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Bad morals is to speak ill of someone behind his/her back

  • Publication date:   2011-04-01 23:33:23
  • Number of views:   968

Among the vices and the very bad morals is to speak ill of someone behind his/her back.

Backbiting is to mention some features of an absent person that if he knows they are mentioned before the others, he will be angry and uncomfortable.

Backbiting is one of the major and heavy sins and committing it causes one’s heart to be polluted with darkness and consequently it (the heart) will be deprived of the Divine light and mercy.

The Holy Qur'an has prohibited people from backbiting strongly and compared one who backbites the others to one who eats the flesh of his dead Muslim brother.

“…nor let some of you backbite others. Does one of you like to eat the flesh of his dead brother? But you abhor it; and be careful of (your duty to) Allah…” Qur'an, 49:12

The Prophet (s) has said to Abu Tharr, ‘O Abu Tharr, beware of backbiting for it is worse than adultery!’ Abu Tharr said, ‘O messenger of Allah, what is backbiting?’ The Prophet (s) said, ‘To mention your brother with what he hates.’ Abu Tharr said, ‘O messenger of Allah, even if he has what is mentioned about him?’ The Prophet (s) said, ‘Know that if you mention him with what he does not have, you slander him.’[1]

Ameerul Mo'mineen (s) has said, ‘He, who listens to backbiting, is like the backbiter.’[2]

The Prophet (s) has said, ‘He, whose Muslim brother is backbitten before him and he can defend him but he does not defend him, will be failed by Allah in this life and the afterlife.’[3]

Scorning and mocking

Mocking at the others and scorning them are very ugly deeds and major sins. How often that someone mocks and scorn another one who may be one of the saints or the sincere servants of Allah!

The Qur'an has forbidden people strongly from mocking at each other.

“O you who believe! let not (one) people laugh at (another) people perchance they may be better than them, nor let women (laugh) at (other) women, perchance they may be better than them…” Qur'an, 49:11

The Prophet (s) has said about mockers, ‘The gate of Paradise will be opened for a mocker and it will be said to him, ‘Come on!’ He will come with his griefs and distresses and when he will about to come in, the gate will be closed before him.’[4]

The mockers and scorners will face the result of their ugly deeds and will get their painful reward on the Day of Resurrection.

The Prophet (s) has said, ‘Do not scorn anyone of the Muslims because the little of them are great near Allah.’[5]

He has also said, ‘It is enough evil for the son of Adam to scorn his Muslim brother.’[6]


Some people, in order to reach their material aims, take firm oaths and swear by Allah and so their oaths become as a kind of indignity, dishonor and violation of the sacredness of Allah the Almighty. The Qur'an says,

“And make not Allah, by your oaths, a hindrance to your being righteous and observing your duty unto Him and making peace among mankind. Allah is Hearer, Knower.” Qur'an, 2:224

The Prophet (s) has said to Imam Ali (s), ‘Do not swear by Allah whether true or false without necessity and do not make Allah as an obstacle to your oath for Allah does not mercify or talk to whoever swears by His name falsely!’[7]

Imam as-Sadiq (s) has said, ‘He, who takes an oath and he knows that he swears falsely, challenges Allah the Almighty.’[8]

Impermissible lusts

Impermissible lusts include the pleasures of the abdomen and the private parts, bodily and mental pleasures which are contrary to the will of Allah and opposite to His contentment.

Man has to remember Allah, the afterlife and the severe punishment he will face on the Day of Resurrection if he satisfies his lusts and desires in unlawful way and against the orders of the Sharia. But if man refrains from unlawful lusts and desires, he will be fit to win Paradise and he will not be rewarded except with Paradise;

“And as for him who fears to stand in the presence of his Lord and forbids the soul from low desires, then surely the garden that is the abode.” Qur'an, 79:40-41

The Prophet (s) has said, ‘Blessed is he who turns away from a present lust to a promise that he has not seen!’[9]

He has also said, ‘Three things that I fear for my nation after me; deviation after knowing, misleading seditions and the lusts of the abdomen and private parts.’[10]

Imam Ali (s) has said, ‘The slave of lusts is meaner than the slave of bondage.’[11]

The Prophet (s) has said, ‘The truth is heavy and bitter and the untruth is light and sweet. Perhaps a lust of a moment may cause a lasting sorrow.’[12]

He has also said, ‘If a sin or a lust happens to someone and he refrains from it for fear of Allah, Allah will save him from Fire and secure him from the Great Fear.’

