Saturday 29th of June 2024
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Sources for this chapter:

The Holy Quran, English Commentary, Yusuf Ali.

The Holy Quran, English Commentary, Mir Ahmad Ali.

Al‑Ghadeer, Al‑Amini.

Al‑Muraja'at, S. Sharafud'din.

References: Virtually all references in this chapter are taken from authors of Hanafi, Shafi'i, Maaliki or Hanbali persuasion: Al‑Qandoozi, Ibn Khallikan, Al‑Tha'labi, Al‑Tibari, Al‑Razi, Al‑Neisapoori, Al‑Haakim, Al‑Haskani, Ibn Hajar, Al‑Zamakh'shari, Ibn Sa'ad, Bukhari, Muslim, Tirmidhi, Ibn Hanbal, Al‑Sayooti, Al‑Baydhawi, Ibn Katheer, Al‑Tibrani, Al‑Wahidi, and Ibn Marduwayh.

Ahlul Bayt have been delineated in the Quran (Surah 33, Ayah 33) and purified by Allah (Most High) from sin, religious error, or forgetfulness (Ismah).  Ahlul Bayt consist of Muhammad (pbuh), his daughter Fatima, his son-in-law and cousin Ali, and his two grandchildren Al-Hasan and Al-Husain.  And of the progeny of Al-Husain are the nine designated Imams: Zainul Abideen, Al-Baaqir, Al-Saadiq, Al-Kadhim, Al-Ridha, Al-Taqi, Al-Haadi, Al-Askari, and Al-Mahdi —may peace be with them all.

source : ttp://www.islamicbooks.info
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