On Imam Husain (a.s)'s intention on proceeding towards Makkah (from Madina)
- Publication date: 2011-12-02 00:59:33
- Number of views: 503
When Imam Husain (a.s) intended going towards Makkah, Abdullah bin Muti' came to meet him and said, "May I be your ransom! Where do you intend going"? Imam replied, "Presently I have decided to go to Makkah, after that I shall seek consultation from the Almighty." Abdullah said, "May Allah destine goodness for you! You may go to Makkah, but lest you go to Kufa for it is an ill-omened city. Your father was assasinated therein and your brother was rendered helpless, was forsaken and wounded by a spear and it was near that he would succumb to that wound. You may remain attached to the Ka'bah for you are the Master of the Arabs and the people of Hijaz (region of West Arabia, the barrier land, running parallel to the Red Sea and wherein lies the dual holy cities of Makkah and Madina) do not regard anyone else as your equal. The people therein will exert themselves to hasten to your aid, may I be your ransom, for if you are killed we shall be enslaved and conquered after you." Shaikh Mufeed says that Imam Husain (a.s) proceeded towards Makkah taking the main roads reciting the following verse of the Qur'an: "So he went forth in fear, apprehending."[1] Someone told him, "It would be better if we take a crooked road as Abdullah bin Zubayr and avoid the main road, so that those in our pursuit might not reach you." Imam replied, "No by Allah! I shall not forsake this road, until Allah commands me [1] Surah al Qasas: 21.
further." Imam Husain (a.s) entered Makkah on Friday the third of the month of Sha'ban reciting the following verse: "And when he (Prophet Moosa) turned his face towards (the land of) Madyan, said: Maybe my Lord will guide me in the right path." [1] When Imam Husain (a.s) settled in Makkah, the people therein and those who had come for the Haj (Annual Pilgrimage to Makkah), and people from other towns came to meet him. Abdullah bin Zubayr too was in Makkah and had taken asylum near the Ka'bah and prayed and circumambulated it. He too accompanied by other people came to offer his salutations to Imam Husain (a.s) once in every two days consequently or often more. Imam's presence in Makkah made him uneasy, for he knew that till the time Imam remained in Makkah, the people therein would not pledge their oath of allegiance to him (for he too eyed the Caliphate). Because they held the Imam dear and considered him more worthy to rule over them." As regards the people of Kufa, when they received the news of the death of Mu'awiyah they started vilifying Yazeed. Besides they were informed that Imam Husain (a.s) had refused to swear the oath of allegiance to Yazeed and had gone to Makkah. While Abdullah bin Zubayr too had fled to Makkah with him and competed with him. The followers (Shi'ah) of Imam gathered at the house of Sulayman bin Surad Khuza'i and discussed about the death of Mu'awiyah and praised and glorified Allah. Sulayman arose and said, "Mu'awiyah is dead, and Imam Husain (a.s) has refused to swear the oath of allegiance to Yazeed and has proceeded towards Makkah. You are his and his father's followers (Shi'ah), then if you desire assisting him and fighting his enemies, write to him and inform him about it. But if you fear lest you would turn sluggish and retreat, then do not betray him (by inviting him here)." Everyone unanimously swore that they would support him and fight his enemies under his command and offer their lives for sacrifice. When Sulayman heard this he invited them to write letters addressing to the Imam and they wrote as follows: |