Injustice and oppression

Injustice, violating the rights of others, preventing others from getting their rights, bad doings and conducts that cause harm to other people, contradicting the law, heresy, haughtiness and the likes are among the items of injustice, oppression and aggression.

The Holy Qur'an sees that as long as the unjust persons are still in the circle of oppression and aggression against people they are away from guidance and not worthy of it.

“And who is more unjust than he who forges a lie against Allah and he is invited to Islam, and Allah does not guide the unjust people.” Qur'an, 61:7

The Qur'an also sees that injustice and oppression are the reasons behind perishment and extinction of goodness and that the unjust society deserves misfortunes, torment and perishment;

“And when Our messengers came to Ibrahim with the good news, they said: Surely we are going to destroy the people of this town, for its people are unjust.” Qur'an, 29:31

The Qur'an declares that the unjust people on the Day of Resurrection will be deprived of intercession and the support of their assistants and relatives and they will live in Hell alone in horrible isolation. It is the punishment that will await for them on that day.

“And warn them of the day that draws near, when hearts shall rise up to the throats, grieving inwardly; the unjust shall not have any compassionate friend nor any intercessor who should be obeyed.” Qur'an, 40:18

The Qur'an declares too that the unjust people deserve the eternal torment and their suitable place will be in Hell and this punishment will not be limited to them only but to their followers and assistants too.

“…Surely the losers are they who have lost themselves and their followers on the resurrection day. Now surely the iniquitous shall remain in lasting chastisement.” Qur'an, 42:45

And the Qur'an announces that Allah does not love the unjust and it is clear that if someone is driven out of the circle of the love of Allah, will be afflicted with distress and wretchedness in this life and the afterlife.

“…surely He does not love the unjust.” Qur'an, 42:40

The Prophet (s) has said, ‘Between Paradise and Hell there are seven punishments the easiest of which is death.’ Anass asked, ‘O messenger of Allah, what is the most difficult of them?’ The Prophet (s) said, ‘Standing before Allah when the wronged will catch the wrongdoers.’[13]

In a Qudsi tradition it has been narrated, ‘My wrath has become too great against people who have wronged those who have not found any supporter save Me.’[14]

The Prophet (s) has said, ‘Avoid injustice because it is the darkness of the Day of Resurrection.’[15]

He has also said, ‘The one who is aware of the injustice, the one who assists in it and the one who is pleased with it are all partners in it.’[16]

Ameerul Mo'mineen (s) has said, ‘By Allah if I am given the seven continents and what there is under their horizons to disobey Allah just by extorting a shell of a barleycorn from an ant, I will never do.’[17]

[1] Biharul Anwar, vol. 77 p.89.

[2] Tafsir al-Mo’een, p.102.

[3] Wassa’il ash-Shia, vol. 8 p.606.

[4] Kanzol Ummal, 8328.

[5] Tanbeeh al-Khawatir, 25.

[6] Ibid., 362.

[7] Biharul Anwar, vol. 77 p.67.

[8] Ibid., vol.104 p.209.

[9] Wassa’il ash-Shia, vol. 11 p.164.

[10] Ibid., p.198.

[11] Nahjol Balagha, maxim no.128.

[12] Biharul Anwar, vol. 77 p.82.

[13] Kanzol Ummal, 8862.

[14] Biharul Anwar, vol. 75 p.311.

[15] Al-Kafi, vol. 2 p.232.

[16] Biharul Anwar, vol. 75 p.312.

[17] Nahjol Balagha, maxim no.19.

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