Monday 13th of January 2025
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Hajj Bait Allahswt


This short article on ‘Hajj Bait Allahswt’ has been compiled from the traditions of 

masomeenas, consulting basic shia books, i.e., Manlah Yazarul Faqih, Al-Kafi, Wasial 

al Shia and Ilul Sheria1

. A brief summary for performing Ummera as well as Hajj is 

also provided in the end, as a reference to the preceding traditions of masomeenas. An 

attempt has also been made to focus on the issue related to present-day living and 

social conditions. First we start with those traditions of masomeenas which emphasis 

on visiting the ‘Harram’ (buried place) of Masomeenas, followed by Quranic Verses, 

which refer to the ritual of Hajj, traditions related to its sequence and intricacies. 

1. Hajj is incomplete without Ziarat-e-Masomeena.s

• It is compulsory on people to start Hajj from Mecca and end it by performing 

Ziarat of masomeenas



• Hajj all in all depends on meeting with Imamas meaning if a ‘Hajji’ did not try 

to meet with Imamas (Imam of his time) then his Hajj was a wasteful exercise, 

it is compulsory upon him to bear hardship of Hajj, perform Taufaw, then 

present himself to Imamas and renew his oath of ‘Wilayat3

’ and alliance.4

• All those who believe in Imamat of Imam Hussainas ‘Minjanib Allah’ 

(nominated by Allahswt), Ziarat-e-Imam Hussainas is compulsory on him.5

• Hajj is compulsory only once in lifetime, with condition of affordability, but 

Ziarat Imam Hussainas is wajib everyday, whoever does not do it commits 

atrocity against Imamas If it is not possible for a person to visit grave of Imam 

Hussainas everyday, then he should go to roof-top, look at right side then left 

side and then into sky and say ‘Salam’ to Imam-e-Mazloomas, it is equivalent 

to visiting grave of Imam Hussainas and sending ‘Salam’ from there.6

• For further traditions on ‘Ziarat and Ziarat etiquettes’, please see Appendix I.

2. Quranic Verses on Hajj

The first House [of worship] set up for mankind was the one at Mecca; it was 

blessed and a guidance for [everyone in] universe. 7

In it are clear signs [such as] Abraham’s station (Muqam-e-Ibrahim). Anyone who 

enters it will be secure. Pilgrimage to the House is a duty imposed on mankind by 

God, for anyone who can afford a way to do so. Anyone who disbelieves [will find] 

that God is Transcendent/Magnificent, beyond [any need of ] the Universe.8


 Books from fourth century (Islamic) writes, Sheikh Sadduq, Yaqoob Kulani 


 Manla Yahzar-al-Faqih, Vol.2, Traditions 3138-9. 


 Total discretions over him, his dependents and his belongings. 


 Farro-e-Kafi, Vol.4 Kitab-ul-Hajj, Chp. 213, Traditions 1,2. 


 Manla Yahzar-al-Faqih, Vol.2, Traditions 3177. 


 Manla Yahzar-al-Faqih, Vol.2, Traditions 3203. 


 Chapter 3, The House of Imran, Verse 96 


 Chapter 3, The House of Imran, Verse 97 

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