Friday 22nd of November 2024
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A Tradition from Imam Hussein (A.S)

A man once came to him asking for advice since he could not stop committing sin. The Imam (A.S) asked him to do any of the following five things and then he could sin as he wished: 1. Do not eat from the sustenance of Allah, and then sin as you like. 2. Go out of the kingdom of Allah, and then sin as you li
A Tradition from Imam Hussein (A.S)

A man once came to him asking for advice since he could not stop committing sin. The Imam (A.S) asked him to do any of the following five things and then he could sin as he wished:
1. Do not eat from the sustenance of Allah, and then sin as you like.
2. Go out of the kingdom of Allah, and then sin as you like.
3. Find a place where Allah does not see you and then sin as you like.
4. When the Angel of Death approaches you to take your soul, stop him from doing so.
5. When you are dragged into the hell fire at the command of Allah, refuse to enter.

source : sibtayn
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