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There are numerous narrations, as well, which irrevocably prove the fact that the Prophet of Islam is the last prophet.

  • Publication date:   2009-11-30 06:30:38
  • Number of views:   578

There are numerous narrations, as well, which irrevocably prove the fact that the Prophet of Islam is the last prophet.

Some of these narrations are as follows:

In an authentic narration from J¡bir Ibn `Abdull¡h An¥¡r¢, the Prophet(s) said:

“Among the prophets I am like the last brick in the construction of a building. Everybody who looks at the building admires it. They say: this building is beautiful except for the fact that one brick is missing. I am that missing brick. I am the completer in the line of the Prophets.”([1])

Imam ¯¡diq (s) says:

حَلاَلُ مُحَمَّدٍ حَلاَلٌ أَبَداً إلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ وَحَرَامُهُ حَرَامٌ أَبَداً إلَى يَوْمِ الْقِيَامَةِ.

“What Mu¦ammad made ¦al¡l [i.e. something considered Islamically permissible by the Prophet(s)] would be ¦al¡l until the Day of Resurrection Day. And what he made ¦ar¡m [i.e. something prohibited by Islam] would be ¦ar¡m until the Day of resurrection.”([2])

In a well-known narration, narrated by both Sh¢`ah and Sunni traditionists, we read that the Prophet told Imam `Al¢(s):

أَنْتَ مِنِّي بِمَنْزِلَةِ هَارُونَ مِنْ مُوسَى إلاَّ أَنَّهُ لَيْسَ نَبِيٌّ بَعْدِي.

“You are to me as Aaron was to Moses except for the fact that there will be no Prophet after me.”

There are ten other narrations like this one, in the literature.

There are some issues concerning Mu¦ammad as the Last Prophet:

Some say, if the mission of the prophets is a divine benefit, why should the people of these days be deprived of such a benefit? Why should there not be a leader to guide people today?

Those who utter such words are ignorant of the fact that the deprivation of the people today of having a Prophet could not be considered as a weak-point for people; rather, due to the fact that people of the world have matured sufficiently, there is no need for another Prophet. These people could use Islamic guidelines to continue their lives.

To clarify the issue, let us give an example: There have been five prophets who brought divine books (i.e. those in authority); they were Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and the Prophet of Islam(s). Each one of these had tried to lead the people of the world during an era in human history. Each Prophet then passed on his mission to the next. This succession of missions continued up to the point when the people of the world had arrived at their destination. This resembles the act of a student who finishes his stages of education up to the time when he graduates from university.

Now, if a doctor does not attend either elementary school or participate in BA programs, it does not mean that he does not deserve to attend school. Rather, it implies that he has enough knowledge now to make him capable of solving his own problems and make progress in life.

Still, another question may be raised, human society is always in a stare of flux; everything is changing rapidly. How could Islam, with its unchanging laws, care for human needs today?

Now, let us answer this important question: There are two series of laws in Islam. One series of laws are like man’s specific traits, unchangeable, such as struggling: struggle against injustice and the like.

There is another set of rules which change if human needs change. For instance, in Islam we have a principle, called (أَوْفُوا بِالْعُقُودِ) [Respect your contracts].

Naturally, with the passage of time, there will appear all sorts of useful social, trade and political contracts which could be considered under the above principle.

There is, yet, another principle, that says, “Any verdict or rule which could be detrimental to the individual’s wellbeing should be deleted from the system of laws.”

You would notice how such general Islamic laws could be useful in solving human problems. There are many good laws like these in Islam. With the help of such rules, we were able to solve the perplexing obstacles and difficulties related to the Islamic Revolution in recent years.

Still, another question might be raised: No doubt, we will need a guide to solve our religious problems, however, in the absence of a Prophet and his substitute, there might be some obstacles facing Islam. As a result, is this not a blow against Islam?

To answer this question: We should know that Islam has made provision for this issue. It has entrusted us with the wil¡yat al-faq¢h which means that a learned and pious jurisprudent can solve the problems of the Muslims. The way to recognize such a social and religious position is explicitly stated in Islamic law. Therefore, there is no need to worry.

Thus, wil¡yat al-faq¢h is the continuation of the mission of the prophets and the Infallibles (s). Therefore, Islamic societies should never lack leaders.([3])


What is meant by the statement: The Prophet of Islam is the Last Prophet?

How could we derive this principle from the verses of the Holy Qur’¡n?

Why should the people of our time be deprived of having another Prophet?

How many types of Islamic laws are there? How could they cope with the needs of our people today?

Can an Islamic society be without a leader? How is the issue of leadership solved in our time?

([1])Majma` al-Bay¡n.

([2])U¥£l al-K¡f¢, vol. 1, p 58.

([3]) For further information see the book called A Design for the Islamic Government written by this author.

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