will reward people according to their intentions.


The Trial

The Moslems were in a fix. They did not distinguish right from Wrong. Their guide was Ammar because our Master Muhammad (P.B.U.H.) said:The unjust group will kill Ammar.

Amru bin al-Ass deceived the people of Sham when he said to them:

Be patient! Ammar will come to your front!

The days of the war passed, but Ammar was fighting at the front of right. He was always standing by Ali.

One day, Ammar and a believing group launched an attack. Ammar was fighting bravely. He remembered the days when he fought beside our Master Muhammad (p.b.u.h). He remembered the Baffles of Badr, Uhud, Siffeen, and the other Moslem baffles.

Though Ammar was fasting, he went on fighting. When the sunset, Ammar asked some water because he was thirsty. A fighter brought him a cup full of yogurt. Ammar smiled. Then he cheerfully said: Tonight I may die a martyr.

Some fighters asked him about the secret. He said: My dear Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h) has told me: The unjust group will kill you. And your final food in this world will be a cup of yogurt.

Ammar (May Allah be pleased with him) drank the cup of yogurt. Then he continued fighting till he fell over the ground and became a martyr.

Maawyyah was about to fly because of happiness. Imam Ali (a.s) was full of sadness and sorrow. During those moments all Moslems knew the unjust group.

Some soldiers in Maawyyah's Army were waiting for Ammar's coming to their front. But they saw him fighting bravely beside Imam Ali (a.s) till he became a martyr. So, they sneered at Amru bin al-Ass' claim. In the meantime, they took advantage of the dark and began coming to join the Imam's Army. They knew that it was the front of right.


The End

Ammar's martyrdom. Sounded at both fronts. Imam Ali's Army was in high spirits, but Maawyyah's Army was in low spirits.


At that night, the Imam's Army launched a wide attack against Maawyyah's Army. The Imam's Army was about to win victory. But Amru bin al-Ass created a new trick. He ordered the army of Sham to raise the Koran. They were demanding the Imam's Army to turn to Allah's Book.

The fights stopped. Both armies withdrew from the Valley of Siffeen. The martyrs' bodies stayed on the fl battlefield. The body of Ammar aged ninety six stayed there, too.


Nowadays, when the Moslems visit that area, they can see the big shrine of that great Companion, who spent all his life in striving for Islam. When Ammar became a martyr, the Moslems knew the right front during that bitter war.



Maitham al-tammar

It was dawn. As usual, Maitham went to the date-palm trunk. He splashed it with water. The good ground sent out a sweat smell. Maitham said two Rikaas. Then he put his back against the date-palm trunk.

Maitham had visited the date palm for more than twenty years. It had not been a mere dry trunk. It had been a tall date-palm before twenty years.

Days, months, and years passed.

Maitham said two Rikaas near the date palm. Then he addressed it: Allah has created you for me. And He has created me for you.

Maitham liked that date palm. He watered it when it was green.

One day, he came to the date palm. He found it a dry trunk. He cut the top of the trunk. That tall date palm became a mere short trunk. Still Maitham went on visiting that dry trunk.

Who was Maitham?

What was the relation ship between him and that date palm?


Maitham's Origin

Maitham was born at Nihrawan near Kufa. He belonged to Iran. A woman from bani Asad bought him. One day,Imam Ali (a.s) bought and gave him his freedom. Maitham became free. He sold dates in Kufa Market.

Maitham lived a simple life. Two things grew in his heart: faith in Islam and love for Imam Ali (a.s). Imam Ali (a.s) taught him that Islam was the only way to freedom.

Imam Ali (a.s) liked Maitham because he was a good man. The Imam went to Maitham's shop. He taught him about Islam.


The Real Name

Imam Ali (a.s) bought Maitham from a woman belonged to bani Asad The Imam asked Maitham: What's your name?


The Imam said: Allah's Apostle (p.b.u.h.) has told me that the Iranian call you Maitham.

Maitham was astonished because no one knew his real name. So, he said: Allah and His Apostle are truthful.

Since that day, Maitham had not left the Imam.


In The Desert

Whoever goes to the desert at night will see the sky full of stars. His heart will be afraid of Allah.

Imam Ali (a.s) went to the desert at night to say his prayers. He took a friend of his to that desert to teach him a lesson about Islam.

Sometimes, Imam Ali (a.s) took Maitham to the desert. He told him about future matters. The Imam did not know the unseen. He learnt future matters from our master Muhammad (p.b.u.h).

Maitham listened to Imam Ali's words. The Imam said his prayers. Maitham said them behind him. He listened with awe to the Imam's prayers.


