Monday 17th of June 2024
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Six important cases in our lives

Six important cases in our lives

It is narrated from Salman (RA) who said: I am amazed at six things; three of them make me laugh and three of them make me cry. Those which make me cry are: Separation from friends of the Prophet Mohammad (PBUH); trepidation of the Day of Judgment; and standing in front of God. But three other things which make me laugh are: The one who is seeking the world but at the same time death is after him/her; the one who is negligent but he/she is not being neglected, meaning God is observing his/her deeds; and the third is the one whose mouth opens to laugh but does not know whether God is satisfied with him/her or not [1].

[1[ Mizanul Hekmah, Vol. 9, Hadith 15169.

source : Shafaqna
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