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Her Scientific and Intellectual Heritage



Fatima, the principal of the women of the worlds, (a.s.) was one of the most knowledgeable, faithful, thinking women. Many men and women narrated traditions from her such as:

1. Imam Ali (a.s.)

2. Imam al-Hasan (a.s.)

3. Imam al-Husayn (a.s.)

4. Anass bin Malik

5. Fatima bint Imam al-Husayn (a.s.)

6. Umm Rafi’

7. Aa’isha

8. Umm Salamah

9. Salma

These are some of those who narrated from her what she had heard from her father.

Musnad Fatima

Fatima (a.s.) narrated from her father a good quantity of traditions which as-Sayooti has collected in a book called “Musnad of Fatima”. Other than him has written a book on her having the same title.

It is worth mentioning that all what she narrated from her father concerned morals, manners of conducts, and nobilities of character which form an important part in the eternal Islamic mission. Here are some examples from her traditions:

1. Urging on cleanness

Al-Husayn bin al-Hasan narrated from his mother Fatima bint Imam al-Husayn (a.s.) from her father that Fatima az-Zahra’ (a.s.) said, ‘The messenger of Allah (a.s.) said: he, who sleeps while there is some fat in his hand (after eating), Should not blame except himself.’

2. Liberality and stinginess

Imam Zaynol Aabidin (a.s.) narrated from his father Imam al-Husayn that his mother Fatima (a.s.) said, ‘The messenger of Allah (a.s.) said to me: beware of stinginess because it is a defect that does not exist in a generous one…beware of stinginess because it is a tree in Fire and its branches are in this life. Whoever clings to one of its branches it will take him to Fire. Liberality is a tree in the Paradise and its branches are in this life. Whoever clings to one of its branches it will take him to the Paradise.’

3. The virtue of setting slaves free

Al-Hakim bin Abi Na’eem said, ‘I heard Fatima bint Muhammad (a.s.) narrating from her father saying, ‘The messenger of Allah (a.s.) said, ‘He, who releases a believing slave, will be released from Fire with each organ for each organ (of the freed slave).’

Islam has invited to release man from slavery and save him from this nightmare. The imams of the Ahlul Bayt (a.s.) were the most of people in releasing slaves and being very kind to them. Imam Zaynol Aabidin (a.s.) was an example in releasing slaves. He spent all what he had in this way.

4. The reward of a sick

Fatima bint Imam al-Husayn (a.s.) narrated from her grandmother Fatima az-Zahra’ (a.s.) that the Prophet (a.s.) said, ‘If someone becomes ill, Allah reveals to his angels: stop writing against My slave as long as he is in My tie. I have tied him until I take his soul or release him.’  

Illness is a trial by which Allah tries man, and from His kindness to the sick that He expiates their sins in return for sickness except for the major sins.

5. Negligence of prayer

Once, Fatima (a.s.) asked her father the messenger of Allah (a.s.), ‘O father, what about one, man or woman, who neglect his\her prayer?’

He said, ‘O Fatima, whoever, man or woman, neglects his\her prayer Allah will afflict him\her with fifteen things; six in this life, three at dying, three in his\her grave, and three on the Day of Resurrection when he\she will be taken out of the grave.’

The details are the following:

The six in this life are:
1. Allah removes blessing from his\her age.
2. Allah removes blessing from his\her livelihood.
3. Allah effaces the miens of the benevolent from his\her face.
4. He\she shall not be rewarded for any deed.
5. His\her du’a (supplication) is not taken up to the Heaven.
6. He\she shall not be included by the du’a of the benevolent.

The three things at dying:
1. He\she dies lowly.
2. He\she dies hungrily.
3. He \she dies thirstily.

The three things in the grave:
1. Allah will entrust with him\her an angel who will trouble him\her in the grave.
2. The grave shall be narrow for him\her.
3. The grave shall be dark for him\her.

The three things on the Day of Resurrection:
1. Allah will entrust with him\her and angel who will draw him\her on his\her face while the creatures looking at him\her.
2. He\she shall face a very strict reckoning.
3. Allah will not look at him\her, nor will He purify him\her, and he\she shall get a painful torment.

Prayer is the most important ritual among all obligations in Islam. It is the sacrifice of every pious one. If it is accepted, every good deed else will be accepted, and if it is refused, all other good deeds will be refused as mentioned in a Prophetic tradition. Allah has said, (So woe to the praying ones, who are unmindful of their prayers. 107:4-5).

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