Sunday 22nd of December 2024
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What are the special features of the months of Shabaan and Ramadhan?

What are the special features of the months of Shabaan and Ramadhan?

The month of Ramadhan, is the month of prophethood and the month of Shabaan the month of Imamate. The month of Ramadhan has Laylatul Qadr and the month of Shabaan has the night of 15th of Shabaan (which is also important). The month of Ramadhan is blessed because it has Laylatul Qadr and the month of Shabaan is blessed because it has the nigh of 15th of Shabaan. As the Prophet (PBUH) in reality is the ruler over all beings (creatures); Imam Mahdi (AJ) is in the same way the ruler over all beings. The Prophet of Islam (PBUH) is the seal of the prophets and Imam Mahdi (AJ) is the seal of Welayat. Therefore, we must have respect for these two months [1].

[1] Sahifeh Imam, Vol. 20, Page 248, Jamaraan, 13 April 1987.

source : shafaqna
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