Sunday 22nd of December 2024
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From Islamic Revolution to Regional Revolutions

The announcement of existence by the Zionist regime of Israel in 1948, the leaders of the Arabic governments announced that they will never accept this shameful issue and they started fighting against Israel.         

They considered it as an important matter in their agenda. But gradually after continuous defeats of Arabs by Israel and their internal disputes with each other and also according to their national preferences instead of Arabic ambitions, it caused that many of these countries including Egypt to give up supporting the people of Palestine and the ambition of freedom for this nation.

 This matter caused a frustration, disappointment and despair for the people of Palestine. The programs of different organizations of Palestine including left party programs and freedom organizations…also were not able to resolve the problems in this field. 

 Under such conditions, the victory of Islamic Revolution and the fall of Shah’s regime that was one of the strong supporters of Israel could be considered as good news. The victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran had a great effect to direct the Palestinian movements, in a way that they were convinced that the best way to achieve freedom is relying on themselves. Based on the outlook of Islamic Revolution and Islamic Republic system, the issue of Palestine not only is an issue of Arabic world, but also it is an issue of the Islamic World as well. Based on the outlook of Islamic Revolution know no solution and strategy but only violation and brutality, so the nations should behave with it with the violation and brutality language too. According to this outlook, the Palestinian nation must not be dependent to the activities of political groups and parties, but also this nation should rebel itself and to make an uprising against the Zionist regime. They should act like the people of Iran and seek their rights themselves. 

 These conditions that were a result of frustrations for supporting Arabic brothers and the victory of Islamic Revolution of Iran caused that the Palestinians that the Palestinians rely on the Islamic model of Jihad and they start an uprising and revolution titled Intifada against Israel.

 Under such circumstances, the Islamic Jihad groups and Hamas that would be supported by some nations such as Islamic Revolution of Iran were able to play the most important roles in Intifada. Some movements such as Hamas and Islamic Jihad that had been founded based on the Islamic Academy gave up the materialistic ideology of the Arabic world and they were not hopeful to this famous ideology anymore. The effects of this movement was in a way that today many of the groups and parties that someday believed to the ideologies of nationalism, socialism and liberalism, they admit that the only way to save Palestine is joining the Islamic Academy.

 It can be strongly said that one of the most important factors for creation of Intifada was the effect of Islamic Revolution that the most result of that for the Muslims of the world was fighting against oppression until getting real freedom. 

 This revolution was able to convey its message to the deprived and poor people of the world and to be considered as a model and fighting method and to be considered as a great approach for the Muslims of the world. Since that time, the movement of Palestinians has been continued. Although at the beginning of decade 90s, the peace negotiations created a new hope for the people of Palestine, but soon it was clear that these negotiations had no useful and positive result for them. Again they concluded that the only way to achieve freedom is fighting and it was equal to beginning the second Indifada that in 2000 the fighting started with much intensity and untiy.

 It seems that the Arabic revolutions in the Middle East during the past months that have taken place one after another will be another motive and model for the Palestinians to continue their party with more motivations. 

 The revolutions which have taken place by the people and with no military supports, all indicate that fighting against oppression and despotism that has ruled for them for several years. They want to have control over their destiny themselves. These changes, specially the changes of Egypt will have much effects on Palestine. On one side, the freedom movements and revolutions in Arabic countries will be a motive that will encourage the Palestinians to continue resistance and fighting to reach freedom. Also the Western Medias such as BBC emphasized that this year due to protests of “Yom Al-Nekbeh” due to the effects of regional countries in the Middle East and north Africa will be held with more excitements and seriousness. 

 The Israeli newspaper Haaretz a day after the protests of Nekbeh Day in an article wrote: “The Arabic revolution harmed Israel yesterday, the protests of Nenkeh day by the Palestinian from Syria and Lebanon was held in Mojadal Al-Shams and Maroon Al-Rasas. The protestors entered Druz village located in Jabal Al-Sheikh mountain domain and they ruined this wrong imagination that Israel can live peacefully. In fact the dream of “A villa in the forest” was fully separated based on the events which took place in this zone. 

 On the other hand, in the domestic fields, the leaders of autonomous institutes were obliged to do some reforms domestically and made them to have more reconciliation with resistance groups living in Palestine. As the groups of Fat-h and Hamas signed peace agreements after five years challenges and disputes and probably the result of this domestic unity and strength of Palestinians and the capability of having strong positions against Israel; though we should await for this issue that whether or not the reconciliation groups will accompany with resistance group, or on the contrary, the Hamas group will recreate from its positions.

 Anyways, the recent events, especially the changes of Egypt have caused that the Mubarak’s regime that had close relations with the Israeli regime and was a barrier in the way of resistance movement in Palestine, to be removed from the way. These conditions have caused that a brilliant and nice future to be drawn fro the future of Palestine movement that began at the end of 1980s.

 In fact the ray of hope that was created for the Palestinians by the occurrence of Islamic Revolution of Iran to be highlighted by the Arabic revolution in the region. 

 Senior Expert of the Middle East and North Africa

source : http://abna.ir
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