Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Ramadan Definitions

Ramadan definitions mean how can one tell what is Ramadan in one line or maximum three lines. The lines used should be able to describe what Ramadan is exactly. There can be several ways in which Ramadan can be defined.
  1. The ninth month of Muslim lunar calendar.
  2. The month of fasting from dawn to dusk for Muslims.
  3. The month of 29 to 30 days fast.
  4. The month for worship and meditation and spending less time on daily life activities.
  5. The fourth pillar of Islam.
  6. Holy month of Muslims to fast during daylight.
  7. The month of purification for Muslims.
  8. Celebrations of Eid-Ul-Fitr are followed after Ramadan.
  9. The month to read entire holy book Quran.
  10. The month of devotion to Allah for Muslims.
  1. The month to recite special prayer called the taraweeh prayer (night prayer) apart from five daily prayers.
  2. The sacred month out of the twelve months in a year for Muslims.
  3. September 14 to October 13, 2007 approximately appears to be the Ramadan month 2007.
  4. The month to abstain from food, water and sexual activities for Muslims.
  5. Month celebrated by Muslims generally in the months like October, November or December of every year.
  6. The ninth month of Islamic calendar

source : http://www.theeid.com
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