At al-Tammar's Shop

Imam Ali (a.s) went to the market to meet Maitham al-Tammar. He sat and talked with him. Some people passed by them. They did not know the Imam. And some knew him. They were astonished to see the Imam sitting with a dates-seller.

One day, Imam Ali (a.s) went to the market. He sat with Maitham. After a while, Maitham wanted to go to buy something. He asked the Imam's permission and went away.

The Imam stayed behind to sell dates. In the meantime, a man came to by some dates by four Dirhams. The man took the dates and went away.

Maitham came back. He was astonished to see the Dirhams because they were false. The Imam smiled and said: The owner of the Dirhams will come back.

Again Maitham became astonished. He wondered: The man bought the dates by false DiThams! How will he come back?

After an hour, the owner of the Dirhams came back. He said with annoy: I don't want these dates! They are bitter' Why are they bitter?

The Imam said: Because your Dirhams are false!

The man was full of astonishment. He took the Dirhams and went away.


The Nation's Scholar 

Maitham was a brilliant. He learnt his knowledge from Imam Ali (a.s). One day he said to Abdullah bin Ahhas, the nation's scholar:

Ask me whatever you want about the Koran explanation. I've learnt everything from Imam Ali (a.s).

So, bin Abbas sat before Maitham to learn lessons about the Koran explanation.


Amru bin Huraith

Amru bin Huraith was a leader from Kufa. Maitham said to him: I'll be your neighbour. Treat me kindly.

Amru said: Do you want to buy bin Masoud's house or bin al- Hakim's?

Maitham kept silent. Amru bin Huraith was puzzled. He wondered: What does Maitham mean?

Days and years passed. Unjust rulers succeeded each other over Kufa. They treated its people rudely.


The Market 

Ziyyad bin Abeeh became a ruler over Kufa. He began killing Imam Ali's companions. He carried out Maawyyah's orders. Maawyyah was full of spite. He ordered people to abuse Imam Ali (a.s). 

The ruler appointed a man to look after the market. The man was unjust. The people complained of his bad treatment. The people were afraid of the man. Thus, they went to Maitham. They asked Maitham to go with them to the Prince. They said to him:

Maitham, come with us to the Prince.

Maitham went with them. He met the Prince and told him a bout the rude treatment in the market. A policeman in the Palace was displeased with Maitham's words. He said to the Prince: Your Highness, the Prince, do you know this man?

The Prince said: No! He's a liar! The supporter of the liar!

The policeman meant that Maitham was one of Imam Ali's companions.

Maitham said: Surely I'm truthful! I'm supporter of the truthful man. Really he's Amirul-Momineen! (the Commander of the faithful)


A Meeting On the Road 

Habeeb bin Muzahir was a good companion. After our master Muhammad's demise, Habeeb had a close relationship with Imam Ali (a.s).

One day, Maitham was riding a horse. Habeeb bin Muzahir was riding a horse, too. They met each other, before bani-Asad. They had a short talk. Bani-Asad listened to their talk. Habeeb said with a smile:

I predict that a bald man with a big belly will sell melons at Dar al-Rizk. The man will be killed for the love of his Prophet's family.

Maitham said: I know that a red man with two plaits would appear The man will support the son of the daughter of his Prophet The man will be beheaded. His head will be carried through the streets of Kufa.

The two friends saw off each other. Bani Asad said: They are liars.

In the meantime, Rasheed al-Hajry passed by bani-Asad. He asked them about Habeeb and Maitham. Bani-Asad said:

They've just gone away.

Then bani Asad told Rasheed about Habeeb's and Maitham's predictions.

Rasheed said with smile: May Allah have mercy on Maitham. He forgotten to say: The person who brings the head will be given an extra hundred Dirhams.

Rasheed went away. Bani Asad were astonished at his words. Then they said: Rasheed is a liar, too!

Days passed. In Muharram, 61 A.H., bani Asad saw Habeeb's head. It was tied to a long spear. They saw bin Ziyyad's policemen carrying the head and walking through the streets of Kufa.


The Caravan 

Maawyyah bin Abu-Sufyan died. His son Yazeed succeeded him. Yazeed was a young man aged 30. He drank alcohol. He amused himself with the dogs and the monkeys.

So, Imam Husain (a.s) refused to pay Yazeed homage. Meanwhile, the Cufians were tired of Maawyyah's persecution. Thus, they sent Imam Husain (a.s) many letters. In their letters, they asked the Imam to come to save them from the Umayyad persecution.

The spies told Yazeed about the situation in Kufa. Yazeed had a spiteful Christian doctor called Sergon. He asked the advice of the doctor. Sergon advised him to appoint Ubaidullah bin Ziyyad a ruler over Kufa.


