Monday 22nd of July 2024
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A Flight over the Land of Love

The Miraculously Healed Person: Reza son of Isfandiari
The inhabitant of Amol
Type of Illness: Melancholy
The Date of Being Miraculously Healed: Month of Tir, 1374 Solar Hijrah
Isfandiar was walking up and down in the corridor in the hospital, just outside the waiting room. Time passed very slowly for him. Although he had been used to this waiting and had experienced it twice, waiting for him was fatal and time was also impregnated with evil events. A strange worry overwhelmed his whole existence, He was reckless while frequently sitting down and standing up. Once in a while, he went to a corner casting his tired look upon some direction.
Tens of times he walked along the corridor aimlessly. Finally he heard the nurse calling him, "Mr Rahimi! Congratulation! Now you are a father! Your baby is a son! Mother is in a good condition!"
Hearing this good news, the light of joy appeared in his look. A cute smile sat on his anxious face, so he went to give this good news to his children looking forward at home, so that he could share this pleasure with them.
The following day when he went to the hospital to have his wife discharged from the hospital, the attending doctor called him in to his office and gave him some bad news. This bad news was about the illness of his new born infant who was suffering from the enlargement of his heart and was in a terrible condition.
Hearing this terrible news, Isfandiar found looseness in his knees and his eyes got dark and black. The doctor invited him to keep cool and calm.
His joy changed into sorrow. Treatments started on the baby immediately. When his wife learned that she was discharged, but the baby must be taken care of in the hospital, she became so shocked as is her heart, too, had swollen and enlarged.
She began to weep and tears dropped lap by lap. The mother who should put her baby beside her and caress him with her kind hands and milk him with her life's juice, now she must go home without him, so his loneliness and separation was intolerable and painful for her.
That night the husband and the wife went back home. Their children ran forward to them, looking forward to seeing the infant. But there was no baby with them to see, so they went away to a corner and became faded.
Their father recounted the story of the baby and his being hospitalized and gave them hope that in no time at the baby would be brought in to home.
Nine days passed since the child had been hospitalized. The nine days which seemed to them to be lasting as long as a year? Joy and cheerfulness had gone out of the family "rather crying and sorrow had over cast shadow over their surroundings.
The tenth night arrived and Isfandiar had heard a disappointing reply from the physicians. They had confessed obviously that they could do nothing to cure the child.
The baby who was weighing 3.4 kilograms at the birth time was weighing only 1.200 kilograms now. He had gotten weaker and weaker, thinner and thinner day after day.
Isfandiar, observing that his dear child's candle of existence was extinguishing and he was unable to do any thing for him, came home and went immediately to his room as if the world in his own heart. The sorrowful silence governing his home added some trouble to this discomfort. He drowned himself in a strange privacy.
He was heart broken while tears had covered the width of his face, he asked for God's help and assistance with his burning heart. He stretched out the hand of appeal towards God.
From the bottom of his heart, he called Holy Imam Reza (A.S.): "My lord! You are aware of my terrible condition. I have named my child after you. This infant is under your vow. God forbid that you are not magnanimous! I no longer have anything with him. His life and death depends on your favor and grace. If it is expedient, he will remain alive, if not he will go! You are his absolute owner!"
He eased himself through unknotting his complex. He went to bed to witness the tomorrow's affairs.
The next day, he went to the hospital with his wife. As soon as the doctor arrived, he asked about the infant's condition. The doctor said, "Which Reza?" Isfandiar answered, "I mean our child whom I named Reza!"
Tears coiled in the eyes of the attending doctor. Taking him to his office, the doctor expressed, "I have been by the bed of your child since last night. A strange event occurred to him. This child has changed completely since then! There is no sign of the enlargement of your son's heart any longer! The new experiments and tests approve of the health of his heart! "Then he continued, "Now there is no room to be worried about. You can take your baby home with you. This event in nothing but a miracle of Holy Imam Reza (A.S.).
Weeping did not allow Isfandiar and his wife any moment, to be free. The suffered father described for the doctor the nightly supplications and prayers to God and to Imam Reza (A.S.). The sad mother recounted her previous night's dream as follows: "An old man with white beard gave me good tidings of the healing of my son by Holy Imam Reza (A.S.) saying, "Since your son is under the vow of Imam Reza, his holiness has healed him. You must go to your master!"
Everybody over there was impressed by this description. The name of the hospital was also Imam Reza (A.S.) Hospital and how well he had healed and cured his patient.
Hearing this news, the cry of the patients, nurses, and doctors over there filled the atmosphere of the hospital and the perfume of "Salawat" had spread all over the hospital.
And now Reza, this four-year-old pilgrim, every year at his birthday anniversary continues to come to the holy city of Mashhad to prostrate at the threshold of his real doctor to express his thanks and gratitude to him for granting him his health again.
It is interesting to mention the fact that just one week before his birthday anniversary, the small heart of Reza becomes desirous of making a pilgrimage. Each night he dreams a small, white horse spreading its wings carrying Reza on its back through the layers of clouds to the shrine of Holy Imam Reza (A.S.) and turning him around the purified dome and returning him to his home.

source : http://www.abna.ir
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