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  • Publication date:   2011-08-17 20:01:25
  • Number of views:   837

إِنَّمَا يُرِيدُ اللَّهُ لِيُذْهِبَ عَنكُمُ الرِّجْسَ

 أَهْلَ الْبَيْتِ وَيُطَهِّرَكُمْ تَطْهِيرًا

“Verily, Allah has decreed to purify you, O' Ahlul Bayt, and sanctify you in a perfect way”

According to A'isha, Ayah of Tat'heer (Purification) was revealed on behalf of Fatima, Ali, Al‑Hasan, and Al‑Husain.[1] 


The Occasion:

      The term Ahlul Bayt was endearingly used by the Prophet (pbuh) when he was in his wife's house, Umm Salama.  While busy with her chores, Umm‑Salama heard the Prophet say, “Bring them to me, bring them to me.”  He wanted to immediately see Fatima, Ali and their two sons, Al‑Hasan and Al‑Husain.

      Muhammad (pbuh) asked Al‑Hasan, Al‑Husain, and their mother Fatima to partially cover themselves with his mantle, then he asked Ali to do likewise.  He thereupon did the same.  The mantle became a uniting cover shared by all five, partly covering every one of them, thus becoming a visible uniting bond, binding all five.

      Then the Prophet raised his hands in supplication before the inquisitive audience, and said:

“Dear Lord! this is my Ahlul Bayt, I implore Thee to sanctifying them, and remove from them all impurities.

      Then Muhammad (pbuh) explained that Jubra'eel (Gabriel) had just revealed to him a unique Ayah, an Ayah in which Allah had decreed to specifically purify and sanctify them, calling them Ahlul Bayt.  Umm‑Salama then asked, “How about me?  Can I come under the mantle?”  Muhammad (pbuh) replied, “No, you stay where you are, worry not, you are in a fine state.”

      The five (Muhammad, Ali, Fatima, Al‑Hasan, and Al‑Husain) came to be endearingly known as “The five under the mantle”   خمسه تحت الكساء  .  It is narrated through Anas Ibn Malik that for six months following this Ayah's revelation, every morning (while going for fajr salat), the Prophet used to knock at the door of Fatima's house and loudly recite Ayah of Tat'heer.  Other sources say the Prophet (pbuh) did so for 9 months rather than 6.[2]

      Some commentators claim that this Ayah was revealed at A'isha's house, others claim it was revealed at Fatima's house (as narrated by the renowned Sahaabi Jabir Al‑Ansaari).  Yet others claim that this Ayah was apparently revealed more than once, i.e., once in Umm Salama's house, once in A'isha's house, and once in Fatima's house.


Meaning of Ayah of Tat'heer

      When Ayah of Tat'heer was revealed Muhammad (pbuh) was informed by Jubra'eel about who constituted Ahlul Bayt;  they were to be the Prophet himself, Fatima, Ali, Al‑Hasan, and Al‑Husain.  At this time Al‑Hasan and Al‑Husain were young children and their future‑contribution to Islam was known only to Allah.  Allah knew the pivotal roll Ali, Fatima, Al‑Hasan, and Al‑Husain would play for Islam, thus He specified them for this honor.

      Neither Zainab, nor Umm Kulthoom, the daughters of Ali, were included, nor were any of the wives of the Prophet, (neither Umm Salama, nor A'isha, or others).

      The Ayah indicates that Allah Himself has honored Ahlul Bayt so specifically, and He promised to keep them “pure, spotless, and sanctified”.  Allah had taken it upon Himself to safeguard Ahlul Bayt, to keep them unblemished, untainted, upright, virtuous, and chaste.  This is the source and basis of the Ismah [meaning Allah has safeguarded them from:  a) sin, b) religious error, and c) forgetfulness.]

      As events unfolded through the ensuing 329 years (following the Hijrah), the contributions Ahlul Bayt made to Islam has, without doubt, verified the very essence of this Ayah and confirmed what Allah promised.  Ahlul Bayt sacrificed everything at hand for the sake of teaching Islam in its pristine form.  They jeopardized, if not sacrificed their own lives and even the lives of their children for the purpose!  Ahlul Bayt stood for the righteous and the upright, and for the ideals of Islam, and because of that they suffered dearly at the hands of tyrants and detractors.


[1] (See Yanabi Al‑Mawadda, Al‑Qandoozi, Page 87).

[2](See Sahih Tirmidhi, Vol. 13, Pages 200.  Also Al‑Nisaa'i, Khasa'is, page 4.  Also Tafseer of Al‑Tibari, Vol. 22, Page 5.  Also Al Mujam Al Saghir, Al Tibrani, Page 34, 75.  Also Asbaab al‑Nuzool, Al‑Wahidi, Pages 266‑267.)

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