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The Ahlul-Bait's Method in Educating their Companions

  • Publication date:   2011-05-30 08:14:57
  • Number of views:   783

Imam Ja'far al-Sadiq (a.s.) is reported to have said:

;I dislike for a man to die while there is still a habit of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) which he has not yet practised"(57)

The Ahlul-Bait took great care to educate the Muslims in accordance with the Book of Allah and the traditions of the Prophet, with the objective of building sound Islamic personalities that would hold aloft the torch of guidance.

Imam Al-Baqir (a.s.) tried to efface the doubts instigated by some of his contemporaries who, had some mischievous intentions behind their effort. They used to say that it sufficed a Muslim to love the Ahlul-Bait and to regard them as leaders, and, in such a case, there was no need to keep up the other obligatory duties of what had commanded. The Imam explained that the path of the Ahlul-Bait meant putting into practice all that had been brought by the Qur'an, and shown by the Prophet (s.a.w.).

; Allah, we have no absolution from Allah, nor are we relatives of Allah, nor have we any argument against Allah. You cannot be nearer to Allah except through obedience. So, whoever is obedient (to Allah) will be benefitted by our friendship, and whoever is disobedient (to Him), our friendship will benefit him naught "(55)

Amru bin Sa'id bin Hilal narrates:

;I said to Abu Ja'far (a.s.): May I be your ransom, I only see you very rarely, after years. Please give me a piece of advice which I may follow.' Imam AI-Baqir replied: 'I advise you to fear Allah, to be pious and diligent. Do know that there can be no piety without diligent... "'(59)

He also advised one of his followers, named Abu Usama, and told him to convey it to his friends. Here is an extract of the said advice:

;...fear Allah and be good, and do not be bad, direct towards us every affection, and ward off from us every abomination, for we are not as they say. We have our rights in the Book of Allah, which were related to the Messenger of Allah and had been purified by Allah Our birth is so noble that anyone other than us claiming the like, is a liar.* Increase your remembrance of Allah, of death, of reciting the Qur'an and of sending blessings upon the Prophet (s.a.w.) as sending blessings on him is rewarded ten fold."(60)

*- This refers to their noble relations to the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) through their mother, Fatima al-Zahra' (a.s.), the Prophet's daughter.


Imam al-Sadiq instructed one of his companions, Ismail bin Ammar, as follows:

;I advise you to fear Allah, to be pious, to be truthful, to pay your trusts, to be good to your neighbours and to be frequent in your prostration (prayers). Such were the orders of Muhammad (s.a.w.) to us."(61)

Hisham bin Salim says that he heard Imam al-Sadiq (a.s.) tell a man called Hamran this:

;Look at the one who is lower than you (in position) and do not look at the one who is higher than you, as in this way you will be more satisfied with what is your lot, and more deserving of Allah's bounty. Do know that (good) routine deeds even if few are worthier than a regular deed lacking certainty. Do know that no piety is more beneficial than avoiding the prohibitions of Allah and refraining from wronging the people. Nothing is more pleasing than a good temper. No wealth is better than being content with the little which suffices. No ignorance is more bitter than conceit."(62)

Imam Al-Sadiq (a.s.) also cites the Messenger of Allah as describing the believers:

;Whoever is displeased with his evil deed while being pleased with his good deed, is a faithful man."(63)

These are the true attributes of a good Muslim on the bases of Ahlul-Bait who strived hard to educate and establish them. This is their true method in building and educating the Muslim society and ummah. This is their true call through which they addressed the followers of the Prophet Muhammad (s.a.w.) which was to follow the Book of Allah (the Qur'an) and the traditions of the Messenger of Allah (s.a.w.) and to build life on their principles. How beautiful it is when a Muslim is guided aright through their guidance and follows their will and listens to the remembrance of them.

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