Wednesday 6th of November 2024
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Imam Reza(A.S.) Spends All What He Has

The Ima`m Reza(A.S.) spent all what he had on the poor and the miserable in Khurasan, so al-Fadl b. Sahl censured him for that, saying: "Surely this is (a kind of) damage!" 
So the Imam answered him with a strong argument, saying: "Rather it is a profit; do not regard as damage that which results in reward and generosity. 
It is not an act of damage when the Ima`m spent all what he had on the poor and the deprived in order to save them from poverty and misery; rather the damage was the enormous properties which the 'Abba`sid kings spent on their desires and their red nights, while they spent nothing on the poor from among the Muslims.

source : http://www.abna.ir
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