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Single Umrah

  • Publication date:   2015-09-17 22:44:16
  • Number of views:   514
Single Umrah Lingual meaning of Umrah Umrah in language means visit (ziarah). In jurisprudence, Umrah means visiting Kaaba along with its special rules. - Any person intends to visit Mecca, even for a short period of time, he must enter the holy city putting on pilgrim’s garment (Al-Ihram), in addition to intend performing Hajj or Umrah, if it was not during Hajj season, h

Single Umrah  

Lingual meaning of Umrah

Umrah in language means visit (ziarah). In jurisprudence, Umrah means visiting Kaaba along with its special rules.

- Any person intends to visit Mecca, even for a short period of time, he must enter the holy city putting on pilgrim’s garment (Al-Ihram), in addition to intend performing Hajj or Umrah, if it was not during Hajj season, he should wear pilgrim’s garment for performing “single Umrah”, and carrying out its acts according to the sequence approved by Islamic code.
Acts of single Umrah:

They are as the following:

1- Wearing pilgrim’s garment and repeating the intention.

2- Circumambulation. (Al-Tawaf).

3- Performing circumambulation’s prayer. (Salat Al-Tawaf).

4- Endeavor. (-Saai between Safa and Marwah).

5- Shortening and clipping (Takseer).

6- Lady’s circumambulation (Tawaf Al-Nisaa).

7- Lady’s circumambulation prayer (Salat Tawaf Al-Nisaa).

Time for performing single Umrah:

There is no specific period of time for performing single Umrah; it could be carried out at any time during the year.

Place for performing single Umrah acts:

* Wearing pilgrim’s garment (Ihram) at any rendezvous (Mawakit) or the nearest point to the holy mosque:

Wearing pilgrim’s garment- The first act of single Umrah:

Place of Ihram:

That group of pilgrims who begin their Hajj by having honor in visiting Prophet Muhammad’s shrine and Imams’ graves in Bakea in Medina, then they head for Mecca to perform single Umrah must put on pilgrim’s garment in Al-Shajarah mosque that is several kilometers away of Medina, but those who travel to Mecca via Jeddah city must go to Al-Johfah for putting on pilgrim’s garment.

With regard to Mecca’s inhabitants or those who live at the suburbs of the holy city must go to the nearest point (Mikat) to put on pilgrim’s garment, it is better for them to head for Al-Taneem mosque or Hodaibia or even Al-Jaaranah mosque.

Ihram procedure:

Men must take off sewed clothes (even underwear clothes), and putting on two pieces only, first piece covers the back as a loincloth, while the second covers the shoulders, then the pilgrims repeat the intention for single Umrah as follows:

“We are at your service our God; there is no partner to you”
For precautionary measure they must say:
“Praise and boon and reign belong to God, there is no partner with you, and we are at your service”.

** Ladies have the right to repeat the intention of Umrah while they are putting on their own clothes, they do not have to take off sewed clothes and put on two pieces as men do.

** Intention for Ihram must be said while pilgrims putting on the garments, this act and the following ones must be executed on the intention of obedience to God’s orders and decrees. It is not compulsory to repeat intention by raising the voice, even though it is possible.

Different issues:

1- Pilgrim’s clothes must be clean and lawful.
2- Ladies, as a precautionary measure, must refrain from putting on silky clothes.
3- If it happened that impurity touched pilgrim’s body or his clothes, as a precautionary measure, (must refer to religious scholars’ fatwa), he must purify his body and change his Hajj clothes.

Prohibited acts during Ihram:

From the moment of putting on pilgrim’s garment and repeating intention of Umrah, an individual becomes in a state of ritual consecration, he must refrain from prohibited acts until the end of Umrah acts.

Prohibited acts on the pilgrim are twenty four ones, four of those acts are prohibited by men, and two acts are prohibited by ladies, the rest of the twenty four acts are shared by men and women.

Mutual acts between men and women:

*Hunting desert animals.
*Sexual intercourse or any act of sexual desire.
*Use of fragrance and perfumes.
*Use of eyeliner.
*Looking at the mirror.
*Lying, insulting and boasting.
*Argument such as saying “no by God” or “yes by God”.
*Getting rid of insects.
*Putting a ring as a mean of ornament.
*To rub down the body with oil.
*Extraction body’s hair.
* Extraction blood from the body.
*Trimming nails.
*Extraction trees or plants in the boundary of the holy mosque.
*Carrying weapons.

*That prohibited for men:

*Wearing sewed clothes.
*Covering the whole foot.
*Covering head.
*Sitting under a ceiling of a vehicle during day time.

*That prohibited for ladies:

*Putting on jewelry as an act of ornament.
*Covering the face with a piece of veil.

Some of the prohibited acts are considered unlawful even during normal times, but during Ihram their sins are doubled which cause an atonement to be paid.

*The nearest mikat: is the nearest location for ihram to the holy mosque.
Mawakit are five locations: Al-Shajarah mosque, Al-Johfah, that Al-Erk, yalamlam and Karn Al-manazel.