The Prison

Many companions of Imam Ali (a.s) supported Husain (a.s). Many Moslems supported him, too.

Ubaidullah bin Ziyyad arrived in Kufa. He began arresting and imprisoning Imam Husain's supporters.

Maitham, al-Mukhtar al-Thaqafy, Abdullah bin al-Harith were in the same prison.

Imam Husain (a.s) died a martyr for Islam. The prisoners felt pain for him.

Al-Mukhtar said to his two friends: Be ready to meet Allah! After Imam Husain s killing, Ubaidullah bin Zyyad will kill the Imam's supporters!

Abdullah bin al-Harith said: Yes, he will kill us sooner or later!

Maitham said: No, he won't kill you. My dear Imam Ali (a.s) has told me that you (al-Mukhtar) will get revenge of Imam Husain's killers. And you will kick Ubaidullah's head with your foot.

Then Maitham said to Abdullah bin al-Harith: You'll rule Basrah.



Maitham deeply believed in Allah. He was not afraid of the unjust. People were afraid of bin Ziyyad. They shook with fear when they saw him. But Maitham did not pay attention to him. He knew that Ubaidullah's death was certain. He knew that the unjust would not stay alive forever.

Maawyyah and his son Yazeed prevented people from loving Imam Ali (a.s). The police arrested and killed the Imam's companions.

Imam Ali (a.s) had told his companions about the Umayyad police. One day he said to Maitham:

The Umayyad will order you to disown me. Will you1 do that?

Maitham said: No, I won't!

MaItham thought that to disown Imam Ali (a.s) meant Islam. And to disown Islam meant to disown Allah. The Imam said:

Surely you'll be killed!

Maitham said: I'll be patient! Death is little for Allah!

The Imam said: You'll be with me in the Paradise.


The End

Ubaidullah bin Ziyyad ordered the police to bring Maitham. He said to him: I've heard that you're a companion of Ali's!

Maitham said: Yes.

Ubaidullah bin Ziyyad said to Maitham: Will you disown him?

Maitham said: No, I won't!

Ubaidullah bin Ziyyad said: Surely I'll kill you!

Maitham said: By Allah, Imam Ali (a.s) has told me that you will kill me! He has told me that you will cut my hands, legs, and tongue!

Bin Ziyyad stormily said: Your Imam is a liar!

Maitham jeered at that foolish person (Ubaidullah).

Bin Ziyyad ordered the police to tie Maitham to the date- palm trunk near the house of Amru bin Huraith. Besides, he ordered them to cut off his hands and legs.


The Neighbour

Maitham was tied to the date-palm trunk.

Amru bin Huraith saw him. Amru remembered Maitham's words: I'll be your neighbour Treat me kindly

So, Amru bin Huraith ordered one of his daughters to sweep the ground around the date-palm trunk. He also ordered her to splash it with water.

A person looked at Maitham and said: Disown Ali to save your soul!

Maitham said with a smile: By Allah, this date-palm has been created for me! And I've been created for it!

Thus, the people knew the secret of Maitham's visit to the date-palm throughout the long years.



Maitham addressed the people: People, if you want to hear some information about Ali bin Abu-Talib, then come to me.

The people crowded around Maitham. He began teaching them various kinds of knowledge.

The spies told Uhaidullah bin Ziyyad about Maitham's words.

Bin Ziyyad ordered a policeman to cut off Maitham's tongue. Maitham said: Amirul-Momineen has told me about that.

Then the policeman- cut off Maitham's tongue. Another policeman - stabbed him with a sword.

Thus this Mujahid's life put out as the candles did!


Maitham's Body 

Maitham did a lot of good for people. The people loved him very much. They wanted to take Maitham's body to bury it. But the police strictly prevented them from approaching it.

One night, seven dates-sellers came. They saw the policemen burning a fire. Two of them sawed the trunk. The seven dates-sellers carried Maitham's body outside Kufa. They buried it at a known palace. Then they came back home.

Six years passed. Al-Mukhtar announced his revolution in Kufa. His army met Ubaidullah's on al-Khazir River bank.

Ibraheem al-Ashtar could behead Ubaidullah bin Ziyyad.

Some fighters brought al-Mukhtar Uhaidullah's head. He stood up and kicked Ubaidullah's head. He remembered Maitham's words in prison:

Al-Mukhtar, you'll get out of prison. You'll get revenge on Imam Husain's killers.

Days passed. Imam Husain's killers perished. People have cursed them throughout history.

Today, the visitor leaves the Holy Najaf City. He goes to see Kufa ruins. On the way he sees a beautiful dome. The dome decorates Maitham's shrine.




source : http://www.imamalinet.net
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