Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Ramadan Traditions

Basic Ramadan Tradition

Ramadan the month of fast for Muslims is the time period when Muslims part themselves from water, food and smoking during the daylight. During Ramadan Muslims have food twice a day, one when sun rises and the other when sun sets. The meal had before the sunrise is called suhoor and the meal had after the sunset is called Iftar. During the Ramadan fast, for Iftar meal delicious food is cooked like:

Fig and lemon chicken
Nutritional lentil soup
Moroccan soup
Beef meatballs
Tomato sauce
Fresh fig cake
Rich semolina cookies

According to Islam, Ramadan is a way of showing devotion to god. Ramadan is the time when Muslims devote their soul to god by praying. According to Islam Ramadan is the only way when a human in this busy life can remember god despite of the daily busy schedules. The Ramadan days begin with the prayers and end with the prayers. Muslims also visit mosque during the Ramadan month for their prayers. 

source : http://www.theeid.com
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