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Sainthood Sakina’s dream

  • Publication date:   2012-11-27 04:34:56
  • Number of views:   997

Book:  A review on the story of Imam Hussein’s (God bless him) martyrdom

Writer:  Ayatullah Professor Hussein Ansarian



One of the strange events which happened in Shaam and Allame Majlesy,[1] Ibn Naamy-e-Helli,[2] Syed Ibn Tavoos,[3] Bahrany,[4] and Sheikh Abas-e-Qomi[5] have narrated that is Sainthood Sakina’s (God bless her) dream.

Sainthood Sakina (God bless her) said to Yazid in his palace “I have seen a dream, if you listen, I will tell you.” Yazid accepted. She said: last night I slept after praying God and orison and crying a lot. I dreamed that universe doors opened, I saw myself in a light that was shining from sky to the earth. Suddenly I saw myself in a garden, I saw a servant from heaven’s servants. I saw a palace in that garden and I entered in that palace along with five people.

I asked from servant “whose palace is this?” The servant answered “this is your father Hussein (God bless him) palace because of the patience and tolerance that he had.” I asked “who are these five great people?” he answered “the first person is Adam (God bless him), the second person is Noah (God bless him), the third person is Abraham (God bless him), the fourth one is Moses (God bless him),”I asked “who is the fifth one that have kept his beard and grief and sadness have surrounded his entity and tears are flowing extremely from his eyes?” he asked “O Sakina (God bless her)! Don’t you know him?” I answered “No,” he said “he is your ancestor Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) that is going to see Hussein (God bless him).

I went toward my ancestor quickly and said to him “O great ancestor! By God! They killed our men, By God they poured our blood! By God they dishonored us and mounted us on camels which hadn’t any litter and brought us toward Yazid.” Holy Prophet (peace be upon him) embraced me, turned to Adam and Noah and Abraham and Moses and said “are you looking what’s my nation have done with my dears after me?

The servant said “O Sakina (God bless her) be quiet! You have made your ancestor extremely sad and sorrowful and tearful.” Then he took my hand and brought me into the palace. I saw five women whom God had beautified their entity and had filled their nature with light. I saw a distinctive and special woman among them who had disheveled her hairs; she had put on black dress and had a bloody shirt on her hand, when she stood up, all people stood up for her and when she sat all people sat.

I asked “who is she?” the servant said “these are Eve (God bless her), Mary (God bless her), Kadijah (God bless her), Hagar (God bless her), Sarh (God bless her) and the woman who had a bloody skirt in her hand is the lady of women sainthood Fatima (God bless her).” Then I went toward my mother sainthood Fatima (God bless her) and said to her “By God! They killed my father and orphaned me in this little age.”

Sainthood Fatima (God bless her) embraced me and cried extremely. Those five women cried too and said “God will judge between you and Yazid.” Then sainthood Fatima (God bless her) said to me “O my daughter! Don’t cry, you have torn the bond of my heart, this is your father Hussein (God bless him) skirt. I will not keep it away from myself till I visit God with this bloody skirt.”[6]

[1]Behar-al-Anvar, Volume N.45, Page N.140-141, Chapter N.39

[2]Macero-al-Ahzan, Ibn Naamy-e-Helli, Page N.104-105

[3] Almalhuf ala Ghatle Altofof, Syed-Ibn-Tavoos, Page N.188-189

[4]Alavalem, Abdullah-al-Bahrany, Page N.440;

[5] Montahao-al-Aamaal, Alqomi, Volume N.2, Page N.1004-1006

[6] Previous footnote

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