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Disbeliever's Soul through Torture

  • Publication date:   2012-06-15 06:03:15
  • Number of views:   637

There is a tradition in the third volume of Biharul Anwar according to which once the Holy Prophet (s.a.w.s.) went to visit his cousin Ali bin Abi Talib (a.s.). The latter was suffering from an illness of the eyes. He was sighing and groaning due to acute pain despite the fact that he was a mountain of patience in bearing troubles. At that time the Holy Prophet gave Ali frightening news, which made the latter forget his pain. The Holy Prophet said, "O Ali! The archangel

Jibraeel has informed me that when the time of taking the soul of a disbeliever comes, some angels of torture arrive and retrieve his soul hitting him with bars and whips of fire." Ali (a.s.) asked, "O Messenger of Allah! Does such a terrible thing happen to anyone from your Ummah also?" The Holy Prophet said, "Yes, even in Muslims there are three groups whose souls are taken in this harsh manner: First is a tyrant ruler, secondly, who usurps the orphan's property and third is the one who gives false testimony."

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