Tuesday 1st of October 2024
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The position of Lady Khadijah (AS) according to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)

The position of Lady Khadijah (AS) according to the Prophet of Islam (PBUH)

Anas ibn Malik narrated from the Prophet of Islam who said: The best women of the world are, Maryam bint (the daughter of) Imran, Asiyah bint Mozahem, Khadijah bint Khowailed and Fatima bint Mohammad (PBUH) [1]. In Sahihayn, it is narrated from Aishah who said: The Prophet (PBUH) gave the glad tidings of a house in paradise to (Lady) Khadijah (AS) which there is no loud noises, no sufferings nor any inconveniences in there [2].

[1] Asadul Qabeh, Vol. 5, Page 437.

[2] Al- Asabah, Vol. 4, Page 282 and Asadul Qabeh, Vol. 5, Page 438.

source : Shafaqna
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