Saturday 28th of September 2024
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Top Sunni scholar defines Imam Ali (AS)

 Book on the features of Imam Ali (AS) is published by Iran's Amir Kabir Publication to give the views of an outstanding Sunni scholar on the first Shia Imam. 

"Characteristics of Imam Ali (AS)", a collection of Hadiths by Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) on Imam Ali (AS), is written by Imam Hafiz Abi Rahman Ahmad Ibn Shuayb Nessayee al-Shafeyee, outstanding Sunni scholar.

Author to one of the six major Hadith collections of Sunni, the author, late in his life took a trip to Damascus and visiting many people who did not know the true character of Imam Ali (AS), started to write the book on quotations of the Prophet of Islam on the high character of Imam Ali (AS), first Shia Imam and cousin to the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) so that the book made a guideline for the ignorant. 

The readers of this book would know on the ways that Imam Ali (AS) prayed, quotations of the Prophet on the first Shia Imam, prays of the Prophet for Imam Ali (AS) as well as topics like the status of Imam Ali and his intimacy with Prophet Mohammad (PBUH). 

According to Mohammad Hadi Najafi, the editor of the book, the author has collected the credited Hadiths (quotations of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH) on different issues) with references. 

Although it was previously published in Egypt, India and Iraq the book was not warmly received and the reason, according to the editor, is due to the mistakes and a lack of efforts to correct the mistaken references as well as a lack of research on the narrators for the quotations. 

The first Persian translation of the book is done by Mohammad Hassan Shojayee Fard.

source : http://abna.ir
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