Monday 22nd of July 2024
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Fundamental Principles of the Religion

( Usu l-e-Din )

1. Tawhid [Oneness ofAllah]

Tawhid means that God is One. He has no associates or partners. He was not born from anyone, nor is anyone born from him, and there is nothing like Him.

2. Adl [Just]

'Adl means that Allah is just and he does not oppress any of His creations. He will reward and punish everybody according to his or her actions.

3. Nubuwat [Prophethood]

Allah sent Prophets to mankind for guidance, and among their great characteristics is that they were Ma'sum - meaning that they were immune from committing sins and errors. A Prophet excels all other people for he is sent by Allah to perfect mankind and teach them the correct code of life. The first of the Prophets was Adam (Peace be upon him), and the last of them was Muhammad ibn 'Abdullah (Peace be upon him and his family). In total, Allah sent 124,000 Prophets to us.

4. Imamat [Leadership]

After the death of Prophet Muhammad (Peace be upon him and his family), Allah designated and appointed twelve Imams, one after the other, to lead and guide the community until the Day of Judgement. Just like the Prophets, the Imams too are immune from committing sins or errors. The Imams which are twelve in number and they are the only rightful successors to the Prophet of Islam. The first of them was 'Ali (Peace be upon him) and the last of them is Imam al-Zaman (may Allah hasten his reappearance), who is still alive


5. Qiyamat [Resurrection]

Qiyamat means that when the Day of Judgement comes, all people will be brought back to life. Those who had performed good deeds in this world will be rewarded and will go to Heaven and those who did bad deeds will be punished for their actions.


( Furu'-e-Din )

1. Salat [Prayers]

There arc obligatory Salat for a Muslim to perform, one of which is the five daily prayers. These arc obligatory on those who have become baligh. For the purpose of fulfillment of religious obligations, a boy becomes baligh after completing 15 years and a girl on the completion of 9 years (or earlier - for a detailed explanation, look at the books of Islamic laws).

2. Sawm [Fasting]

Fasting during the Holy Month of Ramadan is wajib for a Muslim. The observance of the fast of the Month of Ramadan becomes obligatory from the day following the appearance of the new moon of the month of Ramadan until the night when the new moon of the following month is seen.

3. Zakat [Poor Rate]

This is payable at the rate of 2.5%, on the value of one's capital possessions such as gold and silver coins, wheat, barely, dates, raisins, camels, cattle, and sheep according to certain conditions.

4. Khums

Paying 20% of one's yearly savings, after deducting all legitimate expenses from the earnings of that year. The Sadat, or the descendants of the Holy Prophet have a right of half of this amount which must be paid to those amongst them who are poor and needy. The other half belongs to the 12th Imam and must be paid to his representatives (Maraja' Taqlid) or those whom they have given permission to collect on their behalf.


5. Hajj [Pilgrimage to Mecca]

Going to Mecca to visit the House of Allah for the pilgrimage, is called the Hajj. The Ha'' becomes obligatory on one who has the funds to travel to Mecca and return home, as well as the funds to maintain his family while he is gone. The Hajj is performed in the last month of the Islamic calendar, called Dhu al-Hijjah.

6. jihad [Struggle]

Jihad means to fight in the way of Allah. Jihad literally means to strive and struggle, and this can be in various ways and different forms. It can also include fighting one's own soul to prevent it from causing a

person to commit forbidden acts.

7. Amr bil Ma'ruf [Enjoininq what is right]

Guiding and encouraging other people to performing good deeds and actions.

8. Nahi anil Munkar [Forbidding what is wrong]

Preventing and stopping people from committing bad actions.

9. Tawalla [Friendship]

Loving and obeying Allah (SWT), the Prophet, the Imams and Fatimah az-Zahra (Peace be upon all of them), and being a friend and kind to those who love and follow them.

10. Tabarra (Enemity]

Staying away from and disassociating with those people who are the enemies of Allah (SWT), the Prophet, the Imams and Fatimah az-Zahra (Peace be upon all of them).

source : http://www.imfi.ir
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