Wednesday 15th of May 2024
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The Earth Spreading night (from Mafatin Ul Jinan)

This night is called laylat dahw al-arz (the night at which the earth was spread on the water where the Holy Ka`bah is now situated). Being distinctively honorable, at this night the mercy of Almighty Allah is poured on people. A great reward is obtained by those who practice acts of worship at this night. `Ali ibn al-Hasan al-Washsha’ has narrated that when he was young, he was with his father in the hospitality of Imam al-Rida(A.S.) at the twenty-fifth night of Dhu’l-Qa`dah. After they had their supper, Imam al-Rida (A.S.) said, “At the twenty-fifth night of Dhu’l-Qa`dah, Prophet Abraham was born, Prophet Jesus the son of Mary was born, and the earth was spread on the water where the Holy Ka`bah is now situated. Hence, if one observes fasting on this day, he will be given the reward of observing fasting in sixth months.” According to another narration, Imam al-Rida (A.S.) added,Verily, on this day, al-Qa'im (i.e. Imam al-Mahdi) will appear.﴿

The twenty-fifth of Dhu’l-Qa`dah is one of the four days on which fasting is exclusively confirmed. According to a narration, to observe fasting on this day is equal to seventy year fasting. It also erases the sins of seventy years. According to another narration, to observe fasting on this day and to practice acts of worship at its night is equal (in reward) to one hundred year worship. Everything that is between the sky and the earth will ask God’s forgiveness for one who does these rites. On this day, the mercy of Almighty Allah has been spread. To practice acts of worship and hold sessions for mentioning Almighty Allah on this day bring about an abundant reward. Apart from fasting, acts of worship, remembrance of Almighty Allah, and bathing, there are two other acts that are advisably done on this day:

On this day, it is recommended to offer, in the morning, a prayer consisting of two units, reciting in the each unit Surah al-Fatihah once and repeating Surah al-Shams (No. 91) five times. After accomplishment, the following is said: 

source : http://english.almaaref.org
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