*Circumambulation: in the holy mosque, around Kaaba:

Circumambulation- The second rite of single Umrah.
Whoever enters Mecca seeking single Umrah, must intend to circumambulate around Kaaba over seven stages.

Circumambulation’s procedure:

*A pilgrim must commence his circumambulation in front of the corner that the black stone is located in, his circumambulation terminates there also.
(The black stone is a sacred one; it has an oval appearance with black color. It is located at the eastern corner of Kaaba’s wall with a height of one and half meter from the surface of the holy mosque.

Today, there is a black line on the ground in front of the black stone until the end of the holy mosque courtyard as assistance for pilgrims to start and terminate their circumambulation.

*During circumambulation, Kaaba should be at the left side of the pilgrim, he must not face Kaaba or retreat while he is in circumambulation.

*A pilgrim must go around Ishmael’s place and refrain of going inside it during circumambulation.

Ishmael’s place: It is a small courtyard between Kaaba and a half circulated wall, its width is around ten meters, it starts from northern corner to the western one.
Whenever rain pours, water fills this courtyard through a gutter; Ishmael’s place is a burial for himself, his mother Hajar and various Prophets.

*Surrounding area of Kaaba is the venue for circumambulation, in particular the distance between “sacred Kaaba” and “Abraham’s shrine”, which is about thirteen meters, thus, this distance minimizes near Ishmael’s place(refer to religious scholars’ fatwa).

*If it happened that a pilgrim was unable to perform circumambulation in that space, due to illness, senility or congestion, he is allowed to circumambulate outside that area.

* An individual must be pure and clean during circumambulation, this means that he must achieve ablution and be clean of ritual impurity, while his clothes are clean also as he does during prayer.

*Circumambulation prayer: In the holy mosque, behind Abraham’s shrine:

Circumambulation prayer- Third act of single Umrah:

A pilgrim must perform prayer consisting of two knees after he accomplish his circumambulation. The intention is prayer for circumambulation.

*Circumambulation prayer procedure: It is the same as Morning Prayer, men and children are able to recite Al-Hamd chapter and another chapter either loudly or in a whisper.

*Time of circumambulation prayer: After performing circumambulation and right before going for endeavor between Safa and Marwah.

*Location of circumambulation prayer: In the holy mosque, behind Abraham’s shrine, that means the shrine should be located between pilgrim and sacred Kaaba. It is advisable that one who prays gets closer to the shrine as much as he could, (on condition that he does not irritate other pilgrims). All adults must be capable of reciting prayer in a correct way, in order to perform divine duties at their best condition, particularly for those who intend to performing Umrah or Hajj, they must be careful in executing their prayers including circumambulation prayer.

*Endeavor between Safa and Marwah mountains:

Safa and Marwah are two small mountains near the holy mosque in Mecca, a part of these two mountains were deducted a couple of years ago, also a covered two-story passage was erected between them.

Endeavor between Safa and Marwah- Forth act of single Umrah:

After performing circumambulation prayer, a pilgrim must cross the distance between Safa and Marwah over seven stages through the covered passage which is located near the holy mosque.

*Endeavor must commence from Safa and terminates at Marwah.

*The distance from Safa to Marwah is considered as one stage, and from Marwah to Safa another one, (thus seven stages are required).
One stage: Heading towards the target, here a stage is considered one time circumambulation around Kaaba and one time going between Safa and Marwah.

*Sitting for having some rest between Safa and Marwah is possible, even during endeavor, (Ayatollah Bihjat: As a precautionary measure, a pilgrim does not have to sit between Safa and Marwah without a lawful excuse). A pilgrim must resume his endeavor from the point he halted.

*It is not compulsory for pilgrim to be clean and pure while he is in endeavor process, even though it is recommendable.

*Endeavor at the second level of the passage is dubious, due to its higher location than the two mountains.

*Shaving and shortening: No specific place for them:

Although pilgrims use to shave or trim their hair near Marwah mountain.

Shortening and shaving- Fifth act of single Umrah:

A pilgrim must shorten his hair or clipping one of his nail after accomplishing endeavor between Safa and Marwah, (must refer to religious scholars’ Fatwa).
Having done that, all prohibited acts for a pilgrim during Ihram would be lawful to him once he achieves Al-Nasaa (ladies) circumambulation and its prayer.

*Time of shortening and clipping: Exactly after finishing endeavor between Safa and Marwah, although it is not compulsory to do so right after performing endeavor, but until shortening and clipping have not been done, all prohibited acts would not be lawful for a pilgrim.

*Place of shortening and clipping: There is no specified place to do so, although it is common that pilgrims do that act near “Marwah Mountain”.

*A pilgrim that has not done shortening or clipping can not do that act for another pilgrim.
Al-Nasaa (ladies) circumambulation and its prayer- In the holy mosque:

Al-Nasaa circumambulation and its prayer- Last act of single Umrah:

Having achieved shortening or clipping, a pilgrim must circumambulate around Kaaba over seven stages with the intention of performing Al-Nasaa circumambulation, and then he must pray behind Abraham’s shrine, with the intention of performing prayer of Al-Nasaa circumambulation.

