Sunday 29th of September 2024
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Religious duty of fasting and always gave alms in secret

Ibrahim bin Abbas, who was one of the high-ranking officials of the Abbasid caliphate, has left the following eyewitness account of Imam Raza's (as) impeccable character. 
- His Holiness never irritated others by verbal or practical teasings.
- His Holiness did not interrupt others speeches.
- The Holy Imam Raza (as) never refused the demands of others.
- I never witnessed him to have his legs stretched out before the others.
- And I could never find him in a resting position in the presence of other people.
- His Holiness never swore at his servants.
- His Holiness never cachinnated in happy circumstances.
- I never saw him spit his saliva out.
- At dinner all his servants including porters and even the stablemen were served in his attendance.
- His Holiness used to stay up all nights invoking Allah the Almighty. The Holy Imam Raza (as) also observed regularly the religious duty of fasting and always gave alms in secret.

source : http://www.ezsoftech.com
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