Friday 27th of September 2024
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Divine Acceptance of the true servants of God

Divine Acceptance of the true servants of God

Allah (SWT) in a Divine Narration said: Swear to My Glory, Splendour, Beauty, Elegance, Eminence of My Position and Place that no servant of Mine preferring God’s wishes to his/her own unless I will make all his/her efforts directed towards the affairs of the hereafter, will place independence in his/her heart, will recompense for his/her sadness and difficulties, will make the skies and the earth guarantors for his/her sustenance and will provide for his/her worldly needs even if the world is angry with him/her and I will be behind him/her in any trade [1]. In a revelation to Dawood (AS), Allah (SWT) said: O’ Dawood, there is no servant of Mine who obeys Me unless I grant him/her more than what he/she asks for, and will accept his/her words before he/she calls Me [2].

[1] Sokhane Khoda, Ayatollah Seyyed Hassan Shirazi, Page 196.
[2] As above, page 195.

source : Shafaqna
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