- Abraham’s shrine: It is a stone bearing foot print of Prophet Abraham (pbuh) through a divine miracle. This stone is located at the holy mosque, thirteen meters away from the holy Kaaba; it is covered by a glassy cover looks like a small shrine.

*Al-Nasaa circumambulation and its prayer do not defer from Umrah circumambulation and its prayer except in the intention, therefore a pilgrim must start circumambulation in front of the black stone and terminates it there also.
During circumambulation, a pilgrim’s left shoulder must be towards Kaaba, with observing of specified conditions in circumambulation around Kaaba.

*Al-Nasaa circumambulation and its prayer do not relate to men only, it is compulsory for all individuals who perform single Umrah.

*After performing Al-Nasaa circumambulation and its prayer behind Abraham’s shrine, a wife would be lawful for her husband after she was not so during Ihram period.

*After shortening or clipping it is not compulsory to achieve Al-Nasaa circumambulation at once, if it happened to be delayed for a couple of days, there is no objection for that, but bearing in mind that a pilgrim who does not perform Al-Nasaa circumambulation and its prayer, his wife will not be lawful to him according to the religion, the same thing applies to the ladies also.

Children and acts of single Umrah:

Children are two types:

1- A discriminating child: He is the one who is able to discriminate between god and bad things, and can perform his duties on a right way.

2- Undiscriminating child: He is the one who has not reached the previous level yet.

A discriminating child puts on Ihram garment, and performs acts of Umrah by himself; in some cases he is not capable of doing so his guardian (his father for example) may help him in performing such acts.

As for an undiscriminating child’s acts:

1- Ihram: A child’s guardian helps him in putting on his Ihram garment, then he intends on behalf of the child, if the child is capable of repeating intention in a correct way, it is the guardian’s duty to say it then the child repeats after him, but if the child could not do so the guardian repeats it on his behalf.

2- Circumambulation: It is the guardian’s duty to take the child around Kaaba, if the child was able to do on his own, so he must do it; otherwise the guardian must carry the child and perform circumambulation around the ancient house(Kaaba).

3- Circumambulation prayer: The guardian must force the child to perform prayer, if he was not capable of doing so it would be the guardian’s duty to perform it on his behalf.

4- Endeavor between Safa and Marwah: The child must be taken there and perform endeavor he is in this respect like circumambulation around Kaaba.

5- Shortening and clipping: A part of his hair or one of his nails must be shortened or clipped; if he is a boy his hair can be shaved.
6- Al-Nasaa (ladies) circumambulation and its prayer: The child must do that like Umrah circumambulation.


1- Putting on Ihram garment on a child and taking him to Umrah is not compulsory, it is recommendable. Therefore, people who are willing to take their children to Umrah then they put on ihram garment on them must scrutinize their deeds in order to perform their acts properly, and avoid any unlawful performance.

2- A child who puts on ihram garment for single Umrah must be ritually pure during circumambulation and prayer.
Therefore, if the child was discriminating, he should perform ablution at its best way, otherwise it would be the guardian’s duty to teach him so, if the child was not able to perform ablution, the guardian must do that or assist him in doing so.

3- A child who put on ihram garment and repeated intention for performing single Umrah must do Al-Nasaa circumambulation and its prayer. If he did not do so he would not be able to get married unless he achieves Al-Nasaa circumambulation and its prayer or appoints somebody as deputy in doing so.

4- A child or a man who were not circumcised, their circumambulation is not religiously lawful; therefore, children who were not circumcised should not put on ihram garment, even though they were discriminating.

5- During ihram time, the child’s guardian must prohibit him of doing any unlawful act, but sitting under a ceiling, which is forbidden for adults, is lawful for children.

6- During endeavor between Safa and Marwah and circumambulation around Kaaba, conditions must be observed by pilgrims. For example, while he circumambulates around Kaaba child’s garment must be clean and pure, and his left shoulder must be towards Kaaba, in addition to that, he must be awake during circumambulation. Thus, we recommend to those respected individuals to refrain from putting ihram garment on their children if they were unable to control their attitudes.

Recommendable circumambulation and farewell circumambulation:

Recommendable circumambulation:

*One of the recommended acts in Mecca is circumambulation around Kaaba.

*There is no difference between obligatory and recommended circumambulation, performing prayer after recommendable circumambulation is considered recommendable as well.

*It is not obligatory to perform prayer related to recommendable circumambulation behind Abraham’s shrine; it is possible at any spot of the holy mosque, in particular during heavy congestion, an individual should observe other pilgrims.

Farewell circumambulation:

*It is recommended for any pilgrim intending to leave Mecca to perform a farewell circumambulation.

*A farewell circumambulation consists of seven stages; all Umrah conditions must be observed in it, as performing its prayer is recommendable.

*One of the recommendable acts in Mecca is to ask almighty God to bestow on the pilgrim the opportunity to return to the holy mosque once more.

“From Umrah pictorial rituals book- Writer: Muhammad Hussein Falahzadeh-

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