Sunday 8th of September 2024
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Brief Biography of Hadrat Khadija (SA)

Name: Khadija bint-e-Khawailad (SA)

Title: Umm-ul-Momineen

Agnomen: Tahira

Father: Khawailad bin Asad

Mother: Fatemah bint-e-Zaedeh

Birth: Makkah

Death: 10th Ramadan 3 years before Hijrah at the age of 64 years. Buried: in Makkah

Birth and Geneology

Hadrat Khadija (SA) was the first wife of the Holy Prophet (pbuh&hf). She was born in Makka. Her father's name was Khuwaylid bin Asad and he was a wealthy trader.

The Geneology of both Prophet Mohammad (pbuh&hf) and Hadrat Khadija (SA) was the same reaching upto Qusayy.

Early Life

Her mother and father both died within 10 years of each other. Their wealth was divided amongst the children but it was Hadrat khadija (SA) who took over the family business and expanded it. With the profit she made she helped the poor, widows, orphans, sick and the disabled people of Makka.

She had a cousin called Waraqa bin Naufal who was very learned man and who was not an idol worshipper. Both Waraqa and Hadrat Khadija were monothiests and believed in one Allah.

First contact with Prophet Mohammad (pbuh&hf)

Because of her excellent Akhlaq the Arabs (who at that time used to look down upon women) called her Tahira - the pure one. She was also known as the 'Princess of Makkah' because of her wealth. A lot of Arab nobles and princess wanted to marry her but she refused all of them.

In 595 AD, Hadrat Khadija was looking for someone to be in charge of her caravan to Syria. Hadrat Abu Talib (AS) suggested the Prophet Mohammad (pbuh&hf) to her. She had heard of his trustworthiness and agreed to employ him although he did not have much trading experience. To help him she sent her slave Maysara.

The trading caravan was a great success and when Hadrat Khadija (SA) heard of the Prophet's skills and excellent conduct, she became his admirer. 

source : http://abna.ir
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